[R] Fwd: Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Kathan Desai
-- Forwarded message - From: Kathan Desai Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2020 at 14:31 Subject: Re: [R] Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes: To: Jim Lemon Hi Jim, Thankyou for your reply, I tried the function you suggested and it doesn't seem to work. There are again no

Re: [R] Fwd: Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Eric Berger
Hi Kathan, How about trying to create a *minimal* reproducible example, e.g. with a list of two data frames, where each data frame has 5 rows,? My guess is that there is a good chance that when you try to create such an example, you will discover the problem yourself. In the event that you create

Re: [R] Mapping Geographical Coordinate Data

2020-07-04 Thread Jeff Newmiller
And post a minimal reproducible example (perhaps using dput(head(dta))). On July 4, 2020 7:41:28 AM PDT, Bert Gunter wrote: >You should post on r-sig-geo, not here. You are much more likely to >find >the interest and expertise you seek there. > >Bert Gunter > >"The trouble with having an open

Re: [R] Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Kathan, This is a very lazy answer as I haven't tested it. I think you will need to wrap your loop in a function and return the modified list_df to assign it like this: add_IDs<-function(xdf) { for(i in seq_along(xdf)) { xdf$position_tab_[[i]]$ID <-

Re: [R] Fwd: Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Kathan Desai
*I hope this is more succinct.* *I have the following code: * list_df$position_tab_5$ID <- unlist(lapply(list_df$position_tab_5$midpoint, function(x) ifelse(any(abs(x - list_df$position_tab_4$midpoint) <= 1),1,0))) It compares every observation from the midpoint column from dataframe 2 to every

[R] Mapping Geographical Coordinate Data

2020-07-04 Thread Graham Leask via R-help
Dear List, I have a postcode file containing geographical coordinates but this is not in the format of a standard shape file. I list the first 5 observations below; Postcode Postcode_geometry

Re: [R] Mapping Geographical Coordinate Data

2020-07-04 Thread Bert Gunter
You should post on r-sig-geo, not here. You are much more likely to find the interest and expertise you seek there. Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )

[R] Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Kathan Desai
I have been trying to run a forloop for a function that compares dataframe n with dataframe n-1, across a list of dataframes. It does this by checking each midpoint of dataframe n with each midpoint of dataframe n-1. This is done to make up for an disparity in row length. The idea of this code is

Re: [R] Fwd: Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Bert Gunter
Perhaps the following will be helpful (you can ignore the warning message here): > set.seed(1001) > x <- sample(1:5,10, rep = TRUE) > y <- sample(1:5,12, rep = TRUE) > n <- seq_len(min(length(x), length(y))) > flag <- as.numeric(abs(x-y)[n] <= 1) Warning message: In x - y : longer object length

Re: [R] Fwd: Help with looping a function over a list of dataframes:

2020-07-04 Thread Kathan Desai
Hello thanks everyone for your help i managed to get a working function as followed: for(i in 2:length(list_df)){ list_df[[paste0("position_tab_",i)]][['ID']] <- unlist(lapply(list_df[[paste0("position_tab_",i)]][['midpoint']], function(x) ifelse(any(abs(x -

Re: [R-es] Sumar valores dentro de una clase

2020-07-04 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hola, Si pudieras compartir un subconjunto de datos con el que se pudiera entender mejor tu código... Gracias, Carlos Ortega www.qualityexcellence.es El sáb., 4 jul. 2020 a las 18:00, Andrés Hirigoyen (< andreshirigo...@gmail.com>) escribió: > Buenas mi duda es cómo sumar los valores de una

[R-es] Sumar valores dentro de una clase

2020-07-04 Thread Andrés Hirigoyen
Buenas mi duda es cómo sumar los valores de una variable dentro de una clase ya creada. Por ejemplo: #Creo el dataset que voy a completar, primero la secuencia con la q hare las clases: cl<-round(seq(0,max(data$h),0.5),2) # Mi data frame con las clases

Re: [R-es] Sumar valores dentro de una clase

2020-07-04 Thread Andrés Hirigoyen
Va ejemplo: data <- Ejemplo_List cl<-round(seq(0,max(data$h),10),2) # seq para clases df<-data.frame(min.h=cl[-length(cl)],max.h=cl[-1]) # Data frame con las clases df$class<-paste(df$min.h,df$max.h,sep="-") # Armo las Clases df$Largo <-NA # Variable nueva # Completo la columna "Largo" con la

Re: [R-es] Sumar valores dentro de una clase

2020-07-04 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hola, ¿Son tres columnas?... Solo tienen nombre dos...¿? hID 1: 18,2 20556 2: 18,5 20556 3: 20,9 20556 4: 19,2 20665 Y lo que quieres al final ¿es sumar el valor de ID de cada clase? Gracias, Carlos Ortega. El sáb., 4 jul. 2020 a las 22:30, Andrés Hirigoyen (<

Re: [R-es] Sumar valores dentro de una clase

2020-07-04 Thread Andrés Hirigoyen
De los datos de partida creo un nuevo data set donde las filas son rangos de h (Clase). Las variables de ese nuevo set son: Largo, que corresponde al conteo de observaciones que caen en cada Clase, y Total que es la suma de los valores de ID de las observaciones de casa clase. Por ejemplo para la

Re: [R-es] Sumar valores dentro de una clase

2020-07-04 Thread Javier Marcuzzi
Estimado Andés Hirigoyen ¿Puedes escribir todo desde cero? En mi caso no pude duplicar ni una línea de su código, será configuración, incomprensión de mi parte. No lo se. Tampoco logro interpretar que desea, la clase como clase estadística (alto, rugoso, liso, bajo), o clase como colocar algo