Re: [R-pkg-devel] Modernizing legacy Fortran:, REAL(kind=8)

2023-08-31 Thread Thomas Petzoldt

On 30.08.2023 at 11:58 Ivan Krylov wrote:

On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:43:04 +0200
Thomas Petzoldt  wrote:

a) change REAL(kind=8) back to DOUBLE PRECISION that is again old
style. It seems to be portable and is still widely used.

I don't have a reference as good as the Fortran standard, but Steve
Lionel said in Dr. Fortran [*] that DOUBLE PRECISION is still part of
the standard fixed-form syntax.


This could be particularly problematic if you're trying to interoperate
with C, but will probably not surface unless you use LTO:

Unfortunately, there's no standard DOUBLE COMPLEX.

Thank you, this helps. I had a look in Dr. Fortran myself and some other 
sites, but especially the COMPLEX definitions remain unclear.

I tried now the following, because the included original Fortran codes 
follow slightly different standards:

- replace COMPLEX(KIND=8) with DOUBLE COMPLEX in source files that use 

- replace real(kind=8) with real(kind=kind(0.0d0)) in the more modern 
source files

This is pragmatic and may not be the best way, but looks mostly 
consistent. Now I checked the package and everything was ok, but I was 
not able reproduce the warnings from the previous version.

I assume that I have to set an environment variable to see the warnings, 
but which one?

I use gfortran/gcc 13.2.1-1 on Fedora 38.



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[R-pkg-devel] Modernizing legacy Fortran:, REAL(kind=8)

2023-08-30 Thread Thomas Petzoldt


some package maintainers including me got a reminder from Prof. Brian 
Ripley to modernize REAL and INTEGER declarations using the KIND option:

On 29.08.2023 at 19:31 Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
According to the Fortran standards, numerical values are just an 
enumeration, and what e.g. real(kind=4) means (or even if it is 
accepted) is implementation dependent.

We see such constructs in packages 

[... line with packages deleted to avoid exposing the other packages and 

Please change them to something portable (kind(1.0) or kind(1.0d0} are 
commonly used, as is c_double from iso_c_binding).

Before 2023-09-26 to safely retain your package on CRAN (some of you 
have earlier deadlines for other issues).

We use a lot of legacy code that though partly modernized due to similar 
requests, still uses a mix of DOUBLE PRECISION and a few REAL(KIND=8) 
and COMPLEX(KIND=8). As the code will still remain legacy style with 
respect to some other constructs, I wonder what to use to go a step 
forward, but remain as consistent as possible, which is of course a 
compromise. I see the following options:

a) change REAL(kind=8) back to DOUBLE PRECISION that is again old style. 
It seems to be portable and is still widely used.

b) just formally change the few occurrences to:REAL(kind=0.0d) as 
suggested. It is easy, but inconsistency remains.

c) or, define "dp" as recommended in modern style guides and use it 
instead of REAL(kind=8) and the future also for DOUBLE PRECISION this way:


and then


However, this would need changes at many places, the mix between old and 
new constructswill generally get worse.

Another question is, that with either of these, we may not be sure to 
use 8 byte double. Changing this could influence for precision and 
pointer arithmetics.

Any recommendations? Thanks a lot!


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] preventing auto-update of R and c2d4u r-cran-* packages on Ubuntu 22.04

2023-08-10 Thread Thomas Petzoldt

On 10.08.2023 at 17:56 Neal Fultz wrote:
In the past, I've extracted the pre-built debian packages into the 
user's personal folder, instead of installing them via apt. It worked 
(but it was not fun), and was pretty manual.  That might interact a bit 
better with some of the third party tools for dealing with dependencies 
in shiny apps, compared to system-wide installs; ymmv.

Thank you for the suggestion. My implemented approach works indeed 
similar to this.

After moving this discussion to R-SIG-Debian 
Dirk Eddelbuettel suggested five different approaches.

I made indeed a snapshot (a local copy) of the complete "site-library" 
folder to another place of the file system (e.g. 
"site-library-snapshot"). In the .Renviron file of the shiny user, the 
environment variable R_LIBS_USER then points to this location. The base 
packages from "library" are conservative, so I decided to use them from 
the original position.

Finally, an rmarkdown script provided by the shiny-server can report the 
value of .libPaths() and versions and locations of installed packages:


This works well, except for a package that contained relative symbolic 
links to the file system.


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] preventing auto-update of R and c2d4u r-cran-* packages on Ubuntu 22.04

2023-08-09 Thread Thomas Petzoldt

Hi Dirk,

thank you very much dirk for the quick response. I was aware that 
r-package-devel may not be the optimal place ;-) but hoped to address 
the right audience between r-devel and r-help.

Many thanks also for the suggestions, especially r2u and sorry for 
confusing the name of Michael.


Am 09.08.2023 um 16:41 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:

On 9 August 2023 at 16:26, Thomas Petzoldt wrote:
| I am running a couple of  shiny servers with several apps that are based
| around own CRAN packages. It worked stable for years, but due to the
| growing number of packages, the compile time for regular manual package
| installation and updates became inconvenient.
| Therefore, I have been very happy to use pre-compiled packages from the
| c2d4u repository: deb
| jammy main

These days you also have r2u which has all of CRAN ie 20k binaries (each, for
two Ubuntu flavors). See
| This is indeed a great service, thanks to Dirk Edelbuettel, mark Rutter

That would be Michael Rutter.

| and the complete team! The downside is, that now the r-cran-* binaries
| are installed automatically, together with the system update. I
| experienced now repeated cases that crashed some of the shiny apps,
| mainly due to conflicts between the binary packages and other packages
| installed from sources.

If you use r2u (as I do on a laptop, an ec2 server, all my CI testing for
work and testing for months now) you get all packages and do not need to
mix.  Try r2u, it's good.
| My question: what is best practise, to disallow automatic updates for

| all r-cran-* packages? Uncommenting the complete package source in the
| apt/sources.list.d/cd4u...list file? Fiddling around with
| /etc/apt/preferences ?
| The ideal approach would be to put a plain textfile of all installed
| r-cran packages somewhere to the system, where packages that are to be
| upgraded (or oppositely: pinned) are just commented or outcommented.

That is very Debian / Ubuntu specific question.  Can I ask you to bring it to
the dedicated list r-sig-debian ?

 From the top of my head I can think of setting package status 'hold' (a
simpler per-package approach) or setting specific apt pinning values to not
alter packages from specific repos, see the manual pages.

But please ask on r-sig-debian. This list is for generic R packaging questions.

Thanks, Dirk

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[R-pkg-devel] preventing auto-update of R and c2d4u r-cran-* packages on Ubuntu 22.04

2023-08-09 Thread Thomas Petzoldt


I am running a couple of  shiny servers with several apps that are based 
around own CRAN packages. It worked stable for years, but due to the 
growing number of packages, the compile time for regular manual package 
installation and updates became inconvenient.

Therefore, I have been very happy to use pre-compiled packages from the 
c2d4u repository: deb jammy main

This is indeed a great service, thanks to Dirk Edelbuettel, mark Rutter 
and the complete team! The downside is, that now the r-cran-* binaries 
are installed automatically, together with the system update. I 
experienced now repeated cases that crashed some of the shiny apps, 
mainly due to conflicts between the binary packages and other packages 
installed from sources.

My question: what is best practise, to disallow automatic updates for 
all r-cran-* packages? Uncommenting the complete package source in the 
apt/sources.list.d/cd4u...list file? Fiddling around with  
/etc/apt/preferences ?

The ideal approach would be to put a plain textfile of all installed 
r-cran packages somewhere to the system, where packages that are to be 
upgraded (or oppositely: pinned) are just commented or outcommented.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Help

2018-09-21 Thread Thomas Petzoldt


the NOTEs show that your examples require to much CPU time.

Solution: reduce CPU time of your examples by increasing efficiency of 
your code, by simplification of the examples (e.g. with smaller samples 
or toy data), or, if nothing else helps, by embracing examples with 
\dontrun{} or \donttest{}.

As said, use this only if nothing else helps, because it reduces code 
coverage of the tests:


Am 21.09.2018 um 11:37 schrieb Rhys D Munden:

received the below email about uploading a package, but I'm not sure how to
solve these problems.


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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Changing License

2018-08-30 Thread Thomas Petzoldt


we had a related discussion some time ago in the JSS editorial board. It 
was a long and partly emotional discussion of the pros and cons, but the 
good news was that if a code is MIT, it can be re-licensed as GPL, while 
it would not not be possible in the opposite direction (except by the 
original copyright holders).

MIT is less political and more permissive than GPL, but its disadvantage 
is that someone can take your code, create derived work and then sell 
the derived work as closed source. Even the original developers may be 
excluded from derived work, or have to pay for it.

The JSS board discussion ended with a request in


"Code needs to include the GNU General Public Licence (GPL), versions 
GPL-2 or GPL-3, or a GPL-compatible license for publication in JSS."

where MIT or BSD can be considered as GPL compatible, while packages 
with some other licenses my need explicit double-licensing by the 
copyright holder, see also:

"Many of the most common free-software licenses, especially the 
permissive licenses, such as the original MIT/X license, BSD licenses 
(in the three-clause and two-clause forms, though not the original 
four-clause form), MPL 2.0, and LGPL, are GPL-compatible. That is, their 
code can be combined with a program under the GPL without conflict, and 
the new combination would have the GPL applied to the whole (but the 
other license would not so apply)."

I would therefore recommend GPL, and you don't make something wrong if 
you re-license derived work using MIT-licensed code under the GPL.


PS: this is my personal conclusion, I am not a lawyer.

Dr. Thomas Petzoldt

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] registering native routines

2018-04-10 Thread Thomas Petzoldt


I assume you followed "Writing R Extension" and the examples given in 
package deSolve (and maybe some other packages).

Am I right that this fixed the i386 notes, but not for x64?

Here I conclude that you tested it on Windows. This is relevant, because 
I remember a recent discussion (maybe on this mailing list), that the 
"register native routines" check can sometimes produce false positives 
on Windows.

Would it be possible for you, to check your package on a recent Linux 

Thomas Petzoldt

Am 10.04.2018 um 13:19 schrieb Rampal S. Etienne:

Dear all,

I am using Fortran code with the deSolve package in my package called
"DDD". When checking my package I get the message:

checking compiled code ... NOTE
File 'DDD/libs/x64/DDD.dll':
   Found no calls to: 'R_registerRoutines', 'R_useDynamicSymbols'

It is good practice to register native routines and to disable symbol search.

Although it is "just" a note, I would like to solve this, but after
quite some googling, I cannot find a solution.

I have tried

but this produces nothing, or only an empty file when I specify the
argument con. I put the following R-init_DDD.c in the src folder and
useDynLib("DDD",.registration = TRUE) in the namespace file. #include
 #include  #include  // for NULL #include
 /* .Fortran calls */ extern void
F77_NAME(fill1d)(double *vec, int *DIMP, double *parms, int *II); extern
void F77_NAME(initmod)(void (*steadyparms)(int *, double *)); extern
void F77_NAME(runmod)(int *neq, double *t, double *Conc, double *dConc,
double *yout, int *ip); static const R_FortranMethodDef FortranEntries[]
= { {"fill1d", (DL_FUNC) _NAME(fill1d), 4}, {"initmod", (DL_FUNC)
_NAME(initmod), 1}, {"runmod", (DL_FUNC) _NAME(runmod), 6},
{NULL, NULL, 0} }; void R_init_DDD(DllInfo *dll) {
R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, NULL, FortranEntries, NULL);
R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE); }

Note that I only get the message for x64, but I don't get it for i386,
which I did before. So somehow, this is only an issue on 64-bit? How do
I fix this?



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[R-pkg-devel] S4 generic with variable naming of arguments

2016-02-29 Thread Thomas Petzoldt

Dear colleagues,

after testing one of my packages with students, I'm trying to improve
the user interface, to make it even simpler and more robust. The package
uses S4 classes and I was very happy with this, but my aim is now to
allow non-named arguments with different ordering, depending on their
class and with and 'speaking argument names', not simply x and y.

It looks to me as this could be a FAQ and please excuse if I overlooked
something, but I still wonder. Let's assume a generic like this:

foo <- function(formula, data, grouping, ...)

It is of course easy in S4 write methods that allow either

'foo(y ~ x, df)' or 'foo(data = df, grouping = g)'

but I want to allow also 'foo(df, g)'

This works easily in S3 (see below), but [how] can this also be done
with S4 to avoid mixture of class systems in the package?

Thanks a lot!


### Example ##

foo <- function(formula, data, grouping = NULL, ...) UseMethod("foo")

foo.formula <- function(formula, data, ...) {
  cat("formula method\n")
} <- function(data, grouping, ...) {
  cat("data method\n")

foo.default <- function(data, ...)
  cat("method for class", class(data), "not yet implemented\n")

df <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=runif(10), groups=rep(c("a", "b"), 5))

foo(y~x, df)# easy in S4

foo(df, grouping="groups") # easy in S3, but how in S4?



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Re: [R-pkg-devel] apparent S3 methods note in R CMD check

2015-06-12 Thread Thomas Petzoldt

Dear Martin, dear package developers,

I had a very similar case three days ago in one of our packages. Our aim
was to provide an S3 method matplot.deSolve and an alternative and more
specific non-S3 function matplot.1D because the .1D follows the naming
scheme of other related functions.

The note of R 3.2.0 could be suppressed by (wrongly) declaring the
non-S3 variant as S3method, but finally I decided to use an
S4-compatibility approach instead:

setGeneric(matplot, function(x, ...) graphics::matplot(x, ...))

setMethod(matplot, list(x = deSolve), matplot.deSolve)

... with the downside that deSolve::matplot now masks graphics::matplot

So I would appreciate if matplot could be made a generic. Or is there
another way round?


Dr. Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Institute of Hydrobiology
01062 Dresden, Germany


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