suppose i have a gam object
gamobject<- gam( Y~ s(X1)+s(X2)+ X3)
I would like to extract the predicted partial effect of X3 but selecting
it by its name, as it's to be included in a function and i don't always
know the exact position of X3.
something like predict(gamobject,type="terms")["X3",]. But that doesn't
work as there's no name.
So, looking at the object i get when using predict(gamobject,
type="terms"), i would like to name the rows of that object that reflect
the original formula, something close to the output from predict.gam in
Any ideas?

O__ ---- Alain Le Tertre
 c/ /'_ --- Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS)
(*) \(*) -- 12 rue du val d'Osne
~~~~~~~~~~ - 94415 Saint Maurice cedex FRANCE
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