On Monday, July 20, 2015 at 5:03:55 PM UTC-7, Jack Firth wrote:
> I'm trying to create a way to automatically turn test cases into examples. 
> I'd like a macro that turns this:
> (extract-expressions
>  (module+ test
>    (check-equal? (extract-expression (square 5)) 25)
>    (check-equal? (extract-expression (square -5)) 25))
>  (module+ doc
>    @defproc[(square [x real?]) real?]{
>      Returns the square of @racket[x], the result of
>      multiplying @racket[x] by itself.
>      @examples[#:eval evaluator (include-extracted-expressions)]}))
> into this:
> (begin
>   (module+ test
>     (check-equal? (square 5) 25))
>   (module+ doc
>     @defproc[(square [x real?]) real?]{
>       Returns the square of @racket[x], the result of
>       multiplying @racket[x] by itself.
>       @examples[#:eval evaluator (square 5) (square -5)]}))
> That's the general idea anyway. I want to be able to gather arbitrary 
> expressions inside a region and "copy" them into some other marked place 
> inside the expressions. How exactly do I go about doing this, and how should 
> I do it "properly"?

Re Alex: I ended up with some functions that just walk the syntax tree and 
strip them out, seemed rather gross but it was all I could think of

Re Matthias: That definitely sounds better, at this stage I'm just fooling 
around with all the possible approaches I can think of to get a better feel for 
how the different forms behave.

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