Dear Sirs,

Recently, my parglm package was pulled of CRAN because of a segfault
on Solaris and an issue on the OpenBLAS additional issues test.

I started with the Solaris issue but failed to reproduce the error
with `rhub::checkonsolaris()`. Then I tried to reproduce the OpenBLAS.
First, I build R-devel with
`–with-blas="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas/"` and
which one gets from `libopenblas-dev` if I recall correctly on my own
Ubuntu machine (version 18.04, gcc 8.3.0). However, there where no
issues or segfaults when I ran `CMD check –as-cran

Then I build the following docker image:

where I do as described in the following two links (I think): &

However when I started the container and ran:
 - `/opt/R-devel/lib64/R/bin/R CMD check –as-cran
–no-stop-on-test-error –use-valgrind`
 - `/opt/R-devel/lib64/R/bin/R CMD check –as-cran –no-stop-on-test-error`

then I got no issues or segfaults.

So, although that other people have asked similar questions before,
can anyone spot what I did wrong when I tried to reproduce the error
and if not what should I do? Any help is much appreciated.

There are no other issues with both ASAN and UBSAN checks with gcc and
clang on my own machine.

Sincerely Yours,
Benjamin Christoffersen

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