Hi Thiago,

A few calc tips inline that you can use together with Tim's suggestion.

On 02/27/2016 07:47 AM, Tim Appelhans wrote:
Dear Thiago,
have a look at the gimms package, available on CRAN. The function of
interest is significantTau().


Hope this helps,

On 27.02.2016 09:49, Thiago V. dos Santos wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I have a raster stack with 89 layers, each layer representing yearly

I am trying to use the function rkt (from package "rkt") to detect a
possible trend in my precipitation time series.

Its usage is pretty simple, and this is how it runs on a data frame:


# generate some random data
myDF <- data.frame(Date = seq.Date(as.Date("2011-01-01"),
as.Date("2099-01-01"), by='year'),
value = runif(89,0,1200))

# extract year from date, as numeric
myDF$year <- as.numeric(format(myDF$Date, "%Y"))

# run mann-kendall test
kenn <- rkt(myDF$year, myDF$value)


Now, this is my attempt to apply this test on a raster stack, using a
calc function:


# Create the date sequence
idx <- myDF$Date

# Create raster stack and apply the date
r <- raster(ncol=50, nrow=50)
s <- stack(lapply(1:length(idx), function(x) setValues(r,
runif(ncell(r), 0, 1200))))
s <- setZ(s, idx)

# Now I define a function
tsfun <- function(x) {
     year <- as.numeric(substr(getZ(x), 1, 4))
     r.kenn <- rkt(year, x)

You can't call getZ() on x. Within the calc function environment x is a numeric vector not a RasterBrick. If you do it outside of the function and refer to it within the function it should work.
dates <- getZ(s) # then use the dates variable in the function.

You can only store numerics in raster cells, and r.kenn is a full object. You need to choose which numerics contained in that object you want the function to return and subset the object accordingly.

Functions passed to calc should work on numeric vectors and ideally they should also be vectorized. It's not always easy to vectorize a function though; so in such case you can set the forceapply= argument to TRUE. I believe that may cost a bit of speed though.


# I apply the function
raster.kenn <- calc(s, fun=tsfun)


And the error message I get is:

Error in .calcTest(x[1:5], fun, na.rm, forcefun, forceapply) :
cannot use this function
Always loved that very informative error message from calc :)

What am I doing wrong here?
  -- Thiago V. dos Santos

PhD student
Land and Atmospheric Science
University of Minnesota

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