We would like to announce the following online course:

"Introduction to Regression Models with Spatial Correlation using R-INLA"

The course includes an (optional) 1-hour face-to-face video chat with one or both instructors. You can discuss your own data.

Starting date: April 2021

Course fee: 500 GBP.

Flyer: http://highstat.com/Courses/Flyers/2021/Flyer2021_04_SpatialGLM.pdf

Website: http://highstat.com/index.php/courses-upcoming

Kind regards,

Alain Zuur

Dr. Alain F. Zuur
Highland Statistics Ltd.
9 St Clair Wynd
AB41 6DZ Newburgh, UK
Email: highs...@highstat.com
URL: www.highstat.com

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