I would have expected the function getAnywhere to have behaved
differently in the following:

> search()
 [1] ".GlobalEnv"                  "file:C:/R/Rdata/miya/.Rdata"
 [3] "package:boot"                "package:methods"
 [5] "package:ctest"               "package:mva"
 [7] "package:modreg"              "package:nls"
 [9] "package:ts"                  "Autoloads"
[11] "package:base"

> getAnywhere(basic.ci)
Error in getAnywhere(basic.ci) : Object "basic.ci" not found

> basic.ci<-get("basic.ci",environment(boot))

> getAnywhere(basic.ci)
A single object matching `basic.ci' was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for basic from namespace boot
with value

function (t0, t, conf = 0.95, hinv = function(t) t)
    qq <- norm.inter(t, (1 + c(conf, -conf))/2)
    out <- cbind(conf, matrix(qq[, 1], ncol = 2), matrix(hinv(2 *
        t0 - qq[, 2]), ncol = 2))
<environment: namespace:boot>

Why did getAnywhere not "see" basic.ci in the environment from which I
"got" it?

Cliff Lunneborg, Professor Emeritus, Statistics &
Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle

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