[R] I have some problem about GLM function.

2005-01-09 Thread may sawasdee
Dear R-Help I 'm using GLM function to Modelling. But when I used Gamma Family in GLM, then I can't run. It was error > glm(DamageRatio~MinTEMP+MaxTEMP+DayRain+Group1+Group2+Group3+Year,family=Gamma()) Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Non-positive values not allowed for the gamma family

[R] Why can't run Gamma Distribution by GLM?

2005-01-17 Thread may sawasdee
> y<-cy<-c(15,16,17,0,20,50,0,11,60,12) > x<-c(1,6,3,11,13,20,12,14,15,3) > gamma<-glm(y~x,family=Gamma()) Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Non-positive values not allowed for the gamma family but if i change data of y is > y1<-c(15,16,17,12,20,50,51,11,60,12) ## doesn't have zero then I