Forwarding this with permission to the kind folks on racket-users…

I’m having a strange problem with raco test; specifically, performing raco test 
on a file in a collection from the racket-poppler collection generates error 
text very fast… about 3 megabytes per second… with this text (apparently) 
repeated ad infinitum:

> > internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic 
> > mode
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    l
> >    loop
> >    dynamic-wind
> >    temp52_0
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap

(a longer prefix appears below)

However, copying the same file to /tmp/ and running raco test on that file 
produces much saner output (included below). 

The bad news: this package uses ffi, so in some sense all bets are off.

The important question: is this difference likely to be the result of a “real" 
internal error in racket, and it would be a good idea to try and track it down, 
or is this a known problem with raco test, or something else entirely?

FWIW, this is stock 7.6, running on macOS 10.15.2.

Any thoughts welcome!


> On Feb 20, 2020, at 4:02 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard <> wrote:
> > BTW, is it okay with you if I forward this to racket-users? I feel like 
> > people there might be better able to answer some of these questions.
> Of course. 
> I might have forgotten to try the examples when I updated racket-poppler to 
> work with latex-pict.
> And I just notices that the docs of latex-pict is missing on 
> You hopefully found them in the source, but if not the beginning of 
> contains an explanation.
> /Jens Axel
> Den fre. 21. feb. 2020 kl. 00.56 skrev John Clements 
> <>:
> Okay, that worked! Good to see.
> On the topic of the output explosion … I’m not sure exactly what’s going on. 
> The problem appears to be related to the “test-pdf-functions.rkt” file, but 
> when I run it directly, I get a different and more sensible error
> hardy:/tmp clements> /Applications/Racket\ v7.6/bin/racket 
> /Users/clements/Library/Racket/7.6/pkgs/racket-poppler/racket-poppler/examples/test-pdf-functions.rkt
> #f
> #f
> pdf-title: contract violation
>   expected: pdf?
>   given: #f
>   in: the 1st argument of
>       (-> pdf? (or/c false? string?))
>   contract from: 
>       <pkgs>/racket-poppler/racket-poppler/main.rkt
>   blaming: 
> <pkgs>/racket-poppler/racket-poppler/examples/test-pdf-functions.rkt
>    (assuming the contract is correct)
>   at: <pkgs>/racket-poppler/racket-poppler/main.rkt:42.2
>   context...:
>    .../private/blame.rkt:347:0: raise-blame-error
>    .../private/arrow-val-first.rkt:486:18
>    call-with-values
>    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
>    body of 
> "/Users/clements/Library/Racket/7.6/pkgs/racket-poppler/racket-poppler/examples/test-pdf-functions.rkt"
>    temp35_0
>    for-loop
>    run-module-instance!
>    perform-require!
>    namespace-require+
>    #%for-each
>    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
>    [repeats 1 more time]
>    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> I’m not sure why calling it with raco test causes the explosion, especially 
> since I don’t see any use of test-specific functions in this file.
> BTW, is it okay with you if I forward this to racket-users? I feel like 
> people there might be better able to answer some of these questions.
> John
> > On Feb 20, 2020, at 3:41 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard <> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Den fre. 21. feb. 2020 kl. 00.35 skrev John Clements 
> > <>:
> > Whoa! 
> > 
> > I just tried installing racket-poppler on my 7.6 installation, and tried 
> > running 
> > 
> > raco test -p racket-poppler
> > 
> > and generated a LOT of error text very quickly. I redirected it to a file 
> > and it generated 95 Megabytes quite quickly. After the first few pages, 
> > though, you see a pattern. 
> > 
> > FWIW, this is on macOS 10.15.2.
> > 
> > I see the same as you - but I don't know what that command is running.
> > I don't made any tests for racket-poppler?
> > 
> > I just tried this program in DrRacket 7.6 CS
> > 
> > #lang racket
> > (require racket-poppler latex-pict pict)
> > (pict->bitmap (tex-math "1+x"))
> > 
> > and that worked fine.
> > 
> > By the way - you might need to update to TexLive 2019 if you haven't 
> > already.
> > 
> > pdflatex
> > This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded 
> > format=pdflatex)
> >  restricted \write18 enabled.
> >  
> > /Jens Axel
> > 
> > 
> > Here’s the first few hundred lines.
> > 
> > 
> > hardy:/tmp clements> head -150 zz.txt  
> > raco test: "/Users/clements/Library/Racket/7.6/pkgs/racket-poppler/info.rkt"
> > raco test: 
> > "/Users/clements/Library/Racket/7.6/pkgs/racket-poppler/racket-poppler/examples/test-pdf-functions.rkt"
> > cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce 
> > Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who 
> > are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming 
> > experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How 
> > to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction 
> > to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with 
> > Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 
> > 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, 
> > but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference 
> > manuals.\n1"
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce 
> > Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who 
> > are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming 
> > experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How 
> > to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction 
> > to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with 
> > Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 
> > 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, 
> > but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference 
> > manuals.\n1"
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:35:6: loop
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> > cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce 
> > Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who 
> > are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming 
> > experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How 
> > to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction 
> > to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with 
> > Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 
> > 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, 
> > but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference 
> > manuals."
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce 
> > Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who 
> > are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming 
> > experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How 
> > to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction 
> > to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with 
> > Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 
> > 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, 
> > but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference 
> > manuals."
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:35:6: loop
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> > cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "pdfTeX-1.40.3"
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "pdfTeX-1.40.3"
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:35:6: loop
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> > cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "LaTeX with hyperref package"
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: cpointer-ref: contract violation
> >   expected: cpointer?
> >   given: "LaTeX with hyperref package"
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:35:6: loop
> >    .../unsafe/alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> > internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic 
> > mode
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    l
> >    loop
> >    dynamic-wind
> >    temp52_0
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> > internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic 
> > mode
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    l
> >    loop
> >    dynamic-wind
> >    temp52_0
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2117:27: loop
> >    .../private/more-scheme.rkt:265:2: call-with-exception-handler
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    .../ffi/unsafe.rkt:2104:19: retry-loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    call-with-empty-metacontinuation-frame-for-swap
> > internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
> > exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract 
> > violation
> >   expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
> >   given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception 
> > raised: internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic 
> > mode
> >   context...:
> >    proc
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    abort-current-continuation
> >    loop
> >    call-in-empty-metacontinuation-frame
> >    l
> >    loop
> >    dynamic-wind
> > 
> > … and on and on for another 95 megabytes.
> > 
> > Any thoughts? What does raco test -p racket-poppler produce in your machine?
> > 
> > John
> > 
> > 
> > > On Feb 20, 2020, at 3:11 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard <> 
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi Again,
> > > 
> > > It's working with stock 7.6. Note that DrRacket doesn't render the picts 
> > > correctly in the repl, so you need 
> > > to use 
> > > 
> > >     (pict->bitmap (tex-math "x+1"))
> > > 
> > > when using the repl. The reason is that DrRacket doesn't render the 
> > > original pict; it makes a copy
> > > and renders the copy - but it can't copy picts that call out to the Cairo 
> > > interface directly.
> > > 
> > > Den tor. 20. feb. 2020 kl. 23.45 skrev John Clements 
> > > <>:
> > > Yes, I’m pretty much certain that the draw libraries were updated. 
> > > Specifically, they had to be recompiled to comply with Apple’s 
> > > notarization requirements.
> > > 
> > > Is the requirement that the two cairo libraries have the same interface, 
> > > or must they literally be binarily compatible? 
> > > 
> > > I don't know for sure - but I think the latter. 
> > > 
> > > The first time I got Poppler working I managed to build both all Racket 
> > > libraries and Poppler
> > > and documented how I did. I believe that led Flatt to make some scripts 
> > > in order to make it 
> > > less painfull. 
> > > 
> > > Since then Flatt has kindly built Poppler each time the draw libraries 
> > > were updated.
> > > Then I put them on
> > >  
> > > Also, is there any way to check the compatibility before dumping core? 
> > > 
> > > I don't know - but I do remember that I learned to check whether the 
> > > dynamic
> > > linker used the proper libraries. 
> > > 
> > > See the last section of "Tips and tricks":
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > /Jens Axel
> > > 
> > >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > -- 
> > Jens Axel Søgaard
> > 
> -- 
> -- 
> Jens Axel Søgaard

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