El dom., 10 abr. 2022 20:33, jérémy Gelb <gelbjerem...@gmail.com> escribió:

> Dear all,
> A package I am developing is encountering an error on the platform
> (r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc) since CRAN decided to force the use of
> gcc12.

What's the package and what's the error? A link to the report would be

The error is caused by the use of the bh package and the c++ Boost geometry
> library. Boost is not supposed to be compiled with gcc12 (
> https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_78_0.html), but I really
> would like to continue to use it in my package.

What does this mean? Is there any known issue? Fedora 36+ ships gcc12 and
Boost 1.76 and there's no issue AFAIK.

> Is there a way to ensure that an "older" version (11 should be fine) is
> available and used when the package is installed and display an error
> message otherwise?

I don't think so. But anyway that's rarely a good strategy. It could be a
regression, of course, but I tend to think that the problem is in my code,
rather than in gcc.


> Thank you !
> --
> *Jérémy GELB*
> Assistant de recherche à l'*INRS*
> Docteur en Études Urbaines
> 514 658 6054
> gelbjerem...@gmail.com
> F-4221 Avenue Coloniale H2W2C3 Montréal Quebec
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