Thanks to Jeff Laake for giving me a starting point.
It appears my zipping should have been:

        zip -r hello

essentially creating an outer folder having the package
name inside the zip file.  It still didn't quite work,
with an error as follows:

> utils:::menuInstallLocal()
updating HTML package descriptions
Warning message:
no package 'file678418be' was found in: packageDescription(i, lib.loc = 
lib, field = "Title", encoding = "UTF-8")

The warning doesn't mean anything to me, but I suspect that because
I zipped the linux files, it is possible that the unix end-of-line
difference might pose a problem.  I'll try doing the obvious
conversion and will report back.

As I wrote to Jeff, I'll be happy to document this experience once
I understand it.  For those of us interested in spreading R source
with no C/Fortran (e.g. packages in their simplest form), this
packaging should be fairly simple from first principles without
having to rely on special tools.



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