Dear All,
I was using "SAENET" package for autoencoding.
I used the following code:
h=SAENET.train(data[,1:200], n.nodes = c(100, 20), unit.type =
("logistic"), lambda = 0.001,
               beta = 0.0001, rho = 0.01, epsilon = 0.01, optim.method =
               rel.tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), max.iterations = 1000)
But its showing the error:
Error in optim(par = theta, fn = J.theta, gr = grad.theta.J, method =
optimizer,  :
  initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite

Can anyone help me regarding this issue?

Thanks in advance.

*With Regards*
*Subir Paul*
*Research Scholar (PhD)*
*Water Resources & Env. Engg.*

*Department of Civil Engineering*
*Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru*

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