Classes are really nice and easy for tasks like this, it took me a little 
bit to get used to the class syntax, but now I love them.
I found that it helps to look at real code that uses classes, because the 
documentation quickly goes into quite advanced/special use cases.
You can use them to wrap-up/encapsulate a bunch of smaller gui parts and 
then just expose some methods that handle the updates etc. 

As always, I welcome people sharing alternative ways to write the same 
> code. 
Here you go:

#lang racket/gui

(define progress-bar%
  (class horizontal-pane%

    (define gauge (new gauge%
                       [label #f]
                       [parent this]
                       [range 100]))

    ;; initialize to 100% with no auto resize
    ;; this way the label has the right size
    ;; so that everything can be seen
    ;; and it does not "wobble" around while filling up
    (define msg (new message%
                     [parent this]
                     [label "100%"]))

    (define/public (set-value val)
      (send gauge set-value val)
      (send msg set-label (string-append (~a val) "%")))

    ;; set back to 0%
    (set-value 0)))

(module+ main
  (define frame (new frame%
                     [label "Progress Bar"]
                     [width 300]))
  (define progress (new progress-bar% [parent frame]))

  (send frame show #t)
  (for ([i (in-range 1 101)])
    (sleep 0.05)
    (send progress set-value i)))

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