Thank you so much for that help.  I got graphs showing in less than a
minute with that information.  One last question.  Is it possible to
build R so that it uses Quartz device from the command line version?

-- Chris

On 7/24/06, Simon Urbanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 21, 2006, at 1:10 PM, Christian Bird wrote:
> > Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I'm trying to plot in R
> > from the command line (not the aqua console).  When I do a very
> > simple plot in the aqua console, everything shows fine, however,
> > when I try from the command line version of R, I don't see window
> > pop up and I get no error message.  I'm sure I just need to change
> > a setting or something.  Has anyone else run into this?  I'm
> > running OS X 10.4.6 and R 2.3.1.  Any help would be greatly
> > appreciated.  Thanks.
> >
> R GUI uses Quartz device which is not available in the command line
> version of R, because it is embedded in the GUI. Therefore the
> default is to use X11 if available and fall-back to PostScript if
> it's not. From what you describe you are not using X11, so your plots
> go to the PostScript device by default. Just type
> getOption("device")
> to see which device is being used. If you want to use X11, then make
> sure your X server is running and you set DISPLAY properly (either
> start R from xterm or if using Terminal DISPLAY=:0.0 usually does the
> trick).
> Cheers,
> Simon

Christian Bird

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