Hi All,

Is there a simpler way of defining the syntax transformation (macro) below?

/Jens Axel

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse racket/syntax))

(provide let-match-expander)

;;; SYNTAX (let-match-expander ([id proc0 proc1] ...) body ...)
;;;        (let-match-expander ([id proc0]       ...) body ...)
;;; Bind id ... to a match expanders in body ...
;;; The procedure sub-expressions proc0 and proc1 are similar to
;;; the procedure sub-expressions of define-match-expander.

;;;   Use define-match-expander to bind the match-expanders to fresh names.
;;;   Use let-syntax to bind them in the body.

(define-syntax (let-match-expander stx)
  ; the procs attribute of optional-proc1 will always be a list,
  ; which means that we can use proc1.procs ... in a template
  (define-splicing-syntax-class optional-proc1
    (pattern (~seq proc1:expr) #:with procs #'(proc1))
    (pattern (~seq)            #:with procs #'()))

  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_let-match-expander ((~and clause [id:id proc0:expr
proc1:optional-proc1]) ...) body ...+)
     ;; For each identifier id we need a fresh name:
     (define fresh-names (generate-temporaries #'(id ...)))
     (with-syntax ([(fresh-name ...) fresh-names]
                   [((proc ...) ...) #'(proc1.procs ...)])
       (syntax/loc stx
           ;; define a match expander for each id
           (define-match-expander fresh-name proc0 proc ...) ...
           ;; make the match expander known inside the body
           (let-syntax ([id (syntax-local-value #'fresh-name)] ...)
             body ...))))]
    ;; catch various errors:
    ;;   - missing body
    [(_let-match-expander ((~and clause [id proc0 proc1:optional-proc1])
     (raise-syntax-error 'let-match-expander "bad syntax (missing body)"
    ;;   - wrong binding clause
    [(_let-match-expander (clause ...) body ...)
     (for ([c (syntax->list #'(clause ...))])
       (syntax-parse c
         [(id:id proc0:expr (~optional proc1:expr)) 'ok]
         [_ (raise-syntax-error
             "expected clause of the form [id proc-expr] or [id proc0-expr
proc1-expr]" c)]))
     (raise-syntax-error 'let-match-expander "bad syntax" stx)]))

(module+ test (require rackunit)

   ([foo (λ (pat) (syntax-parse pat [(_foo f ...) #'(list f ...)]))
         (λ (stx) #'42)]
    [bar (λ (pat) (syntax-parse pat [(_bar f ...) #'(vector f ...)]))])

   (check-equal? (match (list 1 2 3) [(foo a b c) (vector a b c)]) '#(1 2
   (check-equal? (foo) 42)
   (check-equal? (match (vector 1 2 3)
                   [(foo a b c) (vector a b c)]
                   [(bar a b c) (list a b c)])
                 '(1 2 3))))

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