I have an S4 class which extends array and has other slots, and in upgrading
to 2.0.1 (from 1.9.1) I have encountered a change in behaviour. This causes
me some difficulties if I want to allow 2-dimensional arrays in the slot
(which I do).

The following (in 2.0.1) illustrates the point:

> setClass("foo",representation("array"))
[1] "foo"
> a <- new("foo",array(NA,2:4))
> b <- new("foo",matrix(NA,2,3))
Error in "as<-"(`*tmp*`, Classi, value = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)) :
        No method or default for as() replacement of "foo" with

This last error did not occur under 1.9.1.

This becomes a practical consideration in an extract method:

> setMethod("[", c("foo"),  function(x, i, j, ..., drop)
+     {
+     if(missing(i)) {i <- min(1,nrow(x)):nrow(x)}
+     if(missing(j)) {j <- min(1,ncol(x)):ncol(x)}
+     if(missing(drop)) {drop <- TRUE}
+     subx <- [EMAIL PROTECTED], j, ..., drop = drop]
+     new("foo",subx)
+     })
[1] "["
> a[,,1]
Error in "as<-"(`*tmp*`, Classi, value = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)) :
        No method or default for as() replacement of "foo" with

This is changed behaviour from 1.9.1, for the reason above.

I can try to assign the matrix an array class, but the 2-dimensional object
has a special status, viz:

> class(as(1,"array"))
[1] "array"
> dim(as(1,"array"))
[1] 1


> class(as(matrix(1,1,1),"array"))
[1] "matrix"

I have checked using extends(), and matrix and array still extend one
another (hence there is a trivial but unhelpful answer to the title of this

getClass() shows some differences, but I am not sure whether they are
related to this issue:



No Slots, prototype of class "matrix"

Extends: "structure", "array"

Known Subclasses:
Class "array", directly, with explicit test and coerce



No Slots, prototype of class "matrix"

Class "structure", directly
Class "array", directly
Class "vector", by class "structure", with explicit coerce
Class "vector", by class "array", with explicit coerce

Known Subclasses:
Class "array", directly, with explicit test and coerce

My question is: how can I get a 2-dimensional object into the slot in my S4
class, or into the class "foo" in the minimal example above?

[OS = Windows XP]

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