Hi Dewey,

Currently there are several packages on a subfolder for human inspection.
I don't think you can do anything else: sending this email might help
drawing attention from your reviewer to your package.
There might be some issues in the package that you'll need to address, try
to find them in advance or prepare a reply for them.

Probably the reviewer is busy with other non-CRAN related things. Or maybe
the review fell between emails.
After a couple of weeks you could try again sending an email to the



On Thu, 5 Oct 2023 at 03:39, Dewey Dunnington <de...@dunnington.ca> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I submitted the first release of adbcpostgresql (an R repackaging of
> ADBC's Postgres driver) about a month ago and it has been pending human
> inspection (I think) since then. I did reply-all to the email once to
> inquire about status but haven't heard back. Where is the best place to
> direct communication about the status of the package? I am certainly
> happy to fix any problems that arise.
> Cheers,
> -dewey
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