Re: [R] integers

2007-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On 9/4/07, Christoph Heibl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> The function is.integer tests if an object is of type integer:
>> see e.g.:
>> is.integer(12)  # FALSE
>> is.real(12) # TRUE
>> mode(12)# "numeric"
>> But how can I test if a number is actually an integer? R seek is
>> difficult to search in this case because it mainly yields entries
>> about the integer()-function family.
>> Thanks for any hint!
>> Christoph Heibl
> ?mode
> r = 12
> is.integer(r)
> is.double(r)
[1] TRUE
> i = as.integer(r)
> storage.mode(r)
[1] "double"
> storage.mode(i)
[1] "integer"

Paolo Sonego

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[R] eBay Security Service Notification

2007-08-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[R] Incomplete Gamma function

2007-08-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am trying to evaluate an Incomplete gamma function
in R. Library Zipfr gives the Igamma function. From
Mathematica, I have:

"Gamma[a, z] is the incomplete gamma function."

In[16]: Gamma[9,11.1]
Out[16]: 9000.5

Trying the same in R, I get

> Igamma(9,11.1)
[1] 31319.5
> Igamma(11.1,9)
[1] 1300998

I know I have to understand the theory and the math
behind it rather than just ask for help, but while I
am trying to do that (and only taking baby steps, I
must admit), I was hoping someone could help me out.




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[R] pca

2007-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using rcmdr i performed a pca
now i would like to build the orrelation matrix starting from the scores 
given by rcmdr...
any function about?
moreover, i should transform the pca components values from 0 to 256.


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[R] moran's i

2007-08-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
how to calculate moran's i having a matrix of species vs. plots?

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[R] distance by vegan

2007-08-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How to calculate sorensen (bray-curtis) distance by dist  function 
within the vegan package?


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[R] export to txt

2007-08-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just used the table () function for building a presence/absence matrix 
of plots vs. species
Now I would like to export the result to a txt file.

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[R] Linear models and a simple time series

2007-08-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working on modeling a wild animal population.  Two data vectors:  the herd
count from year to year (estimated by a 
sampling procedure), and the number of animals killed by hunters.  Task is
to find the natural growth rate of the herd 
(A simplification, but preserves the essentials.)

My question is whether the R procedure lm() is an appropriate tool to
estimate the growth rate.

year   <-1991:2007
year.0 <-which(year==1991)
year.1 <-year.0+1
year.ult   <-length(year)



#lm(formula = y ~ x - 1)
#   Min 1Q Median 3QMax 
#-11893  -1114   1137   3553   6069 
#   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#bb  1.212170.03185   38.05 2.45e-16 ***
#Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
#Residual standard error: 4372 on 15 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-Squared: 0.9897, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9891 
#F-statistic:  1448 on 1 and 15 DF,  p-value: 2.453e-16 

The model seems to fit the data very well, and I am willing to believe that
a growth rate of 1.21217 gives the best fit
in a least-squares sense.  However, because the dependent and independent
variables are highly correlated, I question whether
the variance calculations are accurate in this case.  Is lm() really the
appropriate tool to be using here?

Any insights would be welcome. - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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Re: [R] sapply?

2007-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I tried to perform a two way anova on my data, but I got this error

vitignova<-sapply(vitigni.df[,1:length(vitigni)], FUN=function(x) 
Errore in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") : 
i contrasti si possono applicare solo a variabili factor con 2 o più 

how can I solve this problem? I thank u for your patience and attention.

-- Initial Header ---

To  : "casot" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc  : "r-help"
Date  : Thu,  2 Aug 2007 08:53:32 +0200
Subject : [R] sapply?

> I have to compare four different grape varieties proteome in two different 
> years. I don't know what test would be more suitable for my data. I think 
> that an anova two way can be usefull also if someone suggested me to perform 
> a manova. In addiction, I can perform each test on a single protein a time, 
> but I can't loose my whole life carrying out anova (I have more than 1000 
> protein to analyze)!!! I would like to perform the test on every column of 
> the dataframe in a single run. How can I do that? I attach an example of some 
> protein of my dataset
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode™ di Wind
> >
> > 
> > 
> --
> Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode™ di Wind

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[R] sapply?

2007-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have to compare four different grape varieties proteome in two different 
years. I don't know what test would be more suitable for my data. I think that 
an anova two way can be usefull also if someone suggested me to perform a 
manova. In addiction, I can perform each test on a single protein a time, but I 
can't loose my whole life carrying out anova (I have more than 1000 protein to 
analyze)!!! I would like to perform the test on every column of the dataframe 
in a single run. How can I do that? I attach an example of some protein of my 
> --
> Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode™ di Wind

Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode™ di Wind

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Re: [R] Simple table with frequency variable

2007-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have to compare four different grape varieties proteome in two different 
years. I don't know what test would be more suitable for my data. I think that 
an anova two way can be usefull also if someone suggested me to perform a 
manova. In addiction, I can perform each test on a single protein a time, but I 
can't loose my whole life carrying out anova (I have more than 1000 protein to 
analyze)!!! I would like to perform the test on every column of the dataframe 
in a single run. How can I do that? I attach an example of some protein of my 

Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode™ di Wind

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Re: [R] Two-way ANOVA

2007-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I forget to specify that the data in the table are random. and I want to know 
how it is possible to carry out all the two way ANOVA test in a single run for 
all the columns. thank you

-- Initial Header ---

To  : 
Cc  : "r-help"
Date  : Wed,  1 Aug 2007 16:57:39 +0200
Subject : [R]  Two-way ANOVA

> I've got this dataframe
>X12 X14 X17 X19 vitigni years
> 11   4  78  54 rie  2005
> 21   4   7   4 rie  2005
> 31   4  75   5 rie  2005
> 42   5  66   5croa  2005
> 51   4   4  46croa  2005
> 62   5   7   6croa  2005
> 73   2  56   5 rie  2006
> 83   6   4   7 rie  2006
> 93   2  36   7 rie  2006
> 10   1   5   3   7croa  2006
> 11   1 342  65   7croa  2006
> 12   1   4  56   6croa  2006
> vitigni and years are the two factors. how can I run a two way ANOVA on each 
> column?
> --
> Scegli infostrada: ADSL gratis per tutta l’estate e telefoni senza canone 
> Telecom
> __
> mailing list
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__ mailing list
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[R] Two-way ANOVA

2007-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've got this dataframe

   X12 X14 X17 X19 vitigni years
11   4  78  54 rie  2005
21   4   7   4 rie  2005
31   4  75   5 rie  2005
42   5  66   5croa  2005
51   4   4  46croa  2005
62   5   7   6croa  2005
73   2  56   5 rie  2006
83   6   4   7 rie  2006
93   2  36   7 rie  2006
10   1   5   3   7croa  2006
11   1 342  65   7croa  2006
12   1   4  56   6croa  2006

vitigni and years are the two factors. how can I run a two way ANOVA on each 

Scegli infostrada: ADSL gratis per tutta l’estate e telefoni senza canone 

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[R] presence/absence matrix

2007-07-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a table such that:

sample #   species

and i would like to build a matrix with species names (i.e. a b and c) 
as field names and samples (i.e. 1,2 and 3) as row names
and 1/0 as inner values
such as:
a   b   c
1   1   1   0
2   1   0   1
3   0   1   0

I am currently using Rcmdr package for managing datasets but need a 
function about I tried to use stack function but only with worst results


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Re: [R] [R-sig-DB] RODBC on Oracle DB

2007-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, it's a quesion of rights. My system administrator just confirme that.
And I also try with a small Oracle client, and same as R, no permission to read
On R with RODBC I could list the tables but no permission to read or import 
But I get confused because I was using the same Oracle user with an MS Access
client, wich works perfectly even to importe table from Oracle DB.
My system admin told me that this Oracle user is in fact a synomyme or duplicata
from the real Oracle account. But why this very same account can import table 
the MS Access client ? This remains mystery to me.  
As soon as may sysadmin return from vacations, I will clear that out. 
grettings et thanks to everyone.
Eric R. 

On Mer Juil 18 17:50 , Marc Schwartz  sent:

>I think that you are on to something there Don.
>I just tried accessing a table from our Oracle server, which I do know
>exists, but for which I do not have access permissions.
>Using the following query in the Oracle Instant Client:
>  select table_name from all_tables;
>I can get a list of all tables on the server, which includes a table
>called INCOMPATIBLE_USER_AGENTS, for which I do not have access
>When attempting to query the table in the Instant Client I get:
>  *
>ERROR at line 1:
>ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
>When running the same query from R using RODBC I get:
>> sqlQuery(db, "select * from INCOMPATIBLE_USER_AGENTS")
>[1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect"
>[2] "42S02 942 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist\n"
>So it looks like permission issues may be possible here.  Eric,
>definitely confirm with your SysAdmins that you have appropriate
>On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 07:43 -0700, Don MacQueen wrote:
>> I believe I have seen that error message from 
>> Oracle when I tried to query a table for which I 
>> did not have "select" privileges (and when I knew 
>> for certain that the table existed). Ask your 
>> database administrator about the table, and make 
>> sure that you do have that privilege.
>> What I am uncertain about is whether Oracle, when 
>> asked to list tables, returns a list that 
>> includes tables for which the user does not have 
>> select privileges.
>> -Don
>> At 9:24 AM +0200 7/17/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >essai 
>> >uid="osis_r",  pwd="12miss15" ,case="oracle")
>> >
>> >>  sqlTables(essai)$ORESTE
>> >
>> >...
>> >
>> >
>> >...
>> >
>> >>  sqlQuery(essai, "select * from S_TYP_COLLEGES")
>> >[1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect"   
>> >[2] "42S02 942 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante\n"
>> >
>> >I have also tried the
>> >essai2 
>> >But with no succes.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >On Lun Juil 16 15:32 , Prof Brian Ripley [EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:
>> >
>> >>The problem could be quoting, if Oracle is not standards-compliant.
>> >>See the options in ?odbcConnect.
>> >>
>> >>If sqlQuery(essai, "select * from S_TYP_COLLEGES") works, this is likely
>> >>to be the problem.
>> >>
>> >>On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>>  essai
>> >>>>  odbcGetInfo(essai)
>> >>>DBMS_Name DBMS_Ver  Driver_ODBC_Ver
>> >>> "Oracle" "09.00.0121"  "03.51"
>> >>>  Data_Source_Name  Driver_Name   Driver_Ver
>> >>>"ORESTE_prod""SQORA32.DLL" "09.00.0101"
>> >>> ODBC_Ver  Server_Name
>> >>> "03.52."   &qu

[R] plot centered line on barplot

2007-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R user,

I need plot an histogram for the occurrence of a dataset, and then add a line 
corresponding to the freuqnecy of another similar dataset. in order to do this 
i used the function 
> hist_data1=hist(data1, breaks= seq(0,50,5), plot=FALSE)
> hist_data2=hist(data2, breaks= seq(0,50,5), plot=FALSE)

then I plotted the frequency

> barplot(hist_data1$density)
> lines(hist_data1$density)

but the line is shifted in respect to the center of the bars. how can I 
properly plot the line? another question. this is easy, how can I smooth the 
curve (not fit with loess of spline)?



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Re: [R] [R-sig-DB] RODBC on Oracle DB

2007-07-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

essai <- odbcConnect("ORESTE_prod",  uid="osis_r",  pwd="12miss15" 

> sqlTables(essai)$ORESTE




> sqlQuery(essai, "select * from S_TYP_COLLEGES")
[1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect"
[2] "42S02 942 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante\n"

I have also tried the 
essai2 <- odbcDriverConnect(connection="essai2")
But with no succes. 

On Lun Juil 16 15:32 , Prof Brian Ripley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>The problem could be quoting, if Oracle is not standards-compliant.
>See the options in ?odbcConnect.
>If sqlQuery(essai, "select * from S_TYP_COLLEGES") works, this is likely 
>to be the problem.
>On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> essai 
>>> odbcGetInfo(essai)
>>   DBMS_Name DBMS_Ver  Driver_ODBC_Ver
>>"Oracle" "09.00.0121"  "03.51"
>> Data_Source_Name  Driver_Name   Driver_Ver
>>   "ORESTE_prod""SQORA32.DLL" "09.00.0101"
>>ODBC_Ver  Server_Name
>>"03.52."   "weba"
>>> sqlTables(essai)
>> The result of this function is a liste of tables, one of them is called:
>>> sqlFetch(essai,"S_TYP_COLLEGES")
>> [1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect"
>> [2] "42S02 942 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante\n"
>>> sqlFetch(essai, "S_TYP_COLLEGES", colnames=TRUE, rownames=FALSE)
>> [1] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect"
>> [2] "42S02 942 [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante\n"
>> What could be the problem here ?
>> Any help is welcome
>> Eric Röthlisberger, Neuchâtel
>> ___
>> R-sig-DB mailing list -- R Special Interest Group
>Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Professor of Applied Statistics,
>University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
>1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
>Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

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[R] R file via SSH

2007-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Goodmorning everybody,
I need to run an R program via SSH. Usually I open R, I run the 
program and I stay logged-in, waiting for the output. As a matter of 
fact, if I close the connection with SSH I loose the calculations and 
the output of my R program. What command I have to use in order to 
preseve the calculations and the output without staying logged-in a SSH 
thanks in advance


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[R] Fees to use R

2007-07-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Good morning to all,

I work for a bank in Italy, I want to know if i can install R and relative add 
on like Rbloomberg for free or my company has to pay some fee.
tanks to all.
Stefano Colucci

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[R] copula estimation wih time series marginals

2007-07-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am using R 2.5.1 for windows and my purpose is to estimate a clayton copula . 
Since I have two time series marginals, I found that the most appropriate model 
was an ARMA(1,0)+GARCH(1,1) model for both with sstd as conditional 
distribution. Can anyone give me some tips about the code to estimate the 
Thanks in advance

Gaetano Rossi

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[R] Cochran-Armitage

2007-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have to calculate a Cochran-Armitage test on data. I don't know much 
on this test and then, I have few questions on the independence_test 
function. I have read the help and search the archives but this doesn't 
help me...
- They are two ways: either with a formula (independence_test(tumor ~ 
dose, data = lungtumor, teststat = "quad")) or with a table 
(independence_test(table(lungtumor$dose, lungtumor$tumor), teststat = 
Why this difference ? The two ways do not give the same results... Why 
- In the teststat option, what is the difference between "quad", "max" 
and "scalar" ? What is used generaly ?
- Why choosing approximate or asymptotic distribution if an exact test 
can be calculate ?
For a classical Cochran Armitage test (nothing special was specified 
so I guess I have to do the most classical Cochran Armitage test), 
which options should I use ?
Thanks for your help.
Delphine Fontaine

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Re: [R] optional fields in function declarations; Solved

2007-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thank you to both Adaikalavan and Patrick.

on the basis of Adaikalavan example this is an example that point out  my 

>log_raise=function(num, exp, base){return(log(num^exp,base))}

I would like to have optional fields, so some settings to be default parameters;
if I declare the function as above the operator must of course input all the 

Finally I could fix as follow.

> log_raise=function(num, exp=2, base=exp){return(log(num^exp,base))}

thank you helps, cheers


Patrick Burns

-- Initial Header ---

>From  : "Adaikalavan Ramasamy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc  : "r-help"
Date  : Sun, 20 May 2007 00:21:32 +0100
Subject : Re: [R] optional fields in function declarations

> Can you provide an simple example of what you want the function to do?
> Generally, I set some value in the default.
> raise <- function(x, power=1){ return( x^power ) }
>  > raise(5)
> [1] 5
>  > raise(5,3)
> [1] 125
> Or you can do the same but in a slightly unclear manner.
> raise <- function(x, power){
>if(missing(power)) power <- 1
>return( x^power )
> }
> I prefer the former.
> Regards, Adai
> > Dear R users,
> > 
> > I need to create a set of function to solve some tasks. I want to leave the 
> > operator to decide whether uses default parameters or change it; so the 
> > functions may have some optional fields. I tied to use the function 
> > missing(), but it will work properly only if the optional field is 
> > decleared at last in the function.
> > Can you give me some suggestion an some reference?
> > 
> > thank you.
> > 
> > 
> > Claudio
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Passa a Infostrada. ADSL e Telefono senza limiti e senza canone Telecom
> >
> > 
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide
> > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> > 
> > 
> > 

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[R] optional fields in function declarations

2007-05-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R users,

I need to create a set of function to solve some tasks. I want to leave the 
operator to decide whether uses default parameters or change it; so the 
functions may have some optional fields. I tied to use the function missing(), 
but it will work properly only if the optional field is decleared at last in 
the function.
Can you give me some suggestion an some reference?

thank you.


Passa a Infostrada. ADSL e Telefono senza limiti e senza canone Telecom

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[R] Fwd: RE: importing sas datasets

2007-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Dan,

sorry for the precedent email, I created a csv file of only
1000 records by mistake, that's why R has only read 1000



- Messaggio Inoltrato  -
A : "Daniel Nordlund"
Oggetto : RE: [R] importing sas datasets
Data : Fri, 27 Apr 2007 08:34:09 +0100

Hi Dan,

thanks for the help, I'll try to resolve the sas.get problem
in a second moment , actually I bypassed the problem
creating a .csv file from my dataset and then using the
read.csv function to import it into R. The only problem is
that R imports only a 1000 observations, is that normal? Or
did I have to specify an option?

thanks and have a nice day


- Original Message -
Da : "Daniel Nordlund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oggetto : RE: [R] importing sas datasets
Data : Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:09:47 -0700

> Anna,
> My comment about var=("  ")  being the problem is probably
> wrong.  Apparently R and the sas.get function can handle
> that specification just fine (I have some learning to do
> myself).  I have a question about the error message below.
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April
> > 23, 2007 8:45 AM To: John Kane; Daniel Nordlund;
> > Subject: Re: [R] importing sas
> > datasets 
> > Hi John and Daniel,
> > 
> > Thanks for your suggestions, I updated line 127 of the
> > sas.get function  but after submitting the following
> > command:
> > 
> > c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001", var=("   "),
> > format.library="d:\\R\\R-2.4.1",
> > sasprog='"C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe"') (also
> > trying with sasprog="C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS
> > 9.1\\sas.exe") 
> > the log signaled the following error:
> > 
> > Errore in system(paste(shQuote(sasprog), shQuote(sasin),
> > "-log", shQuote(log.file)),  :
> > unused argument(s) (output = FALSE)
> The error says there are unused arguments in the system
> function call.  So that's where I would focus to try to
> solve this problem.  However, I can't replicate the
> problem on my Windows XP Pro system.  So at this point I
> can't be of much help.  
> Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time,
> Dan 
> Daniel Nordlund
> Bothell, WA USA

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Re: [R] importing sas datasets

2007-04-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Dan,

thanks for the help, I'll try to resolve the sas.get problem
in a second moment , actually I bypassed the problem
creating a .csv file from my dataset and then using the
read.csv function to import it into R. The only problem is
that R imports only a 1000 observations, is that normal? Or
did I have to specify an option?

thanks and have a nice day


- Original Message -
Da : "Daniel Nordlund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oggetto : RE: [R] importing sas datasets
Data : Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:09:47 -0700

> Anna,
> My comment about var=("  ")  being the problem is probably
> wrong.  Apparently R and the sas.get function can handle
> that specification just fine (I have some learning to do
> myself).  I have a question about the error message below.
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April
> > 23, 2007 8:45 AM To: John Kane; Daniel Nordlund;
> > Subject: Re: [R] importing sas
> > datasets 
> > Hi John and Daniel,
> > 
> > Thanks for your suggestions, I updated line 127 of the
> > sas.get function  but after submitting the following
> > command:
> > 
> > c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001", var=("   "),
> > format.library="d:\\R\\R-2.4.1",
> > sasprog='"C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe"') (also
> > trying with sasprog="C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS
> > 9.1\\sas.exe") 
> > the log signaled the following error:
> > 
> > Errore in system(paste(shQuote(sasprog), shQuote(sasin),
> > "-log", shQuote(log.file)),  :
> > unused argument(s) (output = FALSE)
> The error says there are unused arguments in the system
> function call.  So that's where I would focus to try to
> solve this problem.  However, I can't replicate the
> problem on my Windows XP Pro system.  So at this point I
> can't be of much help.  
> Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time,
> Dan 
> Daniel Nordlund
> Bothell, WA USA

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] for loops

2007-04-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello everybody
I'm very new at using R so probably this is a very stupid question.
I have a matrix of "p" columns and I have to calculate for each of them the 
"two sample t-statistic" and p-value and to save the results into two different 
I have divided my matrix into two submatrices: submatrix A containing the first 
"n1" rows (p columns) and submatrix B containing the remaining "n2" (total 
How can I do this with for loop construction?
Friendly regards

Passa a Infostrada. ADSL e Telefono senza limiti e senza canone Telecom

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Re: [R] importing sas datasets

2007-04-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi John and Daniel,

Thanks for your suggestions, I updated line 127 of the
sas.get function  but after submitting the following
c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001", var=("   "),
sasprog='"C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe"') (also
trying with sasprog="C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe")

the log signaled the following error:

Errore in system(paste(shQuote(sasprog), shQuote(sasin),
"-log", shQuote(log.file)),  : 
unused argument(s) (output = FALSE)

which is about the modified 127 line.

I've also tried with export files, with the  sasxport.get
function, it works out well, but only if the length of the
variables' names' is maximum 8 bites.


Anna Emilia Martino

----- Original Message -
Da : John Kane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
A : Daniel Nordlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Oggetto : Re: [R] importing sas datasets
Data : Fri, 20 Apr 2007 20:11:21 -0400 (EDT)

> Hi Anna, 
> I'm the sas.get problem man.
> I still have not gotten it to work but I think that is
> because I have some slightly dodgy SAS files. 
> Assuming that the sas.get problem is what was
> described in the earlier thread it appears to have
> been fixed.  You might want to do an update to R to
> get the most recent Hmisc. 
> An alternative in Hmisc that Frank Harrell pointed out
> is to do a SAS export file and a special version of
> the format file.  
> It is described in the Hmisc reference manual See
> sasxport.get . It worked just fine for me on a couple
> of test files. I don't remember but I think you're
> stuck with the 8 character variable names though.
> --- Daniel Nordlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 6:36 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [R] importing sas datasets
> > > 
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I wanted to ask help about importing sas datasets.
> > > 
> > > 1)I tried with some functions as read.ssd (foreign
> > package),
> > > but it doesn't import the file if the length of
> > the
> > > variables' names are longer than 8 bite (it has to
> > conform
> > > to the 6 version).
> > > 
> > > 2)I then tried with the sas.get function (Hmisc
> > package) but
> > > with the command:
> > > 
> > >  c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001",
> > var=("   "),
> > > format.library="d:\\R\\R-2.4.1",
> > > sasprog="C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe")
> > > 
> > > R can't launch the sas.exe because there is a
> > space in the
> > > directory SAS 9.1.
> > > 
> > <<>>
> > 
> > Anna,
> > 
> > There has been a thread on this problem recently. 
> > You could check the archives for posts with the
> > subject "sas.get problem".  I can't comment about
> > point 1, but the problem in point 2 has nothing to
> > do with the space in the name.  (Well, it kind of
> > does because it has to do with trying to get around
> > the problem of spaces in path names).  
> > 
> > The problem you are having with sas.get is that the
> > function is broken in the Windows version of Hmisc. 
> > There is a fix which you can apply, and when that is
> > done sas.get is a very nice function (I have heard
> > that the problem will be fixed in an upcoming
> > version of Hmisc).  Here is a solution that works
> > for me and others.
> > 1.  start up R interactively
> > 2.  I will assume you have appropriately installed
> > the Hmisc package
> > 3.  load Hmisc by typing library(Hmisc) at the R
> > prompt.
> > 4.  type 'sas.get' (without the quotes) at the R
> > prompt.  This will print the source code for the
> > sas.get function definition.
> > 5.  cut and paste the source code into the text
> > editor of your choice and correct line 127 (change
> > 'sys' to 'system'), i.e.  change line 127 from
> > 
> > status <- sys(paste(shQuote(sasprog),
> > shQuote(sasin), "-log", 
> > 
> > to
> > 
> > status <- system(paste(shQuote(sasprog),
> > shQuote(sasin), "-log",
> > 
> > 7.  next, sas.get needs t

[R] importing sas datasets

2007-04-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wanted to ask help about importing sas datasets.

1)I tried with some functions as read.ssd (foreign package),
but it doesn't import the file if the length of the
variables' names are longer than 8 bite (it has to conform
to the 6 version). 

2)I then tried with the sas.get function (Hmisc package) but
with the command:

 c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001", var=("   "),
sasprog="C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe")

R can't launch the sas.exe because there is a space in the
directory SAS 9.1.

Is it possible that R can't import sas datasets with
variables' names' length longer than 8 bites?

Could you help in any of the two cases?

thank you

Anna Emilia Martino

__ mailing list
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[R] collaboration

2007-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R users
I am looking for a part time R programmer to help us with couple of R 
based projects on loss distributions modelling.
We are based in Milan (Italy).

The ideal candidate should be very familiar with R/S+ programming 
environment and have a good background in applied statistics and 
probability theory.

Knowledge of C programming language and postgresql database would be great.

I think that a ph.D, student or a free consultant will be the ideal 

For further information please do not hesithate to contact me at 

Thanks in advance for your help.



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[R] fitting data with conditions

2007-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mich beschäftig folgende Fragestellung. Ich kenne die Verteilung 
(lognormal) zusätzlich weiss ich das 99%, das 90% und das 1% Quantil. 
Gibt es in R eine Möglichkeit die Lognormalverteilung zu finden, das 
heisst den korrespondierenden logmean und logsd?

Vielen Dank für ihre Hilfe

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Re: [R] how to...

2007-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for example:
I have got these data, organized in a dataframe. 

sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 group
replicate6  1000.00 0.750.867.26B
replicate7  1000.00 0.750.180.36B
replicate8  1000.00 0.7512.09   0.74B
replicate9  1000.00 0.7512.09   0.84C
replicate10 1000.00 0.980.650.50C

the first four columns represent the diffent sample I have to test with 
ANOVA.the last column is related to the group of each entry. Using "aov()" I 
can run a test on each column. but I would like to run the ANOVAs for each 
colum (that in my case are hundreds) in an automated way. I can't set up a 
working script with the "loop" in this case, surely because of my scarce 
knowledge in programming. can you help me? 
the next problem is how to collect the results in a simple way. for example 
having them organized in a table such as

sample1 ok
sample2 ok
sample3 not significant

thank you so much

-- Initial Header ---

>From  : "Petr Pikal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc  : 
Date  : Thu, 15 Mar 2007 20:38:25 +0100
Subject : Re: [R] how to...

> Hi
> I suppose you will not get usefull response for such poorly specified 
> question. 
> For automating procedures on data frames you can either do looping or 
> use lapply or maybe can also provide some functionality.
> If you elaborate what you did and in what respect it was 
> unsatisfactory maybe you will get better answer.
> Anyway, before your next post you shall look to posting guide.
> Regards
> Petr
> On 15 Mar 2007 at 17:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Date sent:Thu, 15 Mar 2007 17:20:57 +0100
> To:   "R Help" 
> Subject:  [R] how to...
> > I have to perform ANOVA's on many different data organized in a
> > dataframe. I can run an ANOVA for each sample, but I've got hundreds
> > of data and I would like to avoid manually carrying out each test. in
> > addition, I would like to have the results organized in a simple way,
> > for example in a table, wich could be easy to export. thank you for
> > assistance
> > 
> > simone 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode  di Wind
> >
> > 
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide
> > and provide commented,
> > minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> Petr Pikal
> -- Initial Header ---

>From  : "Petr Pikal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc  : 
Date  : Thu, 15 Mar 2007 20:38:25 +0100
Subject : Re: [R] how to...

> Hi
> I suppose you will not get usefull response for such poorly specified 
> question. 
> For automating procedures on data frames you can either do looping or 
> use lapply or maybe can also provide some functionality.
> If you elaborate what you did and in what respect it was 
> unsatisfactory maybe you will get better answer.
> Anyway, before your next post you shall look to posting guide.
> Regards
> Petr
> On 15 Mar 2007 at 17:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Date sent:Thu, 15 Mar 2007 17:20:57 +0100
> To:   "R Help" 
> Subject:  [R] how to...
> > I have to perform ANOVA's on many different data organized in a
> > dataframe. I can run an ANOVA for each sample, but I've got hundreds
> > of data and I would like to avoid manually carrying out each test. in
> > addition, I would like to have the results organized in a simple way,
> > for example in a table, wich could be easy to export

[R] how to...

2007-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have to perform ANOVA's on many different data organized in a dataframe. I 
can run an ANOVA for each sample, but I've got hundreds of data and I would 
like to avoid manually carrying out each test. in addition, I would like to 
have the results organized in a simple way, for example in a table, wich could 
be easy to export. thank you for assistance


Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode™ di Wind

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[R] GLMM in lme4 and Tweedie dist.

2007-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi there,
I've been wanting to fit a GLMM and I'm not completely sure I'm doing 
things right. As I said in a previous message my response variable is 
continuous with many zeros, so I was having a hard time finding an 
appropriate error distribution. I read some previous help mails given to 
other people advising them to use the Tweedie distribution. I'm still 
not sure if this would be appropriate for my data set, for I'm a 
beginner and really don't follow all the details. So I ran a GLMM using 
this distribution. I ran it for several models to do later model 
selection with AIC. I used the following script, where the file 
"GLMM_tweedie" (line 2) has a list of all the models I want to run, each 
one in the form [ x=lmer(GGgiv ~ Rank_1 + Rank_diff + DAI + 
Gen_dy*Rank_diff + Gen_dy*DAI + Gen_dy + (1| D_1) + (1| D_2), family = 
tweedie(var.power=1,link.power=0), offset=log(Dt), data=data) ]

 > models<-read.table("GLMM_tweedie.txt", sep="\t")
 > data$Ggrec_Dtlog = log(data$Ggrec_Dt+1)
 > models<-as.vector(models[,1])
 > totres=c()
 > for (i in 1:79) {model=models[i]
+ res=eval(parse(text=model))
+ res=AIC(logLik(x))
+ res=as.vector(res)
+ totres=rbind(totres,res)}

The output would then be just a list of all the AIC of each model. For 1 
of the models (the one in the [] above) I'm getting the following error 
message, which I don't know what it means:

CHOLMOD warning: matrix not positive definite
Error in objective(.par, ...) : Cholmod error `matrix not positive 
definite' at file:../Supernodal/t_cholmod_super_numeric.c, line 614

Could anybody give me some advice on using Tweedie distributions and 
does anybody have an idea what this error message means.
Thanks a lot in advance,

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[R] Error distribution question

2007-03-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello there,
I was wondering if somebody could offer me some advice on which error 
distribution would be appropriate for the type of data I have. I'm 
studying what continuous predictor variables such as grooming received, 
rank, etc. affect the amount of grooming given. This response variable 
is continuous with many zeros, and so positively skewed. So I can't use 
gamma because of the zeros and since poisson is for count data I would 
probably loose lots of info when converting my data to integers. I was 
looking in the help archive of R and I realized that somebody had a 
similar problem in the past and was adviced'  to use the Tweedie 
distribution since it was developed specifically for dealing with 
positive continuous data with exact zeros. I think this would be 
appropriate for my problem as well, but I'm not sure. I realized in the 
Tweedie help page that one can use a specific response distribution 
(Normal, Poisson, Compound Poisson, etc) by setting the variance power = 
to a specific number. I'm a beginner, so I really don't follow then, 
which response distribution to use (i.e. what variance power) that would 
be appropriate for continuous response data with many zeros.
I hope somebody can help me with this.
Thanks in advance.

__ mailing list
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[R] Error distribution question

2007-03-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello there,
I was wondering if somebody could offer me some advice on which error 
distribution would be appropriate for the type of data I have. I'm 
studying what continuous predictor variables such as grooming received, 
rank, etc. affect the amount of grooming given. This response variable 
is continuous with many zeros, and so positively skewed. So I can't use 
gamma because of the zeros and since poisson is for count data I would 
probably loose lots of info when converting my data to integers. I was 
looking in the help archive of R and I realized that somebody had a 
similar problem in the past and was adviced'  to use the Tweedie 
distribution since it was developed specifically for dealing with 
positive continuous data with exact zeros. I think this would be 
appropriate for my problem as well, but I'm not sure. I realized in the 
Tweedie help page that one can use a specific response distribution 
(Normal, Poisson, Compound Poisson, etc) by setting the variance power = 
to a specific number. I'm a beginner, so I really don't follow then, 
which response distribution to use (i.e. what variance power) that would 
be appropriate for continuous response data with many zeros.
I hope somebody can help me with this.
Thanks in advance.

__ mailing list
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[R] You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !

2007-03-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !


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   We hope you enjoy your postcard, and if you do,
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   1001 Postcards


__ mailing list
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[R] You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !

2007-03-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !


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   We hope you enjoy your postcard, and if you do,
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   1001 Postcards


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[R] You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !

2007-03-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !


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   We hope you enjoy your postcard, and if you do,
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   1001 Postcards


__ mailing list
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[R] Sehr Geehrter

2007-03-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sehr Geehrter,

Trauriges morgens empfing ich nicht Ihre Antwort. Auch wenn dieser Brief

Sie sicherlich überraschen wird, nehmen Sie sich bitte einen Moment Zeit um
ihn zu lesen. Es ist

sehr wichtig. Ich bin Steve Morgan und ich arbeite bei einer Finanzhaus in
den Niederlanden. 
Ich habe Ihre Adresse durch den International Web Directory Online
gefunden. Während unseres letzten
Treffens und Überprüfung der Bankkontos hat meine Abteilung ein untätiges
Konto mit einer riesigen
Geldsumme, US$6,500,000.00(Sechs Million fünfhundert tausend US Dollar)
gefunden, das
einem unseren gestorbenen 

Kunden gehört: Herr Williams aus England. Er ist gestorben und hat keine
Begünstigten hinterlassen. So dass die Fonds auf seinem Konto untätig
geblieben sind, ohne jeden
Anspruch oder Aktivität für einige Zeit schon.

Wegen unseren Finanzhaus vorschriften kann nur ein Ausländer als
nächster Verwandten stehen und deshalb habe ich mich entschlossen Sie zu
kontaktieren, um mit Ihnen
zusammen zu arbeiten um diese untätigen Fonds zu reaktivieren. Und so jede
negative Entwicklung oder
sogar den endgültigen Verlust der Fonds abzuwenden. In Namen meiner
Kollegen suchen ich Ihre Erlaubnis
als nächster Verwandte unseres verstorbenen Kunden zu stehen, so dass die
Fonds freigestellt
und auf ihr Konto überwiesen werden können. 

Sie würden zum nächsten Verwandten des Begünstigten werden und die Fonds
in Ihre Verantwortung freigestellt werden. Wir dürfen mit ausländischen
Kontos nicht arbeiten, das könnte in der Zeit der Überweisung auffallen.
Ich arbeite noch bei dieser
Finanzhaus, das ist der eigentliche Grund, dass ich eine zweite Partei oder
Person benötige, um mit mir  zu
arbeiten und Anforderungen als nächster Verwandte zu schicken und auch um
ein Bankkonto bereit zu
stellen, oder eines bei einer neuen Bank zu eröffnen, um die untätige Fonds
zu erhalten.

Am Ende der Transaktion werden Ihnen 40% Prozent zustehen, zur Seite
gelegt und 60% werden für meine Kollegen und mich sein.
Was ich von Ihnen verlange ist als nächster Verwandte des Verstorbenen
zu stehen. Ich besitze alle notwendigen Dokumente um die Transaktion
erfolgreich zu verwirklichen.
Weitere Informationen werden Sie so bald ich Ihre positive Antwort bekomme

Ich schlage Ihnen vor so bald wie möglich mir zu antworten.

Wir haben nicht viel Zeit diese unglückliche Situation zu ändern und ich
befürchte, dass 
ohne Ihre Hilfe alles verloren gehen wird. Wegen der Vertraulichkeit bitte
ich Sie mir auf meine privaten 
Email Adresse mit folgenden Angaben zu antworten: Vollständiger Name,
Adresse, Telefon- und Fax:nummer.

In Erwartung Ihrer Antwort, verbleibe ich,mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Steve Morgan.

__ mailing list
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[R] From Dr.Michael Wetenku

2007-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$B?7$7$$%a!<%k%"%I%l%9$r$*CN$i$;$7$^$9?7$7$$%a!<%k%"%I%l%9!'(B [EMAIL 

>From Dr.Michael Wetenku

This is Dr.Michael Wetenku from Ivory Coast and I want you to assist me

in the immediate transfer of USD $ 28 Million Dollars from here.I will

give you the full details of this transaction when you reply.

Waiting for your reply.


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list
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[R] Plotting groupedData objects

2007-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all.

I have what I'm guessing is a fairly easy question. 

I want to plot groupedData objects, but there are a large number of subjects in 
my data. When I use the simple command
where MyData is a groupedData object, there are simply too many individual 
plots to see anything. I would like, say, 15 per page and for the plots to 
cover multiple pages. All of the individuals have a different number of time 
points (this is in a longitudinal context). I wasn't able to find a 
straightforward solution. 

On an unrelated note, why does nlsList, for example, return the matrix of 
coefficients in a different order than the original data set (i.e., the row 
numbers are all mixed up)? I find it hard to convert this back to the way in 
which the data were input. I'm guessing there is a good reason, so I'm 
interested in hearing it. 

Thanks for any help,

Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection.

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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[R] sorting a matrix by a different colnames order

2007-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi R users,
I would like to know how to sort a matrix according a different order of 
colnames (or rownames) ,e.g.,
mx = matrix(rnorm(1:20),5,4)
colnames(mx) = letters[1:4]
rownames(mx) = letters[1:5]
 a  b  c   d
a  0.02362598 -0.7033460  0.8106089 -1.03456219
b -0.45021522 -1.5769522  0.1770634  0.27997249
c  1.34732392  0.2956623  2.0027231 -0.85321627
d  0.82314457  1.2698347 -0.5468151  0.05806375
e -0.18668401 -0.4210383  0.6263465 -0.18889031

(new.col.names = sample(letters[1:4]))
[1] "a" "b" "d" "c"

so the new matrix has to be ordered according the new.col.names,i.e.,
 a  b   d  c
a  0.02362598 -0.7033460-1.03456219  0.8106089
b -0.45021522 -1.5769522 0.27997249  0.1770634
c  1.34732392  0.2956623-0.85321627  2.0027231
d  0.82314457  1.2698347 0.05806375 -0.5468151
e -0.18668401 -0.4210383-0.18889031  0.6263465

Hope this is not a "basic question"

Thank you for your help.


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[R] Math expression with object to evaluate

2006-12-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a question that probably has a simple answer.

I have a loop where several figures are plotted with each iteration. I 
calculate some descriptives to put in the title of the figure. When I use 
expression, since I want to combine math plotting symbols and the descriptives 
I calculate, I get an error. Here is an example of the code that I tried:

plot(x,y, main=expression(paste("ID is", ID.i, italic(R)^2, r2.i, "RMSE", 

where ID.i, r2.i, and error.i change for each iteration of the loop. I suppose 
the problem is that expression does not know to treat each of these as objects 
rather than part of a mathematical expression. Is there a way to display the 
value of ID.i, r2.i, and error.i within the expression? 

Thanks for any thoughts,


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Re: [R] ifelse question

2006-12-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...ifelse,  a function of three **vector** arguments

Yes !!
I misunderstood the functioning of ifelse.

Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>> What is puzzling me is that rnorm(1) is only evaluated *twice*, one 
>> time for each branch, with only 2 different random deviates, instead 
>> of giving ten different random deviates. y1 has indeed 10 values but 
>> with only 2 different ones.
> I find it more puzzling why you expect that ifelse,  a function of 
> three vector arguments, would cause its input arguments to be 
> reevaluated for  every element of the result.
>> I would like to have rnorm be evaluated for each row and collect ten 
>> *different* random deviates.
>> y1
>>  [1] 0.4087172 0.7707796 0.4087172 0.4087172 0.7707796 0.4087172 
>> 0.4087172
>>  [8] 0.7707796 0.7707796 0.4087172
>> Thanks.
>> Jacques.
>> __
>> mailing list
>> PLEASE do read the posting guide 
>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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Re: [R] ifelse question

2006-12-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What is puzzling me is that rnorm(1) is only evaluated *twice*, one time 
for each branch, with only 2 different random deviates, instead of 
giving ten different random deviates. y1 has indeed 10 values but with 
only 2 different ones.
I would like to have rnorm be evaluated for each row and collect ten 
*different* random deviates.

 [1] 0.4087172 0.7707796 0.4087172 0.4087172 0.7707796 0.4087172 0.4087172
 [8] 0.7707796 0.7707796 0.4087172



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[R] ifelse question

2006-12-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R-helpers,
How come that in the following code the rnorm() function is evaluated 
only once for each branch of the 'ifelse' ?

x <- rnorm(10)
y1 <- ifelse(x > 0, rnorm(1) ,  rnorm(1))

What is the right way to make it called/evaluated for each row, apart 
from a 'for' loop ?


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[R] ifelse question

2006-12-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R-helpers,
How come that in the following code the rnorm() function is evaluated only once 
for each branch of the 'ifelse' ? 

x <- rnorm(10)
y1 <- ifelse(x > 0, rnorm(1) ,  rnorm(1))

What is the right way to make it called/evaluated for each row, apart from a 
'for' loop ?



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2006-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R users, 
I’m a graduate students and in my master thesis I  must 
obtain the values of the parameters x_i which maximize this  
Multinomial log–likelihood function
log(n!)-sum_{i=1]^4 log(n_i!)+sum_
{i=1}^4 n_i log(x_i)

under the following constraints:
a) sum_i x_i=1, 
b) x_1<=x_2+x_3+x_4
I have been using the 
“ConstrOptim” R-function with the instructions I report below, and I 
have tried to implement them with different values of “n”. BUT I have 
encountered 2 problems:

1) the result of the maximization is the same 
of the minimization, i.e. the maximum value of the   function is equal 
to the minimum (TOO OFTEN)
2) a lot of times the algorithm returns 
errors such as “value out of range in 'gammafn'” 

In both cases 1) 2) 
I don’t know where is the problem, which is my mistake. Can you help 
me?! Do you know another way to solve my problem of maximization under 

My R instructions


logfr=function(x) { ##function to maximize 
x1= x
x2= x[2] 
x3= x[3]
x4= x[4]
grr.log <- function(x) { ## Gradient 
of 'log fr'
constr.coeff = rbind(diag(1,4,4),c(-1,1,1,1),c
(0,-1,1,1),c(-1,-1,-1,-1), c(1,1,1,1)) c(0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,.
min= constrOptim(par.start, logfr, grr.log, ui=constr.coeff,
max=constrOptim(par.start, logfr, grr.log, ui=constr.
coeff,, control=list(fnscale=-1))

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[R] cross-validation for count data

2006-11-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use cross-validation (cv.glm) for count data. Does someone know 
which is the appropriate cost function for Poisson distribution?
Thank you in advance.

Conservation Biology Unit
Department of Environmental and Territory Sciences
University of Milano-Bicocca
Piazza della Scienza,1
20126 Milano, Italy.

Scopri se hai Vinto un Tv Color LCD! Clicca qui

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Re: [R] Problems with plot and X11 in ubuntu

2006-11-11 Thread Oscar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Take a look at this link:



On Nov 11, 2006, at 04:19, Bagatti Davide wrote:

> About Ubuntu, it's a new installation (ubuntu 6.10, code name Edgy  
> Eft). About R, it's a new installation.
> Thank you very much
> A few questions before I may help.
> Is this a NEW installation or an upgrade?
> If an upgrade, what version are you upgrading from?
> Regards,
> Oscar
> >From: Bagatti Davide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: 2006/11/10 Fri AM 09:22:24 CST
> >To:
> >Subject: [R] Problems with plot and X11 in ubuntu
> >Hello,
> >
> >I am an italian student, who is trying to use R 2.3.1 with Ubuntu  
> 6.10 (last
> >version). When I try to use the plot command, I get the error:
> >
> >"could not find any X11 fonts Check that the Font Path is correct"
> >
> >How can I solve this problem?
> >
> >Thank you very much
> >
> >Davide
> >
> >   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
> >__
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> guide.html
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[R] Cost function in cv.glm for count data

2006-11-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use cross-validation (cv.glm) for count data. Does someone know 
which is the appropriate cost function for Poisson distribution?
Thank you in advance.


Scopri il nuovo MOTOROLA K1, il cellulare con superficie frontale a specchio. 
Se sarai fortunato potrai anche vincerne uno! Clicca e vinci !

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[R] Write signed short into a binary file (follow up and conclusion)

2006-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've solved my problem using:
(purpose: write the signed integer -19 as a two byte integer into a binary file)

writeBin(as.integer(-19),myconnection, size=2)

There is no need to coerce.

Thanks anyway!

Luca NanettiUniversity Medical Center Groningen
A.Deusinglaan 2 9713AW Groningen
The Nethterlands
l dot nanetti at med dot rug dot nl

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[R] Write signed short into a binary file

2006-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm using R 2.3.1 on WinXPsp2, 32 bit
What I want to do is to write a signed short integer (16 bit) (actually, a 
sequence of them) into a binary file.
I'm trying with writeBin, but the "what" clause is not supported, and an 
integer is 4 bytes long, nor it seems to exist something like (coerce 
doesn't know the "int" type).
My workaround until now has been to use python to write a binary files 
containing my values, open that file in "rb" mode, reading it using "raw" data, 
and thus writing values in my file.
But of course, this workaround is poorly satisfactory...any ideas?
Thank you in advance,
Luca Nanetti

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[R] 4^2 factorial help

2006-08-18 Thread Correia, L, Mr &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To whom it may concern:
I am trying a factorial design a system of mine that has two factors.
Each factor was set at four different levels, with one replication for
each of the combinations. My data is as follows:

   A   B Response

16002.5   0.0257

26002.5   0.0254

36005  0.0217

46005  0.0204





98002.5   0.0312

10   800   2.5   0.0317

11   800   5  0.0307

12   800  5  0.0309

13   800   100.0330

14   800   100.0318

15   800   200.0225

16   800   200.0234

17  1000  2.5   0.0350

18  1000  2.5   0.0352

19  1000  5  0.0373

20  1000  5  0.0361

21  1000 100.0432

22  1000 100.0402

23  1000 200.0297

24  1000 200.0306

25  1200  2.5   0.0324

26  1200  2.5   0.0326

27  1200  5  0.0353

28  1200  5  0.0353

29  1200 100.0453

30  1200 100.0436

31  1200 200.0348

32  1200 200.0357


I am able to enter my data into R and obtain an ANOVA table (which I
have been able to verify as correct using an excel spreadsheet), using
the following syntax:


>Factorial<-data.frame(A=c(rep(c("600", "600", "600", "600", "800",
"800", "800", "800", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1000", "1200", "1200",
"1200", "1200"), each=2)), B=c(rep(c("2.5", "5", "10", "20", "2.5", "5",
"10", "20", "2.5", "5", "10", "20", "2.5", "5", "10", "20"), each=2)),
Response = c(0.0257, 0.0254, 0.0217, 0.0204, 0.0191, 0.021, 0.0133,
0.0139, 0.0312, 0.0317, 0.0307, 0.0309, 0.033, 0.0318, 0.0225, 0.0234,
0.035, 0.0352, 0.0373, 0.0361, 0.0432, 0.0402, 0.0297, 0.0306, 0.0324,
0.0326, 0.0353, 0.0353, 0.0453, 0.0436, 0.0348, 0.0357))


> anova(aov(Response~A*B, data=Factorial))


However, this is as far as I am able to go. I would like to obtain the
coefficients of my model, but am unable. I would also like to use other
non-linear models as these factors are not linear. Also would like to
add A^2 and B^2 into the ANOVA and modeling. 


Please can you help with regard and offer some advice. Your help is much


Yours sincerely,

Leslie Correia

Department of Process Engineering

University of Stellenbosch

Private Bag X1

Matieland, 7602


Tel:   0837012017


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[R] Aliases for arguments in a function

2006-08-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all. 

I have a function that I would like to use either the argument name as 
originally defined or another name. Within the function (and other functions) 
use the argument name as originally written, so I don't want to simply remove 
the old argument name for the new one, but simply allow the function to treat 
both argument names as equivalent. 

Here is an example:

foo <- function(arg1, this)
if(this < 0) stop("this must be positive")

foo(arg1=5, this=10)

But, I also want foo() to work equivalently with the following (where 'this' 
and 'that 'are treated as if they were the same):
foo(arg1=5, that=10)

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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[R] ts command and stl function

2006-07-12 Thread d d [EMAIL PROTECTED] ac uk

I have imported a csv file into R which contains one column (the rate er 
100,000 population of a disease, by month over 11 years) I coerced into 
a time series using the following function,


This seems to work fine, and when I check for the class of the object 
using class(tstkr) I get "ts" as the response.

When I try to use the stl function in stats I get the error message:

Error in stl(tstkr)only univariate series are allowed

I then tried this:

tstkr <- ts(c(tkr), deltat=1/12)

however this made no difference...I still get an error - does anybody 
know what is wrong?



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[R] Rebuild private R package.

2006-06-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suppose I have my own R-package with long src/ subdirectory. If I edit 
only one file from this directory what I have to do to make R recompile 
only this file and resulting *.so library but not the all other source 
files? It looks to me like the default behaviour has changed in R-2.3.1.
Thank you.

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Re: [R] png() or jpeg() in a php script

2006-06-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   $gfile_name = $this -> get_file_name($line);
$to_do_plot = 1;
//echo "";
}else if (ereg("",$line)){
echo $line."";

        if ($to_do_plot == 1){
echo "";
$to_do_plot = 0;
}else if (ereg("null device",$line)){
}else if (ereg("  1",$line)){
echo $line."";
}//End function 

function executeRCode($r_code){

echo("SOURCE CODE: ".$r_code."");

$this -> checkBCCFile();
$this -> createRInputFile($r_code);
$this -> execution();
$this -> showResultsRCode();
}//End function 

}//End Class 


An example to show how to execute RClass.php: 



I use jpeg in the script. 

> Message: 90
> Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:46:27 +0200
> From: "Angel Roman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] png() or jpeg() in a php script
> To:
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain 
> Hello, 
> I've got a problem with a PHP script, in which I call the system function
> (to call another processes). The call is : 
> system("R --slave --vanilla < path/to/source/source.R"); 
> if in this R file, I've got the lines:
>   pdf(file="/path/to/file/file.pdf")
>   commands
> the pdf file is perfectly created 
> but if I change the lines to: 
>   png(file="/path/to/file/file.png");
>   commands
> (or with the jpeg() function) 
> the files are not created. any help? 
> Thanks 
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]] 
> -- 
> ___
> mailing list  
> PLEASE read the posting guide! 
> End of R-help Digest, Vol 40, Issue 21
> **

Juan Antonio Breña Moral.
Advanced Marketing Ph.D. , URJC, Spain (Now)
Industrial Organisation Engineering, ICAI, Spain.
Technical Computer Programming Engineering, ICAI, Spain
Mobile: +34 655970320

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Re: [R] Yahoo data download problem

2006-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have some function to solve your problem. 

#Plot stock quote
   #Procedure to download Stock Quote Information
   DATA <-yahoo.get.hist.quote(
   instrument = INSTRUMENT,
   destfile = paste(INSTRUMENT, ".csv", sep = ""),
   quote = c("Close"),
   adjusted = TRUE,
   download = TRUE,
   origin = "1970-01-01",
   compression = "d"); 

   #Conversion procedure to Time Series R Objetct;
   DATA.TS = ts(DATA,frequency = 365, start = c(START, 1))

#To compare
   L = length(COMPANIES);
   for  (i in 1:L){


IBM <- PSQ("IBM","1990-01-01","2006-06-16",1990); 

> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:10:53 +0200
> From: "Petr Pikal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [R] Yahoo data download problem
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII 
> Hi 
> On 16 Jun 2006 at 8:52, SUMANTA BASAK wrote: 
> Date sent:Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:52:22 +0100 (BST)
> To:   R HELP ,
> Subject:  [R] Yahoo data download problem 
>> Hi all R-Experts, 
>> I'm facing one problem in yahoo data downloading. I'm suing Windows
>> XP, R 2.2.0, and i'm using yahoo.get.hist.quote function to download
>> data. I need 500 companies of S&P index daily 'closing price' data for
>> last ten years. My questions are: 
>> 1) I have all the ticker names of S&P 500 companies in a .csv format.
>> I'm reading those names in R and they are coming as data.frame object.
>> How can i change this to a vector?
> df<-data.frame(x=sample(letters,10))  
>  as.vector(df$x)
>  [1] "g" "b" "p" "u" "r" "q" "j" "h" "o" "k"
> Petr 
>> 2) How can i get all companies data downloaded using a simple "for"
>> loop? 
>> I'm using the following function for a single stock data. 
>> library(gdata)
>> s<-yahoo.get.hist.quote(instrument = "mo", destfile = paste("mo",
>> ".csv", sep = ""), start="1996-01-01",
>>  end="2006-06-16", quote = c("Close"), adjusted =
>>  TRUE, download = TRUE, origin = "1970-01-01",
>>  compression = "d") 
>> Thanks,
>> Sumanta Basak. 
>> - 
>>  [[alternative HTML version deleted]] 
>> __
>> mailing list
>> PLEASE do read the posting guide!
> Petr Pikal

Juan Antonio Breña Moral.
Advanced Marketing Ph.D. , URJC, Spain (Now)
Industrial Organisation Engineering, ICAI, Spain.
Technical Computer Programming Engineering, ICAI, Spain
Mobile: +34 655970320

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[R] Rotate values on Y axis

2006-06-09 Thread d d [EMAIL PROTECTED] ac uk

I have been working through one of the examples on the FAQ about 
rotating  the labels on the x axis, I need to do the same but for the y 
axis. I have managed to change some of the code, but I am still not 
getting there, there is still something wrong. My syntax is as follows:

 > par(mar = c(5, 7, 4, 2) + 0.1)
 > plot(1 : 8, yaxt = "n",  ylab = "")
 > axis(2, labels = FALSE)
 > labels <- paste("Label", 1:8, sep = " ")
 > text(1:8, par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 45, adj = 1,
+  labels = labels, xpd = TRUE)

If anybody knows what is wrong then I would appreciate your help...been 
working on this for far too long already!



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[R] Rotate numbers on the Y axis on a multiple Boxplot chart

2006-06-08 Thread d d [EMAIL PROTECTED] ac uk
Hello All,

I am  trying to format a box plot chart for a report so it matches other 
charts I have created in other software programs. My problem is that I 
need to rotate the values on the Y axis by 45 degrees, I have tried to 
use the  srt parameter but with no luck?

Does anybody have any suggestions?



My syntax is as follows:

boxplot(int~sortf,notch=TRUE,outline=FALSE,col="DarkSeaGreen4", ylab = 
"Length of stay in days",ylim=c(0, 100),xlab="Trust (see key)")

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[R] parallel computing

2006-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R users,

I have access to a Sun cluster with multiple processors , a lot of RAM and with 
RedHat installed.
I want to take advantage of its power for a R routine very time consuming.

Whick package do I have to use? I know there are snow,snowFT and others 
package.Which is the best for my purpose?
Do  someone have experiences with this?

Thanck in advance.


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Re: [R] is there a way to find the best ARIMA model

2006-05-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using forecast package. 

Best Regards. 

Message: 50
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 18:50:15 -0400
From: "Wensui Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

what is your criterion of 'best arima'? there are more than 1
criterion for 'best' model. 

On 5/15/06, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried to find a function called "bestARIMA" but it did not show up... even
> on google it does not show up often: 
> I've only found the following link with "bestARIMA" in it: 
> but where is the package and the function in R? 
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Juan Antonio Breña Moral.
Advanced Marketing Phd, URJC, Spain (Now)
Industrial Organisation Engineering, ICAI, Spain.
Technical Computer Programming Engineering, ICAI, Spain
Mobile: +34 655970320

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[R] [Re: Running a likelihood ratio test for a logit model]

2006-05-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
?glm and have a look at the components of the list returned by the 
object (i.e. glm.mymodel) of class glm

(glm.mymodeld$null.deviance - glm.mymodeld$deviance)

best, isaia

 Original Message 
Subject: [R] Running a likelihood ratio test for a logit model
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 02:20:54 -0500
From: Chris Bergstresser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all --

I have to calculate a likelihood ratio test for a logit model.  I
found logLik, but I need to calculate the log likelihood for the model
without any predictors.  How can I specify this in glm?  If the full
model is glm(y ~ x1), is the one without predictors (y ~ 0)?  Or (y ~
Is there a more direct way of getting this?

-- Chris

~ Ennio D. Isaia
~ Dep. of Statistics & Applied Mathematics, University of Torino
~ Piazza Arbarello, 8 - 10122 Torino (Italy)
~ Phone: +39 011 670 57 29 ~~ Fax: +39 011 670 57 83

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[R] [Re:] function to replace missing values with median value?]]

2006-05-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The following should work

sz <- function(x) { ifelse( == F, x, median(x, na.rm=TRUE)) }

best, isaia.

 Original Message 
Subject: [R] function to replace missing values with median value?
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 10:06:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: r user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: rhelp 

I have a data set with ~10 variables (i.e. columns).

I wrote this little function to replace missing values
with zero.

“ sz <- function(x) { ifelse(,x,0) } “

Can anyone help with a function that replaces missing
values with the median of the non-missing values?

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~ Ennio D. Isaia
~ Dep. of Statistics & Applied Mathematics, University of Torino
~ Piazza Arbarello, 8 - 10122 Torino (Italy)
~ Phone: +39 011 670 57 29 ~~ Fax: +39 011 670 57 83

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[R] [Fwd: Re: simple if statement]

2006-04-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Try this way

i <- 1
if (i==1) {years <- "Freshmen"}
if (i==1) {years <- "Sophomores"}

it should work!

Brian Quinif wrote:

> I am ashamed to be asking this question, but I couldn't find the
> solution anywhere.  Searching for "if" and "R" is not very
> productive...
> I cannot get a simple if statement to work.
> I have data on college students.  I want to make a string variable
> that has the names of the years.  That is, when the year variable i is
> equal to 1, I want to have a variable called years equal to
> "Freshmen".
> I tried this
> years <- "Freshmen" if i==1
> years <- "Sophomores" if i==2
> and so on, but I couldn't get it to work.  How can I get this variable to 
> work?
> Thanks,
> BQ
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!
~ Ennio D. Isaia
~ Dep. of Statistics & Applied Mathematics, University of Torino
~ Piazza Arbarello, 8 - 10122 Torino (Italy)
~ Phone: +39 011 670 57 29 ~~ Fax: +39 011 670 57 83

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[R] help with vectorizing a function

2006-03-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear r-helpers,

I am developing a smoothing function that performs a casewise deletion of all 
the non-informative observations in a bivariate dataset following the Poisson - 
D'Avril algorythm.

But I am now facing two problems: 
1)Being based on loops, the function takes a lot of time before having done its 
work and even if I tried I was not able to vectorize it. 
2) I cannot control the degree of smoothing.

I have read the posting guide, the FAQ and have also RSiteSearched but without 

Can anybody help me?

Here is an example of the procedure:
(i have noticed also a different behaviour on different machines)

x <- rnorm(1000, sd=15)
y <- -x + rnorm(1000, sd=15)
plot(x, y,  ann=F, pch=16,   
  xlim=c(-50,50), ylim=c(-50, 50), asp=1,   col=2)

abline(lm(y ~ x))  

metamat<-c( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0)

matemot<-c( 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0)

par(cex=.8, pch=15)
for(j in seq(-46, 60, 7)){
  for (i in -64:58){
  points(i+rep(1:8, 8), rep(1:8, each=8)-j, col=metamat)
  points(i+rep(1:8, 8), rep(1:8, each=8)-j, col="white")
  points(i+rep(1:8, 8)+1, rep(1:8, each=8)-j, col=matemot)
  points(i+rep(1:8, 8)+1, rep(1:8, each=8)-j, col="white")

Thank you, 

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[R] Multinomial Logistic Regression (parameters distribution)

2006-03-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear R-Users,
I applied the function multinom() to perform a multinomial logistic regression 
analysis on the following data:

   age  class1 class2 class3 
 1 17.0   543 147 10
 2 22.0   412 254 47
 3 27.0   388 332 90
 4 32.0   487 425146
 5 37.0   412 380176
 6 42.0   306 376228
 7 47.0   225 352296
 8 52.0   164 296375
 9 57.0   146 211346
10 62.069 132240
11 67.0   138 190710
12 72.026  23197

where age is the predictor. I would need to obtain the distribution of the 
model parameters that 
should be a multinormal and simultaneous confidence interval for them. I would 
need also to calculate the 
simultaneous confidence intervals for the multinomial proportions.
Could you please be so kind to suggest how to do and if there is already any 
function in R?
thank you for your time


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Re: [R] how to get ROC for SVM

2006-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 17:19:41 +0530
> From: "karthi keyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [R] how to get ROC for SVM
> To:
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Hi
> How can i get ROC for svm during modelling in SVM. how to plot the
> values
> thanks
> karthik 
Probably this will help:


__ mailing list
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[R] Hybrid Multidimensional Scaling

2006-02-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

Does anyone know if there's R code available for doing Hybrid Multidimensional 
Scaling (or Semi-Strong HMDS, e.g. Belbin 1991 J. Veg. Sci. 2:491-)? I've found 
only commercial software that does it.


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Re: [R] question about binary data file and data.frame

2006-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Each data (edge,weight) is numerical data with type double (4 bytes)


it is not asc file.

=== 2006-02-07 13:03:17 ===

>> I have a binary file with data sequence in the order
> What do you mean by 'binary file'?
>> [age,weight][age,weight] 
> How are age and weight encoded in this 'binary file'?
>> I know the length of the data and I want to load it into a
>> data.frame. of course a way to do this is to read age and weight
>> seperately and then use cbin(age,weight) to combine them into a
>> dataframe, but is there a better solution?
> Is it really an ASCII file? With age and weight separated by commas,
>and then age-weight pairs separated by spaces? Are there really square
>bracket pairs in there too?
> Or is it really a binary file, a series of 4 or 8-byte binary
>representations of age and weight?
> Barry

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


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[R] question about binary data file and data.frame

2006-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a binary file with data sequence in the order


I know the length of the data and I want to load it into a data.frame. of 
course a way to do this is to 
read age and weight seperately and then use cbin(age,weight) to combine them 
into a dataframe, but is there a better

Thanks in advance!

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[R] Classification of Imbalanced Data

2006-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm looking to perform  a classification analysis on an imbalanced data 
set  using random Forest and I'd like to reproduce the weighted random 
forest analysis proposed in the Chen, Liaw & Breiman paper "Using Random 
Forest to Learn Imbalanced Data"; can I use the R package randomForest 
to perform such analysis? What is the easiest way to accomplish this task?
Paolo Sonego

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[R] obtaining ROC curve from Nearest Shrunken Centroids (pamr)

2006-01-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have binary labels from a nearest shrunken centroids prediction 
(package pamr). I need to obtain a ROC curve for this test. What is the 
easiest way to obtain one?

Paolo Sonego

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[R] produce hours greater than 23

2006-01-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hy all,

I wish to use the date function to draw againt the lifetime of a motor.

This lifetime is given to me in Hours (it can go over 5000 hours)

I'm unable to find how to convert this lifetime value to something like 
%H:%M:%S because when R see 24H it says 1 day, i don't want that, i just want 
%H:%M:%S with a value of %H higher than 24...
for example: 
i've got this value in hours: 345.05 H

I wish that R gives me : "345:3:0" or "345:03:00"

What R function could do it?

I've search for as.Date strptime... but none of these seems to be able to put a 
value for %H greater than 23.

i've browse the help and docs and found nothing (am i blind?).

thks all

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[R] cox model test heterogeinity

2006-01-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm a young physician and i work on the breast cancer. I made a cox
 model and i want to do a test of heterogeneity. Do you know how i 
 do this with R. I'm sorry for this question wich seems to be easy 
 you. I read the manual and the help and i don't find it.
 Thanks for your help
 Bertrand  Billemont

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[R] clustering method

2005-12-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello r-helpers

I have a correlation matrix (either pearson or spearman) of 41 variables and i 
want to use it to construct a tree with agnes command (instead of using the 
distances). My problem is that at the height of the tree i see negative scaling 
also which is not desired. Is there any r-command that uses as a distance 
method the correlation estimates instead of distances 
(distances=dissimilarities, correlations=simmilarities) so that the height of 
the tree will be between 0 (zero) and 1 (one). Or simply, is there a way to 
transform the correlations in a proper way and to use the agnes command for 
example so that the height of the tree will be between 0 and 1?Thank you very 

_ Ôï üíïìÜ óáò óôï internet ìüíï ìå 10 Åõñþ.

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[R] change read.table by scan

2005-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

Before the amount of data given has grown i was initially using read.table to 
load the values inside R.

It was feeding my needs because i could tell read.table h=T, then use attach to 
access the values by columns names.

Now it takes 20 seconds to load the data's and the first enhancement i could do 
is to win some time on the load of the data's...

How could i use the scan function (which is faster) to build the data as if 
i've used read.table("file",h=T) then attach?

/* the code i use actually */
/* is it possible to produce the same using scan? */

thks all for understanding my question.


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[R] column name of a table

2005-12-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hy all,

I wish to switch in a part in my code that use "read.table" to "scan", actually 
i use this:


It gives me a new tab with 75 columns, but i when i was using read.table with 
headers then attach i could use the columns names to access the data values, 
now how can i attach the columns names that are on the first line of the file 

Any help would be great!

thks all

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[R] about empirical sample size in partial correlations

2005-12-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello everyone

I have estimated the partial correlations of a matrix (n=160, vars=7) with 
command pcor.shrink (library corpcor) and then i want to estimate their 
respective confidence intervals. So i have tried to use the command 
pcor.confint(pcor,kappa,alpha) from library "GeneNT". My problem is that i 
don't know how to estimate kappa (empirical sample size). Is there any command 
with wich i can estimate kappa or is there any other command for estimating 
confidence intervals for partial correlations without using the kappa parameter?

Thank you

_ ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. ÏéêïíïìéêÜ êáé áîéüðéóôá ðáêÝôá web hosting ìå áóöáëÝò 
Åëëçíéêü controlpanel Ôï üíïìÜ óáò óôï internet ìüíï ìå 10 Åõñþ.

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[R] about empirical sample size

2005-12-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello everyone

I have a case in which i need some help. I have evaluated the partial 
correlations of a data.frame (n=160, variables=7) using the command pcor.shrink 
(library "corpcor") and then i want to evaluate the confidence intervals of 
these estimations by using the command pcor.confint (library "GeneNT"). The 
structure of this command is pcor.confint(x,kappa,alpha) where x is the 
data.frame of the partial correlations (already evaluated), alpha is the sig. 
level (0.05 for example) and kappa is the empirical sample size. My problem is 
that i don't know how to estimate kappa (the empirical sample size). So, i have 
used as kappa=160 (n) which i think is not correct. Does anyone knows how can i 
estimate kappa in my case (where n=160 and variables=7) and in generall?

Kind regards

_ ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. ÏéêïíïìéêÜ êáé áîéüðéóôá ðáêÝôá web hosting ìå áóöáëÝò 
Åëëçíéêü controlpanel Ôï üíïìÜ óáò óôï internet ìüíï ìå 10 Åõñþ.

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[R] truncate/overwrite a data frame

2005-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all,

I've got a data frame, this data frame have 76 columns and 22600 rows.
The data inside can be redundant because the data can be captured 
simultaneously and overlap each other.

My aim is to supress these overlaps

I've test some solutions to do that but they all give a big cpu load and eat 
all of the memory then swap a lot, then killall R because it don't end.

actually i've tested this (it don't works but seems to be correct for me...):

My first try (i was trying to overwrite the table on the overlap):


My second idea was to make 2 tab without the overlap, then put them together:
tab<, tab_tmp1));

In these 2 case it didn't succeed, by the lack of comprehension that i have in 
R programming ...(it isn't R fault :).

thks all

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[R] concatenate data frame

2005-12-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all

Here is a small part of my code:




Here is the output:
Error in attach(tab) : attach only works for lists and data frames
Execution halted

How do i concatenate them in order to keep the data frame structure?

thks for your help

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[R] about sorting table

2005-11-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all,

I load a table with headers that enable me to acces it by the column names:


everythings are OK, but i try to sort this table against one of his column like 


It is still ok, the table is sorted, if i type "tab" i see a sorted table.

but, when i call the column by their names, it appears that the column isn't 

I believe that, is there a solution to attach column names another time, to 
reflect the effect of sorting this table?

thks all for your answers


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[R] font size in legend

2005-11-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hy all

I use barplot to draw frequencies by dates.

On the x axis it shows only 1 date for 2 bars, i've understand why, because R 
cant put so much date on the same axis, it will get out of the graph.

that's why i tought about reducing the size of the font used to stamp the x 

anyone knows the right way? i've tryed par(cin) and barplot(cin=3) but it says 
i cannot do it at this level...

thks you all.


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[R] (no subject)

2005-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear all,

just a little problem report for R 2.2.0 on OpenSuse 10.0-64. Gcc version is 
Installing fortran packages runs into: 'cc1' command not found.
I apparently got away with:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/cc /usr/bin/cc1
which causes other warnings but the packages seem to function well. Obviously 
cc1 does no longer exist in gcc 4.0.2.


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[R] selection of missing data

2005-11-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi i'm a french medical student,
i have some data that i import from excel. My colomn of the datafram 
are the localisations of metastasis. If there is a metatsasis there is 
the symbol "_". i want to exclude the row without metastasis wich 
represent the NA data.

so, i wrote this

mela is the data fram

mela1=ifelse(mela[,c(11:12,14:21,23,24)]=="_",1,0) # selection of the 
colomn of metastasis localisation

mela4=subset(mela3,Skin ==0 & s.c == 0 & Mucosa ==0 & Soft.ti ==0 & 
Ln.peri==0 & & Ln.abdo==0 & Lung==0 & Liver==0 & 
Other.Visc==0 & Bone==0 & Marrow==0 & Brain==0 & Other==0) ## selection 
of the row with no metastasis localisation

but i dont now if it is possible to make the same thin as 
ifelse(mela3,Skin & s.c== 0, 0,NA) with more than colomn and after to 
exclude of my data the Na with na.omit.

The last question is how can i omit only the row which are NA value for 
the colomn metastasis c(11:12,14:21,23,24))

Thank you for your help

Bertrand billemont
[[alternative text/enriched version deleted]]

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[R] reading big data frame

2005-10-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hy all,

I'm under linux,
I have now a big file (45 méga bytes), this file is a line of header defining 
the names of the columns, the rows are only integers and there is 75 columns 
(and 239096 rows included the header).

Before working with this big file i was working with another one (1.7 méga 
bytes) , loading it with read.table("data.dat",h=T) (i've tested too with 
scan("data.dat",what="integer",skip=1)), there where no problems, it where 
taken approx 1 sec to load it into R.

but now with the big file R it seems that R stay stuck (i've wait more than 5 
minutes and R don't come back from the read.table function, i've tested with 

I say it stay stuck because i've spy R with the linux "top" command line, and R 
begin to take all my memory (no prob with that) and 100% of my cpu (no prob 
too), then after 3 or 4 minutes it take only 3% of cpu and the memory allocated 
to R is average 90%, but R never come back from these functions (or i haven't 
wait enough, and i need to give a result as speed as i can unfortunatly).

I've divided the size of the file by 2 , then it works (i've only tested with 
scan) but it is too slow...

Are there some solutions to load it in one piece?
Or have i to truncate the file and access it piece by piece?

thks all

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[R] hist of dates

2005-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all

I wish to draw an histogram... with dates but the following append, i don't 
know where is the problem, help(hist.Date) works and i don't see any usefull 
information on what i'm doing wrong...

> hist.Date(dt_cycles)
Error: couldn't find function "hist.Date"
Error: couldn't find function ""
> cycles
[1]  7  1  2  5 14  5
> dt_cycles
  dates_releves cycles
12005-07-01  7
22005-07-04  1
32005-07-06  2
42005-07-11  5
52005-07-25 14
62005-07-27  5
> dates_releves<-as.Date(dates_releves)
> hist(dates_releves,cycles)
Error in hist.Date(dates_releves, cycles) :
invalid specification of 'breaks'
> hist(dates_releves~cycles)
Error in hist.default(dates_releves ~ cycles) :
'x' must be numeric

Any ideas would be great...

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[R] drawing against a date

2005-10-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hy all

I wish to draw a graph against a date,
I have a set of date like this DD/MM/, corresponding to it a set of integer 
, i wish to draw on x side the dates (the space between the dates have to be 
constant, not based on the time between 2 dates but on the number of dates) and 
on y side the integers.

Do i have to make a tricky function under R ?

I've search the help for graphical functions but my poor english seems to make 
me missing the solution...

thks for your help

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[R] axis of plot

2005-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I need to have the 0 on the bottom left corner of the graph being joined , not 
with this little hole between x axis and y axis...

I've saw this question with the answer one time but i'm unable to find it 


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[R] default height width of graphs

2005-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hy all,

When i plot under R it generates a 440x440px image, is it possible to modify 
and increase this ?

thks all

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[R] Installation problem on SGI IRIX6.5

2005-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, all,

I'm a newbie to R. I came across a problem when I tried to install R on
an SGI machine which is running IRIX64 6.5.

I have successfully run configure, but when I tried to run "make"(or
"gmake"), errors came out. Following is the error message.

Does someone has experiences in the R's installation on IRIX ? Any hints
will be greatly appreciated !

Thanks in advance!

Error Message:

cc -I../../src/extra/zlib -I../../src/extra/bzip2 -I../../src/extra/pcre
 -I. -I../../src/include -I../../src/include
-I/user_data2/jfxiao/local/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -OPT:IEEE_NaN_inf=ON
 -g -c character.c -o character.o
cc-1185 cc: WARNING File = character.c, Line = 714
  An enumerated type is mixed with another type.

warn = warn | !utf8strIsASCII(CHAR(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), i)));

cc-1552 cc: WARNING File = character.c, Line = 698
  The variable "uclass" is set but never used.

  int i, len, minlen, uclass;

cc-1020 cc: ERROR File = character.c, Line = 1300
  The identifier "wctrans_t" is undefined.

wctrans_t tr = wctrans(ul ? "toupper" : "tolower");

cc-1185 cc: WARNING File = character.c, Line = 1733
  An enumerated type is mixed with another type.

Rboolean warn = !utf8strIsASCII(CHAR(STRING_ELT(pat, 0)));

cc-1185 cc: WARNING File = character.c, Line = 1926
  An enumerated type is mixed with another type.

  useRaw = strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(stype, 0)), "integer");

1 error detected in the compilation of "character.c".
gmake[3]: *** [character.o] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory
gmake[2]: *** [R] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
gmake[1]: *** [R] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/user_data2/jfxiao/local/source/R/R-2.1.1/src'
gmake: *** [R] Error 1

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[R] multiple scale

2005-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all

i need to put on one graph 2 functions who's x axis is the same and y not.

I mean on horizontal the time, and on vertical left: pressure, on vertical 
right: rpm of a motor, is R able to do that?

i've found this that i could adapt maybe (i don't need time series really?) :/ :

## Description: A simple function which plots two time series on one plot where 
## the series can have different value intervals over the same time interval. 
## Usage: ts.plot.2Axis(xleft, xright) 
## Arguments: xleft is the time series for the left vertical axis and xright 
## is for the right axis. xleft and xright are defined as time series with 
## the 'ts' function in package ts. 
## ts.plot function must be available, do library(ts) to ensure this if 
## necessary. 
## In addition the usual 'ts.plot' and 'plot' parameters can be set 
## directly (mar, main, xlab, ylab, lwd) or through gpars as in ts.plot. 
## Also parameter digits is the preferred number of decimal digits on right 
## axis and ticks is the preferred number of tick marks on right axis. 
## Details: The time series for the right vertical axis is scaled with a simple 
## rule of thumb scaling. 
## The ts.plot function is used to plot the series. 
## Value: None. 
## Note: When scaling is not acceptable try switching the series parameters. 
## If a ylabel is to be set it is here only possible for the left axis. 
## See also: 'ts.plot', 'ts', 'legend'. 
## Author and date: Hauksson, Bjorn Arnar. March 2004. 
## Example: 
## First paste this function into the R console or use 'source'. 
#x <- ldeaths 
#y <- fdeaths/mdeaths 
#ts.plot.2Axis(x, y) 
#legTxt <- c("UK lung deaths", "UK female/male deaths (rhs)") 
#legend(1976.5, 3950, legTxt, lty=c(1:2), col=c(1:2), lwd=2, bty="n") 

ts.plot.2Axis <- function(xleft, xright, digits=1, ticks=5, 
  mar=(c(4,4,4,4)+0.1), main="", 
  xlab="", ylab="", lwd=2, gpars=list()) { 
# Settings for other parameters than those in the function parameter 
par(mar=mar) # Margins 
  k <- ncol(as.matrix(xleft)) # Number of time series on left vertical 
lty <- c(1:(k+1)) # Line types 
col <- c(1:(k+1)) # Line colors 

# Scale time series on right vertical axis 
scale <- (max(xleft)-min(xleft))/(max(xright)-min(xright)) 
  xright2 <- xright*scale 
  meanScale <- mean(xleft) - mean(xright2) 
xright2 <- xright2 + meanScale 

# Plot the series 
ts.plot(xleft, xright2, lty=lty, col=col, main=main, ylab=ylab, 
lwd=lwd, gpars=gpars) 

# Add the right vertical axis labels 
lab <- seq(round(min(xright), digits), round(max(xright), digits), 
labAt <- seq(min(xright2), max(xright2), length=ticks) 
axis(side=4, labels=lab, at=labAt) 

are there a better way to plot what i want?


// Webmail Oreka :

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[R] plotting 3 functions on same graph

2005-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all,

I wish to draw on the same graphic device 3 functions.

But i don't want them to be on different graph, i want to compare them on the 

I don't need mfrow or mfcol, I need something else... 

1 graph on 1 device inside this graph 3 ploted function.

I saw something unsing data.frame, but i think it's overkill, and something 
less complicated must exist, if not why?

why not plot(func1,func2,func3) ??


// Webmail Oreka :

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[R] (no subject)

2005-08-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all,

I wish to draw on the same graphic device 3 functions.

But i don't want them to be on different graph, i want to compare them on the 

I don't need mfrow or mfcol, I need something else... 

1 graph on 1 device inside this graph 3 ploted function.

I saw something unsing data.frame, but i think it's overkill, and something 
less complicated must exist, if not why?

why not plot(func1,func2,func3) ??


// Webmail Oreka :

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[R] thks all

2005-07-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all

I wish to thanks every body on the R mailing list for answering very fast, 
directly in my mail box ;).

I've finish my work with R and i can say that it is very difficult at the 
beginning, and when you succeed you are stopped by a stack overflow when you 
call your nice recursive function (which was working with a tab of 100 element) 
with a tab of 900 elements, but R just do what you tell him and these errors 
have push me to optimize , i succeed to do it with R ! and you've helped me 
that way :)

so THKS all R-users!

// Webmail Oreka :

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[R] sort a table

2005-07-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all,

I need to sort a table like this one:

n tmp s
1 215 0
2 654 1
3 213 0
4 569 1
5 954 1
6 562 1
7 252 0
8 555 0
9 988 1

I want to organize it with tmp increasing to produce the same tab but ordered 
by tmp

I think it is simple but just show me how good you are in R ...


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Re: [R] calling R from C or C++

2005-07-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all

You should look into the "tests" directory (download the source package extract 
it and you'll have the tests directory)

there are some exemples on how to embedded R into C.

I've got the same trouble, here nobody want to do that, and i don't know why...
-- Initial Header -------

To      : Bahoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc  :
Date  : Sun, 24 Jul 2005 10:27:54 -0500
Subject : Re: [R] calling R from C or C++

On 23 July 2005 at 20:18, Bahoo wrote:
| > Hi,
| > 
| > I have C/C++ code from which I wish I could call R
| > to
| > do something useful.
| By calling I mean linking with the R shared library,
| instead of R BATCH.
| In particular, I want to use regression functions such
| as ridge and locfit.  
| > 
| > I saw a 2003 message by Thomas saying that "You can
| > compile R as a shared library, which allows you to
| > construct and evaluate R expressions from C."  Any
| > more information would be helpful.  I am looking for
| > some documentation that has a more step by step like
| > instructions.  Anyone who has experience, please
| > point
| > me to some resources.
| > 
| > ps. There is a document on CRAN named "Writing R
| > extensions" which seems relevant, but it was too
| > difficult for me to understand.

Just get the Magic Wand from the Harry Potter books; that way you get the
functionality for free without having to read those pesky and difficult
documents we provide to explain how to do the other way -- when your Magic
Wand is broken.

Dirk, who still wants chocolate to grow on trees, preferably in his backyard

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| PLEASE do read the posting guide!

  ^  (hint !)

Statistics: The (futile) attempt to offer certainty about uncertainty.
 -- Roger Koenker, 'Dictionary of Received Ideas of Statistics'

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[R] multiplicate 2 functions

2005-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thks for your answer,
here is an exemple of what i do with the errors in french...
> tmp
[1] 200 150 245 125 134 345 320 450 678
> beta18
Erreur : Objet "beta18" not found //NORMAL just to show it
> eta
[1] 500
> func1<-function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[1],beta18,eta)

> func1<-func1(beta18) * function(beta18)

Erreur dans dweibull(tmp[1], beta18, eta) : Objet "beta18"
not found 
//I don't want to evaluate weibull immediatly just want to
initialize the function then integrate on beta18,i have to
make the multiplication of weibull at each time pointed by
tmp then integrate it to obtain a norm.

> func1<-func1() * function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],beta18,eta)

Erreur dans dweibull(tmp[1], beta18, eta) : l'argument
"beta18" est manquant, avec aucune valeur par défaut

> func1<-func1 * function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],beta18,eta)

Erreur dans func1 * function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],
beta18, eta) :
argument non numérique pour un opérateur binaire

> func1<-func1 & function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],beta18,eta)

Erreur dans func1 & function(beta18) dweibull(tmp[2],
beta18, eta) :
ces opérations ne sont possibles que pour des types
numériques ou logiques

> func1<-func1(beta18) & function(beta18)

Erreur dans dweibull(tmp[1], beta18, eta) : Objet "beta18"
non trouvé

I hope you understand what i want to do.

------ Initial Header ---

>From : Uwe Ligges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc : r-help 
Date : Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:51:47 +0200
Subject : Re: [R] Generate a function


> hi all,
> I need to generate a function inside a loop:
> tmp is an array

Well, a 1-d array, or better say a vector of length 10,
given the code 
below is correct.

> for (i in 1:10)
> {
> func<- func * function(beta1) dweibull(tmp[i],beta1,eta)
> }
> because then i need to integrate this function on beta.
> I could have written this :
> func<-function(beta1) prod(dweibull(tmp,beta1,eta)) (with
eta and beta1 set)
> but it is unplottable and no integrable... i could make it
a bit different but if i do that ( prod(tmp)=~Inf ) i'm stuck.
> I've looked in R-poetry and i didn't find anything usefull.
> I think i have a problem with how i tell R my function is,
R seems to think it is a function like programmers do but
not a f(x) function.

Please specify a reproducible example (as the posting guide
asks to do), 
that means including the values for tmp, beta1 and eta.
Then we might be able to explain where you have your problems.

Uwe Ligges

> Thks 
> guillaume
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