[racket-users] Racket v7.5

2019-11-19 Thread 'John Clements' via Racket Users
Racket version 7.5 is now available from


* Almost all of Racket version 7.5 is distributed under a new,
  less-restrictive license: either the Apache 2.0 license or the MIT
  license. See 
  for more details.

* Racket CS remains "beta" quality for the v7.5 release, but its
  compatibility and performance continue to improve. We expect that it
  will be ready for production use by the next release. We encourage you
  to check how well the v7.5 CS release works for your programs, and
  help push the project forward by reporting any problems that you find.

* The Web Server provides a standard JSON MIME type, including a
  response/jsexpr form for HTTP responses bearing JSON.

* GNU MPFR operations run about 3x faster.

* Typed Racket supports definitions of new struct type properties and
  type checks uses of existing struct type properties in struct
  definitions. Previously, these uses were ignored by the type checker,
  so type errors there may have been hidden.

* The performance bug in v7.4’s big-bang has been repaired.

* DrRacket supports Dark Mode for interface elements.

* Plot can display parametric 3d surfaces.

* Redex supports modeless judgment forms.

* MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) includes a new requirement that executables be
  "notarized", to give Apple the ability to prevent certain kinds of
  malware. In this release, all of the disk images (.dmg's) are
  notarized, along with the applications that they contain
  (.app's). Many users may not notice any difference, but two groups of
  Catalina users will be affected: those that use the "racket" binary
  directly, and those that download the ".tgz" bundles. In both cases,
  the operating system is likely to inform you that the given executable
  is not trusted, or that the developer can't be verified. Fortunately,
  both groups of users are probably also running commands at in a shell,
  and the solution for both groups is the same: you can disable the
  quarantine flag using the `xattr` command, e.g.

  xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/racket

  TL;DR: Everything is fine. Read this note again if you run into problems.

The following people contributed to this release:

Alex Knauth, Alexander Shopov, Alexis King, Ayman Osman, Ben Greenman,
Bert De Ketelaere, Bogdan Popa, Caleb Allen, Chuan Wei Foo, David
Florness, Diego A. Mundo, Dominik Pantůček, Fred Fu, Geoffrey Knauth,
Gregory Cooper, Gustavo Massaccesi, James Bornholt, Jay McCarthy, Jens
Axel Søgaard, Jesse A. Tov, Jesse Alama, John Clements, Jon Zeppieri,
Leo Uino, Luke Nelson, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen, Max New, Mike
Sperber, Nick Thompson, Noah W M, Paulo Matos, Philip McGrath, Robby
Findler, Ryan Culpepper, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Shu-Hung You, Sorawee
Porncharoenwase, Stephen Chang, Thomas Dickerson, and William J. Bowman

Feedback Welcome

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Re: [racket-users] Re: GUI (get-directory)

2019-11-19 Thread pow bam
Indeed I would have likely never even known that section existed - and 
looking at it now I see that it is very dense reading material. I turns my 
mind to mush trying to interpret what's being said there. I also happen to 
be, by and large, a self-learning lone wolf type. I am a complete novice to 
programming but when it came to AutoIt I managed to figure out how to piece 
together a fairly complicated and large-ish program only using Google, 
typing in Autoit + whateverineededtoknowabout and it invariably led me to 
not only just the documentation but a community forum FULL of questions and 
answers from years of community involvement. Sadly, Racket has no such 
structure in place except this very secluded, small Google group and 
smattering of tuts about the web - hardly any of which actually focus in 
any depth upon GUI app creation to any real extent, seemingly more 
concerned with various game making and animation activities.

As an example take a look at what happens if I type this into Google for an 
AutoIt function:

I wind up with a list of forum entries that I can read for clues on what to 
do OR I can read the documentation along with all that and if you look at 
the documentation..
..it not only gives me a more traditional breakdown of the function it then 
goes on to show me it in real world use/action. That's a powerful thing to 
getting new people and beginners in the door and using your language. I 
would actually be much happier with a true official forum. Nothing against 
Google, I guess, but it feels so spartan and limited compared to what it 
could be.

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Re: [racket-users] Re: GUI (get-directory)

2019-11-19 Thread George Neuner

On 11/19/2019 2:04 PM, pow bam wrote:
Ah thank you very much Hadi.. that indeed worked out nicely and now 
makes alot more sense to me. The documentation structure can be a bit 
confusing/misleading on points like this and I rather wish that they 
would display "real world" usage examples more in-depth in the docs 
for clarity. Again thank you.

You might want to have a look at this page that describes the 
conventions used in the manul:
    "Notation for Documentation" - 

Probably there should be a link to this on the main documentation page - 
or an intro section on "how to read the manual" right up front.   We 
can't reasonably expect novices to know the notation conventions.


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[racket-users] Re: GUI (get-directory)

2019-11-19 Thread pow bam
Ah thank you very much Hadi.. that indeed worked out nicely and now makes 
alot more sense to me. The documentation structure can be a bit 
confusing/misleading on points like this and I rather wish that they would 
display "real world" usage examples more in-depth in the docs for clarity. 
Again thank you.

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Re: [racket-users] GUI (get-directory)

2019-11-19 Thread Hadi Moshayedi
On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 9:49 AM pow bam  wrote:

> (get-directory [message "Select a folder.."])
You should just use (get-directory "Select a folder.."). The docs

says the syntax is


 [ message
#:dialog-mixin dialog-mixin])   →   (or/c

 path #f)

Here the "[...]" means that message, parent, etc. are all optional and not
named args. The #:dialog-mixin syntax means that it is a named arg.

-- Hadi

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[racket-users] GUI (get-directory)

2019-11-19 Thread pow bam
Hello, I am very new to programming and up until this point I had only 
seriously messed with the AutoIt language - it was easy to search and find 
out how to do things as their forums were quite active and already 
possessed a wealth of data that any determined person could get by on with 
just search alone and never needing to actively post. I built myself an 
entire program in this fashion, learning as I went. I decided I wanted to 
learn how to do this in a "real" full-blown language (tho you could easily 
argue that AutoIt is a full language now). I've decided that I love the 
idea of Lisp and Racket in particular but I am hitting roadblocks to that 
goal as the search functionality and community just isn't near the level of 
AutoIt. So here I am, actually posting in the only place it appears I can..

I am trying to make use of (get-directory) which pops up a GUI prompt 
asking a user to select a directory..

Here is my code which works..

#lang racket/gui
(require racket/class)
(define gds-main
  (new frame%
   [label "GD Switcher"]
   [width 250]
   [height 300]
   [style '(no-resize-border)]))
(define panel-1
  (new vertical-panel%
   [parent gds-main]
   [style '(border)]
   [alignment '(center center)]))
(new choice%
 [parent panel-1]
 [label #f]
 [choices '("Forgotten Gods"
"Ashes of Malmouth"
"Vanilla Ice Cream")])
(send gds-main center 'both)
(send gds-main show #t)

..if I just use get directory as-is but if I try

(get-directory [message "Select a folder.."])

in any combination, and I've tried so many, it only ever gives me back the 

message: unbound identifier in: message

What am I missing, how do I make this work?

Thank you in advance for any insight.

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