
I run into the following problem:

> data(iris)
>  as.array(iris[,-5])
Error in "dimnames<-.data.frame"(`*tmp*`, value = list(c("Sepal.Length", :
invalid dimnames given for data frame
>  as.array(as.matrix(iris[,-5]))

When trying to convert numeric data frame to an array. Conversion to matrix
works just fine,  but array crashes. Since documentation for "as.array" says
its argument has to be "an R object" than it should work for data frames as

Closer examination shows that "as.array" code with [150 x 4] data frame as
input, does the following: 
#   line of code                                                effect
1    if (is.array(x))  return(x)                        is.array is false
2  n <- names(x)                                        "names" return a
vector of 4 column names
3  dim(x) <- length(x)                    dim(x) before is [150 x 4];
length(x) is 4;  dim(x) after is still [150 x 4]                  
4  if (length(n)) dimnames(x)<-list(n)    list(n) is a list containing 1
vector with 4 strings;  attempt to set it as dimnames to [150x4] object
5  return(x)

If this is a bug and not poorly documented feature, than changing line 2 to
"n <- dimnames(x)" seem to work for this example.

 Jarek Tuszynski, PhD.                               o / \ 
 Science Applications International Corporation  <\__,|  
 (703) 676-4192                        ">  \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   `    \

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