[R-sig-eco] qAIC

2013-01-22 Thread Manuel SpĂ­nola
Dear list members, I fitted a quasipoisson model and I am trying to get the qAICc with the function qAICc form the bbmle package I cannot get the value. quasi - glm(Pt ~ Agua + offset(log(Transecto.1)), family=quasipoisson(log), data=Abundancia) val = qAICc(quasi, dispersion = 9.6567, nobs=16)

[R-sig-eco] question about MuMIn package

2013-01-22 Thread Simone Ruzza
Dear R users, I would like to use the MuMIn package to perform model average on a simple GLM containing a mixture of categorical and continuous predictors. The model.avg functions seems to work with models containing continuous and categorical variables, but I am wondering whether somebody could