[R-SIG-Mac] vecLib BLAS and LAPACK on Mac OS 11.01 and Xcode 12.2

2020-11-25 Thread Anirban Mukherjee

I am having trouble using vecLib BLAS and LAPACK libraries in R 4.0.3 Patched 
(2020-11-20 r79454) on Mac OS 11.0.1 and Xcode 12.2. 

For several years, I have been compiling R from source on the same computer. 
Most recently, I compiled R from source on Mac OS 10.15.7 and Xcode 11.5. As 
given in the R installation and administration manual, I specified the 
following configuration options:

1. --with-blas="-framework Accelerate” 
2. --with-lapack 

As expected, those two configurations options led to R using the vecLib 

After upgrading from Mac OS 10.15.7 to Mac OS 11.01, I find that my new 
compilations of R no longer use vecLib BLAS and LAPACK libraries (sessionInfo 
below message). I poked around in 
 I do not see libBLAS.dylib and libLAPACK.dylib. 

May I enquire:

a. Should I see libBLAS.dylib and libLAPACK.dylib in the vecLib framework 
folder (on Mac OS 11.01 and Xcode 12.2). As I remember it, that is where those 
libraries were located in prior versions of Mac OS and Xcode. Is the fact that 
they are missing unique to my machine? If so, then they likely were deleted in 
the upgrade as they must have been present when I compiled R a few weeks ago.

b. Has anyone compiled R from source on Mac OS 11.0.1 and Xcode 12.2? Does your 
R use the vecLib libaries (if that is what you prefer)?

Any help would be very welcome.


> sessionInfo()
R version 4.0.3 Patched (2020-11-20 r79454)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20.1.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 10.16

Matrix products: default

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.0.3 tools_4.0.3 
R-SIG-Mac mailing list

Re: [R-SIG-Mac] Apple Silicon aka M1 Macs

2020-11-25 Thread Taras Zakharko
Creating a native Aarch64 build of R on my M1 machine was surprisingly 
straightforward. Here is a step-by-step instruction of what I did in case 
someone wants to replicate it:

1. Install native homebrew as described in this blog post under “Multiple 
Homebrews” (https://soffes.blog/homebrew-on-apple-silicon). You will need to 
manually chown a bunch of directories, keep an eye on brew output

2. Install the following brew packages

  brew install jpeg libpng libtiff pcre2 pkg-config tcl-tk xz zlib

  Again, pay attention to brew output, it is possible that you will have to 
manually reset ownership on some directories

3. Make sure that zlib can be discovered by pkg-config by making it’s pc file 

 ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/zlib/1.2.11/lib/pkgconfig/zlib.pc 

4. Install patched gfortran, I used the precompiled package from here: 


5. In  config.site, add the paths to homebrew libraries:


Note: the R-admin manual tells to set CC, CXX, FC in config.sites, but it’s not 
strictly necessary, the build will work without them

5. Run the configure script, I used

  ./configure --enable-R-shlib --without-x  --enable-memory-profiling 
--with-blas="-framework Accelerate”

  Check that the summary makes sense. If PNG is disabled, it’s probably because 
you forgot step 3

6. Build R

  make -j4

7. Check that everything runs


   You should see something like "Platform: arm-apple-darwin20.2.0 (64-bit)” in 
the startup message. 
All core tests seems to pass and the performance is excellent. 

I have tried building tidyverse and it blocked on testthat. It seems that 
testthat uses a fairly old version of Catch which doesn’t detect platform 
correctly and tries to use some x86 inline assembly during the arm build… 

> On 23 Nov 2020, at 11:14, Prof Brian Ripley  wrote:
> As a follow-up, I now have a preliminary native build of R (using a gfortran 
> compiled from sources forked from GCC and using minor modifications of Tomas 
> Kalibera's instructions).
> The check timing was 148s, with Aqua (not X11) Tcl/Tk built from the sources 
> and no X11 support, so not quite 100% comparable.
> Building the compiler took 45m elapsed with 100% CPU most of the time: the 
> machine (which has no fan) remained cool (unlike my MBP which has a fan but 
> rarely runs it and does get warm to the touch).
> There is a preliminary write-up on 'arm64' Macs in R-devel's R-admin manual 
> (the version on CRAN is as usual a few days behind).
> On 17/11/2020 14:57, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
>> Mine (a 8GB MBA) arrived today, so I have started doing some comparisons.
>> For the CRAN build of R 4.0.3, §2.8 of R-admin recommends checking the 
>> installation with
>> pdf("tests.pdf") ## optional, but prevents flashing graphics windows
>> Sys.setenv(LC_COLLATE = "C", LC_TIME = "C", LANGUAGE = "en")
>> tools::testInstalledBasic("both")
>> tools::testInstalledPackages(scope = "base")
>> tools::testInstalledPackages(scope = "recommended")
>> That took 454s (using Rosetta) against 895s for my late-2016 MBP (2.9GHz 
>> i5): happily nothing untoward was reported (some recommended packages give 
>> differences from reference output on both systems).
>> You need to install XQuartz to provide the X11() devices and support for 
>> package Tcl/Tk: everything I tried using that worked as expected.
>> Having done that post-installation check I would happily use the Intel R on 
>> an M1 machine.
>> We plan to check many of the Intel-compiled packages under Rosetta.
>> There are many hours of work ahead to build/test a native toolchain: our 
>> goal is to have a native distribution for R 4.1.0 ca April 2021.
> -- 
> Brian D. Ripley,  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
> Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford
> ___
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