[R] Variance explained in mixed models

2007-08-31 Thread Simon Pickett

I realise this has come up before in various reincarnations but I couldnt
find the answer...

I wish to quote the percentage variance explained by each of three
components in my mixed model, one random effect and two fixed effects.

lmer(response~x1+x2+(1|random), data=data)

Using lmer I can get the variance explained by the random effect but not
the fixed effects obviously.

I was using a suggestion by someone that you can compare the variance
components of the model with with both fixed terms included, with another
model that has one of the fixed terms removed. When I did this the
Variance + residual variance did not add up to the same figure each time.

#first model with both fixed terms
  Variance StdDev
(Intercept) 1.074666 1.036661
Residual1.136264 1.065957

#second model with one term ommitted
Variance StdDev
(Intercept) 1.113713 1.055326
Residual1.154527 1.074489

#third model with the other term ommitted
Variance StdDev
(Intercept) 1.069478 1.034156
Residual1.145590 1.070322

Actually the second model with only one fixed effect is saying that the
percentage variance explained is higher than the one with both fixed
effects which is impossible right?

Any better ideas?

Thanks in advance, Simon.

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852


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[R] percentage explained by fixed effects in random model

2007-08-30 Thread Simon Pickett

I realise this has come up before in various reincarnations but I couldnt
find the answer...

I wish to quote the percentage variance explained by each of three
components in my mixed model.

If I didnt have a random effect I would just use r squared. I can work out
the percentage explained by the random effect using summary() but this
doesnt give variance for the fixed effects.

Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Formula: yell ~ carot.code + weight16 + (1 | fosterbrood)
   Data: colour
  AIC  BIClogLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
 1555.455 1576.282 -772.7276   1536.585 1545.455
Random effects:
 Groups  NameVariance Std.Dev.
 fosterbrood (Intercept) 1.0747   1.0367
 Residual1.1363   1.0660
# of obs: 476, groups: fosterbrood, 61

Fixed effects:
  Estimate Std. Error  DF t value Pr(|t|)
(Intercept)  -3.187028   1.011828 473 -3.1498 0.001737 **
carot.code1   0.201951   0.098442 473  2.0515 0.040771 *
weight16  0.168861   0.054273 473  3.1114 0.001975 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) crt.c1
carot.code1  0.035
weight16-0.989 -0.084

I was thinking of (cheating by) taking the residuals from a regression
with the random effect (fosterbrood) as a fixed effect, then correlating
these with my two x variables?

Any better ideas?

Thanks in advance, Simon.

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[R] graph dimensions default

2007-08-14 Thread Simon Pickett

I would like to (if possible) set the default width and height for graphs
at the start of each session and have each new graphic device overwrite
the previous one.

I only know how to do this using windows(width=,height=...) which opens up
a new plotting device every time, so I end up with lots of graphs all over
the place until I get the one I want!

Thanks in advance,


Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852


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Re: [R] graph dimensions default

2007-08-14 Thread Simon Pickett

Thankyou, that does the trick nicely. I thought that kind of thing could
be specified using par() but I guess not.

Thanks again.

 On Tue, 14 Aug 2007, Simon Pickett wrote:


 I would like to (if possible) set the default width and height for
 at the start of each session and have each new graphic device overwrite
 the previous one.

 Hmm.  It is graphics devices that have dimensions, and plots that
 overwrite other plots on a device, so your intentions are pretty unclear.
 (If you resize a device window the plot dimensions change so they are not
 intrinsic to the plot.)

 If you want the default behaviour to be like normal but with, say, a wider
 onscreen device window you can have (on Windows, which you didn't say)

 mywindows - function(...) windows(width=10, height=6, ...)

 in your ~/.Rprofile .  Otherwise, please try again to tell us what you
 do want.

 I only know how to do this using windows(width=,height=...) which opens
 a new plotting device every time, so I end up with lots of graphs all
 the place until I get the one I want!

 Thanks in advance,


 Simon Pickett
 PhD student
 Centre For Ecology and Conservation
 Tremough Campus
 University of Exeter in Cornwall
 Tel 01326371852


 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

 Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] how to be clever with princomp?

2007-04-27 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi all,

I have been using princomp() recently, its very useful indeed, but I have
a question about how to specify the rows of data you want it to choose.

I have a set of variables relating to bird characteristics and I have been
using princomp to produce PC scores from these.

However since I have multiple duplicate entries per individual (each bird
had a varying number of chicks), I only want princomp to treat each
individual bird as the sample and not include all the duplicates. Then I
want to replicate the pc scores for all the duplicated rows for that

Any idea how to do this?

Up to now I have been using princomp to only select the entries which are
not duplicated which is easy, but the difficult bit is the programming to
duplicate the pc scores across the entries for each individual.

(I developed something that worked but it takes about 5 minutes to run!)

Thanks for all your help,

very much appreciated,


Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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[R] general question about plotting multiple regression results

2007-04-19 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi all,

I have been bumbling around with r for years now and still havent come up
with a solution for plotting reliable graphs of relationships from a
linear regression.

Here is an example illustrating my problem

1.I do a linear regression as follows


which gives some nice sig. results

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
(Intercept)  -0.739170.43742  -1.690 0.093069 .
n.day11.004600.05369  18.711   2e-16 ***
ffemale.yell  0.224190.06251   3.586 0.000449 ***
fmale.yell0.258740.06925   3.736 0.000262 ***
fmale.chroma  0.235250.11633   2.022 0.044868 *

2. I want to plot the effect of ffemale.yell, fmale.yell and
fmale.chroma on my response variable.

So, I either plot the raw values (which is fine when there is a very
strong relationship) but what if I want to plot the effects from the

In this case I would usually plot the fitted values values against the raw
values of x... Is this the right approach?



#make a dummy variable across the range of x
x-seq(from=min(fsurv1$ffemale.yell),to=max(fsurv1$ffemale.yell), length=100)

#get the coefficients and draw the line
lines(x,y, lwd=2)

This often does the trick but for some reason, especially when my model
has many terms in it or when one of the independent variables is only
significant when the other independent variables are in the equation, it
gives me strange lines.

Please can someone show me the light?

Thanks in advance,


Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] legend with density and fill

2007-03-17 Thread Simon Pickett

I am trying to make a legend with four symbols as follows

1.white box
2.black box
3.clear box (same as background)
4.clear box with shading lines

but the shading lines arent showing...

here is my code.

legend(8.5,0.3, bty=o, legend=c(young,old,male,female),
fill=c(white,dark grey,0,0),density=c(NA,NA,0,100),angle=45)

any suggestions much appreciated,
Thanks, Simon.

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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[R] link function

2007-03-08 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi everyone,

I have a model which yields a qqnorm plot (residuals~fitted values) of a
sigmoidal shape.

I have been reading about link functions and leafing through Crawley, but
I'm still not sure how to solve this.

Perhaps family=quasi(power= is the best route?

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] str() to extract components

2007-02-27 Thread Simon Pickett

I have been dabbling with str() to extract values from outputs such as
lmer etc and have found it very helpful sometimes.

but only seem to manage to extract the values when the output is one
simple table, any more complicated and I'm stumped :-(

take this example of the extracted coeficients from a lmer analysis...

using str(coef(lmer(resp3~b$age+b$size+b$pcfat+(1|sex), data=b))) yields

Formal class 'lmer.coef' [package Matrix] with 3 slots
  ..@ .Data :List of 1
  .. ..$ :`data.frame': 2 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. .. ..$ (Intercept): num [1:2] 1.07 1.13
  .. .. ..$ b$age  : num [1:2] 0.00702 0.00702
  .. .. ..$ b$size : num [1:2] 0.0343 0.0343
  .. .. ..$ b$pcfat: num [1:2] 0.0451 0.0451
  ..@ varFac: list()
  ..@ stdErr: num(0)

how do I get inside the first table to get the value 1.07 for instance?

Any help much appreciated.

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] arrows and points for error bars

2006-10-20 Thread Simon Pickett
Hello everyone,
I have successfully made an error bar graph using the points() command
with the arrows() command to maually add on the standard errors.

However, one slightly annoying feature of using this method is that the
points dont line up exactly with the arrows (if you look carefully the
points are never perfectly in the centre of the arrow), even when you move
the arrows around in an attempt to correct this.

Secondly I cant seem to force the points to appear on top of the arrows
i.e. with the arrows behind the points. Uing ADD=TRUE to either command
wont work.

Does anyone have any solutions to this problem, or maybe even a different
way of making error plots?

Sorry if this seems a bit pedantic, but it would be great if I could
resolve this problem and so enable me to use R for publication standard

Thanks everyone :-)

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] arrows and points for error bars

2006-10-20 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi there,
I did what Peter Dalgaard very kindly suggested and saved it as a pdf and
viewed it using adobe, which as if by magic resolves the problem. It must
have been a pixel issue with the r graphics device.
Sorry to have wasted your time, thanks for your help, always appreciated.

 It would be very helpful to have a reproducible example, including the OS
 and graphics device used.

 For example, this may only happen with certain values of 'pch' -- e.g.
 some graphics devices (pdf is one) plot circles using completely different
 code from squares.  And we frequently see reports of problems with R
 graphics where the bug is in the viewer software or the including
 application (Word being notorious for mis-rendering WMF files).

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2006, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

 Simon Pickett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello everyone,
 I have successfully made an error bar graph using the points() command
 with the arrows() command to maually add on the standard errors.

 However, one slightly annoying feature of using this method is that the
 points dont line up exactly with the arrows (if you look carefully the
 points are never perfectly in the centre of the arrow), even when you
 the arrows around in an attempt to correct this.

 Is this a pixelization issue? If the line is an odd number of pixels
 wide and the point is an even number of pixels across, then there is
 just no way to line them up. It should go away with increased
 resolution, e.g. when plotting to pdf() and printing on a laser

 Secondly I cant seem to force the points to appear on top of the arrows
 i.e. with the arrows behind the points. Uing ADD=TRUE to either command
 wont work.

 Plot the points last and use a filled symbol, or pch %in% 21:25 with
 bg=white. (example(points) is generally helpful in these matters)

 Does anyone have any solutions to this problem, or maybe even a
 way of making error plots?

 Sorry if this seems a bit pedantic, but it would be great if I could
 resolve this problem and so enable me to use R for publication standard

 Thanks everyone :-)

 Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] help: advice on the structuring of ReML models for analysing growth curves

2006-09-05 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi R experts,
I am interested on the effects of two dietry compunds on the growth of
chicks. Rather than extracting linear growth functions for each chick and
using these in an analysis I thought using ReML might provide a neater and
better way of doing this. (I have read the pdf vignette(MlmSoftRev) and
Fitting linear mixed models in R by Douglas Bates but I am not entirely
sure that I have the right solution).

Basically I fed chicks in nest boxes over a period of time and weighed
them each time I fed them. I presume that chick id should be a random
factor and should be nested within nest box number? (Chicks were not
moved around so this should make things more simple). Also since the
chicks were measured repeatedly over time I presume that this should be a
random factor? Growth is not linear exactly (more quadratic), so I thought
rather than put time in the fixed model I want to control for the effects
of time as a random factor
The resulting model is this
where id=chick identity and brood=nest box
size*sex+(id|brood)+(1|brood)+(1|age), data=H)

Is this the right approach or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Any suggestions much appreciated,

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] help: trouble using lines()

2006-08-24 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi, thanks for replying.
No, there arent any NA's in the original data set
I think I must be mis-interpreting the use of lines()?
in the example what exactly is y?
In my case tmp[1] and tmp[2] are coeficients from the model so just one
number (not a vector) and I havent specified y
Thanks everyone,


 not sure but are there some NA values in your data?



 tells you?

 And you need not to use assignment

 graph1 - plot()

 to output a plot on screen.


 On 24 Aug 2006 at 13:43, Simon Pickett wrote:

 Date sent:Thu, 24 Aug 2006 13:43:18 +0100 (BST)
 From: Simon Pickett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:   R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject:  [R] help: trouble using lines()

 Hi R experts,
 I have been using ReML as follows...
 day:treat+ mtf:treat+ treat:year+ year:treat:mtf+(1|fybrood), data  A)
 then I wanted to plot the results of the three way interaction
 using lines() as follows...

 graph1-plot(mtf,fitted(f2), xlab=list(Brood Size), ylab=list(Early
 growth rate), pch=16, col=darkgrey, bg=yellow)

 but no matter what I try I always get the error message
 Error in xy.coords(x, y) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ

 Can anyone shed some light please?
 I am basically copying the methods of the pdf entitled Linear mixed
 models in R by Søren Feodor Nielsen 20003.

 Simon Pickett
 PhD student
 Centre For Ecology and Conservation
 Tremough Campus
 University of Exeter in Cornwall
 Tel 01326371852

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented,
 minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

 Petr Pikal

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] REML with random slopes and random intercepts giving strange results

2006-08-16 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi again,
Even stranger is the fact that the coefficeints (the slope) and the
intercepts are not independent, in fact they are directly inversely
proportional (r squared = 1).
This means that that there isnt a random slope and intercept for each
individual (which is what I wanted), but straight line that pivots in the
middle and will change from individual to individual. Is there a problem
with the way I have structured the random model or a deeper problem with
here is the code I used
m2 - lmer(changewt ~ newwt+(newwt|id), data = grow)
Any suggestions very much appreciated,

 I don't this is because you are using REML. The BLUPs from a mixed model
 experience some shrinkage whereas the OLS estimates would not.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon Pickett
 Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:34 AM
 To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [R] REML with random slopes and random intercepts
 giving strange results

 Hi everyone,
 I have been using REML to derive intercepts and coeficients
 for each individual in a growth study. So the code is
 m2 - lmer(change.wt ~ newwt+(newwt|id), data = grow)

 Calling coef(model.lmer) gives a matrix with this information
 which is what I want. However, as a test I looked at each
 individual on its own and used a simple linear regression to
 obtain the same information, then I compared the results. It
 looks like the REML method doesnt seem to approximate the two
 parameters as well as using the simple linear regression on
 each individual separately, as judged by looking at graphs.
 Indeed, why do the results differ at all?
 Excuse my naivety if this is a silly question.
 Thanks to everyone for replying to my previous questions,
 very much appreciated.
 Simon Pickett
 PhD student
 Centre For Ecology and Conservation
 Tremough Campus
 University of Exeter in Cornwall
 Tel 01326371852

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] [SPAM] - RE: REML with random slopes and random intercepts giving strange results - Bayesian Filter detected spam

2006-08-16 Thread Simon Pickett
sure, thanks again.
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Formula: change.wt ~ newwt + (newwt | id)
   Data: grow
   AIC   BIC   logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
 -6203.178 -6164.462 3107.589  -6239.374-6215.178
Random effects:
 Groups   NameVariance   Std.Dev.  Corr
 id   (Intercept) 1.0868e-02 0.1042482
  newwt   4.7069e-05 0.0068606 -1.000
 Residual 1.4236e-02 0.1193136
# of obs: 4688, groups: id, 485

Fixed effects:
   Estimate  Std. Error   DF t value  Pr(|t|)
(Intercept)  5.5692e-01  6.4189e-03 4686  86.761  2.2e-16 ***
newwt   -3.2382e-02  4.5962e-04 4686 -70.455  2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
newwt -0.954

 Can you provide the summary(m2) results?

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon Pickett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:14 AM
 To: Doran, Harold
 Cc: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
 Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [R] REML with random slopes and random
 intercepts giving strange results - Bayesian Filter detected spam

 Hi again,
 Even stranger is the fact that the coefficeints (the slope)
 and the intercepts are not independent, in fact they are
 directly inversely proportional (r squared = 1).
 This means that that there isnt a random slope and intercept
 for each individual (which is what I wanted), but straight
 line that pivots in the middle and will change from
 individual to individual. Is there a problem with the way I
 have structured the random model or a deeper problem with lmer()?
 here is the code I used
 m2 - lmer(changewt ~ newwt+(newwt|id), data = grow)
 Any suggestions very much appreciated,

  I don't this is because you are using REML. The BLUPs from a mixed
  model experience some shrinkage whereas the OLS estimates would not.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Simon Pickett
  Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:34 AM
  To: r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch
  Subject: [R] REML with random slopes and random intercepts giving
  strange results
  Hi everyone,
  I have been using REML to derive intercepts and
 coeficients for each
  individual in a growth study. So the code is
  m2 - lmer(change.wt ~ newwt+(newwt|id), data = grow)
  Calling coef(model.lmer) gives a matrix with this
 information which
  is what I want. However, as a test I looked at each
 individual on its
  own and used a simple linear regression to obtain the same
  information, then I compared the results. It looks like the REML
  method doesnt seem to approximate the two parameters as
 well as using
  the simple linear regression on each individual
 separately, as judged
  by looking at graphs.
  Indeed, why do the results differ at all?
  Excuse my naivety if this is a silly question.
  Thanks to everyone for replying to my previous questions,
 very much
  Simon Pickett
  PhD student
  Centre For Ecology and Conservation
  Tremough Campus
  University of Exeter in Cornwall
  Tel 01326371852
  R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

 Simon Pickett
 PhD student
 Centre For Ecology and Conservation
 Tremough Campus
 University of Exeter in Cornwall
 Tel 01326371852

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] REML with random slopes and random intercepts giving strange results

2006-08-15 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi everyone,
I have been using REML to derive intercepts and coeficients for each
individual in a growth study. So the code is
m2 - lmer(change.wt ~ newwt+(newwt|id), data = grow)

Calling coef(model.lmer) gives a matrix with this information which is
what I want. However, as a test I looked at each individual on its own and
used a simple linear regression to obtain the same information, then I
compared the results. It looks like the REML method doesnt seem to
approximate the two parameters as well as using the simple linear
regression on each individual separately, as judged by looking at graphs.
Indeed, why do the results differ at all?
Excuse my naivety if this is a silly question.
Thanks to everyone for replying to my previous questions, very much
Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] help: convert lmer.coef to matrix

2006-08-11 Thread Simon Pickett
Hi all,
I am trying to coerce the coeficients from a REML using lmer() to a matrix
of numbers which I can then write into excel. I have looked in the archive
and read around in the (Matrix) documentation but havent found anything of
Any suggestions much appreciated,
Thankyou, S.

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

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[R] help:coerce lmer.coef to matrix

2006-08-11 Thread Simon Pickett
Thanks for your response, it nearly worked! But it only wrote one coloumn
of data and not the three columns I need.
Using fixef(m1) doesnt give the same results as coef(m1) when you are
using more than one random effect. I need the coefficients for each
individual so I use coef(m1) to get this which results in an object of
class lmer.coef, 3 columns by 700 rows.
as.data.frame() wont work on this and I cant seem to specify that I want
three columns when I tried -matrix(lmer.coef,ncol=length(lmer.coef))
Thanks very much,

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] help with structuring random factors using lmer()

2006-08-10 Thread Simon Pickett
I am an R beginner and having problems structuring my REML models. I have
a model with
id=individual identity
I need to structure the model such that in the random effects there is a
constant intercept for all individuals but a separate individual slope for
both x1 and x2 (a coefficient score for every individual).
m1-lmer(weight~time+timesq+(1|id)+(timesq-1|id)+(time-1|id), data=dataset)
gives me nearly what I want except there isnt an individual coefficient
score for each individual for x2.
Any suggestions very much appreciated.
Simon Pickett

Simon Pickett
PhD student
Centre For Ecology and Conservation
Tremough Campus
University of Exeter in Cornwall
Tel 01326371852

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.