[R] chronological scatterplots

2007-03-08 Thread Steven F White
Greets Folks, I've been wrestling with how to better control plotting of time data and just can't seem to see the right path. My dataset has thousands of points distributes across a number of years. I would like to plot the responses according to increasing time with nice boundaries - perhaps

Re: [R] chronological scatterplots

2007-03-08 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Read R News 4/1 help desk article about dates. Also see ?as.yearmon in the zoo package. library(zoo) dd - Sys.Date() + seq(1, 1000, 100) dd [1] 2007-03-09 2007-06-17 2007-09-25 2008-01-03 2008-04-12 [6] 2008-07-21 2008-10-29 2009-02-06 2009-05-17 2009-08-25 ym - as.yearmon(dd) ym [1] Mar