Re: [R-sig-eco] Subset dataframe

2013-04-16 Thread Patrick Kilduff
Hi Jade, One way that you can do this is using the 'sqldf' package. LRVS_cpue - rnorm(100)*10 outing_ID - rep(c(51801, 51802, 51803, 51804, 51805), each = 20) cpueData - data.frame(outing_ID = outing_ID, LRVS_cpue = LRVS_cpue) library(sqldf) # This returns only the max values for each

Re: [R-sig-eco] Subset dataframe

2013-04-16 Thread Jade Maggs
Hi Thierry, here is the output from str(cpueData). This is the whole dataset, not just a sample. str(cpueData) 'data.frame': 679848 obs. of 14 variables: $ patrol_ID : int 51674 51674 51674 51674 51675 51675 51675 51675 51676 51676 ... $ start_datetime: Factor w/ 90082 levels