[R] Simple spectral analysis

2007-01-08 Thread Georg Hoermann
the periodogram (and the residuals from the reassembled data set...) Thanks and greetings, Georg The data set: air = read.csv(http://www.hydrology.uni-kiel.de/~schorsch/air_temp.csv;) airtemp = ts(T_air, start=c(1989,1), freq = 365) plot(airtemp) -- Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology

Re: [R] Simple spectral analysis

2007-01-08 Thread Georg Hoermann
in R compared to other packages 8-) Thanks a lot for the help. I will post the script when its ready (an introduction for our biology students to time series, just 8 hours) Georg -- Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany +49/431/23761412, mo: +49/171/4995884, icq

[R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Georg Hoermann
Hello world, I am trying to create a matrix of lagged time series with the following code fragment (I know that I can use acf-function...). I want to set the variable/column name to something like lag 1 etc. If I try to do it I get text like lagtest.lagtest.lagtest.lag 1 where does this come from?

Re: [R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Georg Hoermann
Miguel A. Arranz wrote: You probably want to have a look at help(embed). It might be all you need. embed wraps around (no NAs at begin and end of the dataset), this makes no sense in hydrology. Gruss Georg -- Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany Tel. 0431-880-1207

Re: [R] Strange Colnames

2005-02-25 Thread Georg Hoermann
the lag from the default value of 1 to -1, but I apparently missed something: do.call(cbind, lapply(lags, function(x) lag(x,-1), x = lagtest)) Error in FUN(X[[1]], ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...) where is the unused argument? Thanks, Georg -- Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel

[R] Getting *types* of arguments?

2005-02-17 Thread Georg Hoermann
like $x: vector or data.frame... Thanks in advance... Georg -- Georg Hoermann, Fachabteilung Wasserwirtschaft / Dep. Hydrology Ecosystem Research Center, Kiel University, Germany, Penguin #189476 Tel. 0431-880-1207, 0172/4315715, ICQ: 348340729, MSN: hlschorsch

[R] Annual cumulative sums from time series

2005-02-10 Thread Georg Hoermann
and makes them true believers in the power of the command-line 8-). Thanks Greetings Georg -- Georg Hoermann, Luebeck, Germany Tel. 0451/47 70 32, 0172/431 57 15, Penguin #189476 __ R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo

Re: [R] Annual cumulative sums from time series - SOLVED + questions

2005-02-10 Thread Georg Hoermann
Roger Bivand wrote: On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Georg Hoermann wrote: Hello world, based on the code of Roger I have now two solutions: the first one (one line for the whole dataset) - cut here -- erle - read.csv(url(http://www.hydrology.uni-kiel.de/~schorsch/statistik/erle_stat.csv;)) jahre