[R] p values for a GEE model

2006-04-10 Thread Tarca, Adi
Hi all,

I have a dataset in which the output Y is observed on two groups of
patients (treatment factor T with 2 levels).

Every subject in each group is observed three times (not time points but
just technical replication).

I am interested in estimating the treatment effect and take into account
the fact that I have repeated measurements for every subject.

If I do this with repeated measures ANOVA (in which the patient is
considered a random effect) I got the following results:







So the p-value for significance of the treatment effect is 0.069.

I would like to use also as a variant analysis a Generalized Estimation
Equation Model, like 





A) Is the gee approach suitable in this case with the model formulae I

B) Can I obtain a p-value for the fixed effect T ?




Laurentiu Tarca



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[R] passing arguments from nnet to optim

2005-08-26 Thread Tarca, Adi

Hi everyone,
According to R reference manual, the nnet function uses the BFGS method
of optim to optimize the neural network parameters.
I would like, when calling the function nnet to tell the optim function
not to produce the tracing information on the progress of the
optimization, or at least to reduce the frequency of the reports.
I tried the following:
a) nnet default
# weights:  4
initial  value 1.910932 
iter  10 value 1.819382
iter  20 value 1.788736
iter  30 value 1.775778
iter  40 value 1.767771
iter  50 value 1.765063
iter  60 value 1.762631
iter  70 value 1.760670
iter  80 value 1.759349
iter  90 value 1.757801
iter 100 value 1.756290
final  value 1.756290 
stopped after 100 iterations

Report is generated at every 10 iterations.

b) passing the REPORT parameter to optim via the control argument
# weights:  4
initial  value 1.894905 
iter  10 value 1.672337
iter  20 value 1.658612
iter  30 value 1.654824
iter  40 value 1.653465
iter  50 value 1.652785
iter  60 value 1.652343
iter  70 value 1.652116
iter  80 value 1.651860
iter  90 value 1.651525
iter 100 value 1.651292
final  value 1.651292 
stopped after 100 iterations

Is still producing reports at each 10 iterations. 
Has anyone an idea how can I turn off the report generation or at least
to reduce its frequency?

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[R] nnet classification using unbalanced classes

2005-04-06 Thread Tarca Adi Laurentiu
Hi everybody,
I want to obtain a classification model using the nnet function for a 
simple two class problem.
My problem is that number of samples in the first class (n1) is about twice 
higher than the one
in class two (n2). I would like to use the weights argument in the nnet 
function to equalize the prior probabilities, but I am not
sure which values I should assign.
My first guess would be to set the weights of samples in the larger class 
to n2/n1 and those for the second class to 1. Is it
the best thing to do?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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[R] building R libraries (windows) - R CMD check problems

2004-06-15 Thread Tarca Adi Laurentiu

Hi everyone,

I am trying to build a R library called nnNorm but I have some troubles 
checking and installing it.
Here is the setup:
If I don't use a inst\doc directory(with the vignettes files) in my source, 
the install step is working fine:

C:\testRCMD INSTALL nnNorm

-- Making package nnNorm 
   adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
   installing R files
   installing man source files
   installing indices
   installing help
   Building/Updating help pages for package 'nnNorm'
  Formats: text html latex example
   compNorm  texthtmllatex   example
   maNormNN  texthtmllatex   example
   nnNorm-internal   texthtmllatex
   Building/Updating help pages for package 'nnNorm'
  Formats: chm
   adding MD5 sums


I do verify the .html documentation and all looks great.
However, by just adding the directory inst\doc containing the nnNorm.Rnw 
and nnNorm.bib  files
when I try to install again I receive the following error:

-- Making package nnNorm 
   adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
   installing R files
   installing inst files
FIND : format incorrect de paramètre
make[2]: *** [C:/R/rw1090/library/nnNorm/inst] Error 2
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [pkg-nnNorm] Error 2
*** Installation of nnNorm failed ***

The second trouble (perhaps related with this one) is when I perform the 
RCMD check.
-- Making package nnNorm 
   adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
   installing R files
   installing inst files
FIND : format incorrect de paramètre
make[2]: *** [C:/test/nnNorm.Rcheck/nnNorm/inst] Error 2
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [pkg-nnNorm] Error 2
*** Installation of nnNorm failed ***

* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking R files for library.dynam ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking for replacement functions with final arg not named 'value' ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking Rd files ... ERROR
Rd files with unbalanced braces:
Unbalanced braces are Rd syntax errors, and result in incorrect

It points me to unbalanced braces, but there are no such error. I tried 
using simple .Rd file with like:


but I still get the same error.

The .Rwn file is ok because the vignettes creation works smoothly:

C:\testRCMD build nnNorm
* checking for file 'nnNorm/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'nnNorm':
* checking whether 'INDEX' is up-to-date ... OK
* creating vignettes ... OK
* removing junk files
* building 'nnNorm_1.0.tar.gz'

Has anyone an idea what the problem might be ? I am using Win XP, R 1.9.0.
  Laurentiu Tarca

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[R] nnet function

2004-05-04 Thread Tarca Adi Laurentiu

Hi I got two questions about the nnet function in R. I would be thankful to 
have an answer.

1) Does the function intrinsically normalize the X and Y matrices before 
the training, or normalization should be
done by the user.
 2) I need to understand the $wts matrix. I do imagine that it is a single 
column transformation of the two
matrices of weighs (input to hidden Ninputs+1 x Nodes) and hidden to output 
(Nodes+1 x Noutputs).

Dr. Laurentiu Adi Tarca
Post Doc. in Bioinformatics
Forest Biology Research Center
C-E-Marchand Bld, 3113
Laval University
Quebec, (Qc)
Tel: 656-2131 ext. 4509
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