On 7/21/19 10:41 PM, Tim Meehan wrote:
When hovering over names in a program that I downloaded to examine, I noticed a purple question mark that I had not remembered seeing before. I am used to hovering over a name and seeing where else it is used, etc., but I don't remember seeing the purple question mark before ...

I searched for DrRacket documentation in the "Racket Documentation" app, and also at Northwestern <https://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/snapshots/current/pdf-doc/drracket.pdf>, but didn't see anything that described it. I'm going to try and attach a screenshot - but I am not sure that it will survive the mailing list process. In case it does not survive, I was looking atĀ Matthias Felleisen's implementation of the 7GUIs tasks, specifically, task-2.rkt <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mfelleisen/7GUI/master/task-2.rkt>. I was hovering over "render" in line 27. The question mark shows up when pointing to the usage of "render" on line 25. I suppose that if I had to guess, it might have something to do with the usage being in a "define-syntax-rule."

Yes. The purple arrow is drawn to identifiers in syntax constants (things that eventually wind up in a quote-syntax form). It's different from a blue arrow because it shows a *potential* reference, but depending on how the syntax is used it may or may not turn into an actual reference.

Here's a simple example that shows potential references to `x` (with purple arrows) that do not become actual references:

  #lang racket
  (define x 12)
  (define-syntax-rule (id)
    (lambda (x) x))


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