At 17:58 01/10/04, Michael Dewey wrote:
I think it is easiest to describe
what I want in terms of the concrete
problem I have.

I have data from a number of countries
in each of which a sample of people was
interviewed. In presenting the results
in a forthcoming collaborative publication
much emphasis will be placed on the
multi-centre nature of the study. Although
I suspect colleagues may do this with
shaded maps I would prefer to avoid
them as (a) they present one fact per
country per map (b) they are unfair to
the Netherlands and other high density

What I would like to do is to make
the background represent Europe (ideally
with a map but that is a frill) then
place simple scattergrams (or radar plots)
on it located roughly where the country
is. Another way of describing it might
be to say that I want something like
the panels produced by lattice but at
arbitrary coordinates rather than on
a rectangular grid. I suspect I have
to do this from scratch and I would
welcome hints.

Am I right that there is no off the
shelf way to do this?

Is grid the way to go? Looking at the
article in Rnews 2(2) and a brief scan
of the documentation suggests so.
If grid is the way to go then bearing
in mind I have never used grid before
(a) any hints about the overall
possible solution structure
would be welcome (b) is this realistic to
do within a week or shall I revert to
lattice and lose the geography?

Is there a simple way to draw a map
in the background? It needs to cover
as far as Sweden, Spain and Greece.
It can be crude,
as long as Italy looks roughly like
a boot that is fine. I am an epidemiologist
not a geographer.

I received some very helpful hints and was able to get a satisfactory solution. Roger Bivand pointed me in the right way with map. After loading maps and mapproj I go

map("world", region = c("France", "Belgium", "Greece", "Spain", "Italy",
   "Switzerland", "Sweden", "Germany", "Netherlands", "Austria",
   "Denmark", "Sicily", "Sardinia"),
   xlim = c(-10, 30), ylim = c(30, 60),
   projection = "albers", parameters = c(30,60), col = "lightgreen")

then bearing in mind that my data is in a file called merg
which contains the coordinates and the data to plot

merg$x <- mapproject(merg$long,merg$lat)$x
merg$y <- mapproject(merg$long,merg$lat)$y

gets the coordinates in the new system.
Deepayan Sarkar reminded me about stars which I should
have remembered myself from reading MASS.
I now go

stars(2*merg[,ord+4], scale = FALSE, len = 0.07,
   locations = cbind(merg$x,merg$y), labels = NULL,
   cex = 0.3,
   key.loc = c(mapproject(-10,60)$x,mapproject(-10,60)$y),
   add = TRUE

and get a plot which does what I wanted.

Roger had pointed out that gridbase was probably the way to put scatterplots on the map
but I decided after looking at the stars that scatterplots would end up too small to use
so I stayed with lattice for them.
(When I said scattergrams I meant what nearly everyone else calls scatterplots.)

Thanks to both of them, and to the people who made maps and stars so easy
when you know what to look for.

Michael Dewey

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