I'm trying to write a macro that reflects on which identifiers are in scope in
the environment when it runs, and on the identifiers in scope for its generated
It should act something like this:

  (define-syntax (display-env stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
       (printf "Env: ~a" (local-environment))]))

  > (lambda (x) (display-env) x)
  Env: '(x)
  > (lambda (x) (let-syntax ([y (make-rename-transformer #'x)]) (display-env) 
  Env: '(y x)

Presumably, the expander knows which identifiers are in scope, so I *ought* to
be able to get my hands on that set.

namespaces aren't the thing; they only give me access to the top-level
definitions, as far as I can tell.
I also want access to any lexical identifiers introduced by `λ` or `let` or
`let-syntaxes` or `let-values` etc.
But I want to be able to use them pretty much like namespaces: get the list of
symbols in scope, and get their values and identifiers.

Any one know how to do this?

William J. Bowman

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