[racket-users] Cubic bezier curves in racket gui

2018-04-28 Thread

I'm using racket gui interfaces. I want to use cubic bezier curves in it. 
Please add functions for cubic bezier curves. I know Qt supports cubic 
bezier curves. SVG and canvas also support them.


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Re: [racket-users] let-syntax example?

2018-04-04 Thread
Sorry, David. I missed your post.

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Re: [racket-users] let-syntax example?

2018-04-04 Thread
Thank you, Vincent. I did not know "Fear of Macros".


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Re: [racket-users] let-syntax example?

2018-04-04 Thread
Additional question.

I have read Let-Over-Lambda almost all.
What is the best introduction of racket syntax?


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[racket-users] Re: Simple loop control

2018-04-02 Thread
Thank you, Laurent.

I mind the performance of in-range, but it seems to be no problem.

#lang racket

(time (for ([i (in-range 1)])
(for ([j (in-range 1000)])

(time (do ([i 0 (+ i 1)]) ([= i 1])
(do ([j 0 (+ j 1)]) ([= j 1000])

cpu time: 110 real time: 106 gc time: 0
cpu time: 109 real time: 111 gc time: 0

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[racket-users] Simple loop control

2018-04-01 Thread
Hi, everyone.

I want to write loops simpler.

> (do ([i 1 (add1 i)]) ([= i 10]) (display i))
> (for-each (lambda (i) (display i)) (range 1 10))

In Common Lisp, I like the extended loop like "for" of C-language.

[3]> (loop for i from 1 below 10 do (print i))


Please tell me the best solution.


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[racket-users] Re: Implementation of threading macros

2018-04-01 Thread
Thanks for your advice, Alex. I'll be used to require point-free package.

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[racket-users] Re: Understanding 'curry'

2018-03-31 Thread
Curry is from functional languages(Haskell, OCaml, F#, ...).
Curry is the one of abbreviation of labmda.

But, curry is NOT usable for racket's threading macros.

#lang racket
(require threading)
(require 2htdp/image)

(~> (star-polygon 20 20 3 "solid" "navy")
(overlay/align/offset "right" "bottom"
  (circle 30 "solid" "cornflowerblue")
  -10 -10 _)
(overlay/align/offset "right" "top"
  (circle 30 "solid" "orchid")
  0 10 _)
(overlay/align/offset "left" "bottom"
  (circle 30 "solid" "khaki")
  10 0 _)
(overlay/align/offset "left" "top"
  (circle 30 "solid" "green yellow")
  0 0 _))

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[racket-users] Re: Implementation of threading macros

2018-03-31 Thread
I want to be close this issue but I cannot close by my response. Please 
post any message.

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[racket-users] Re: Implementation of threading macros

2018-03-31 Thread
I see. I understand that racket's threading macros are NOT SIMPLE 
Racket's threading macros can reduce lambda object creations.

#lang racket
(require threading)

(define (add2 x) (+ x 2))
(~> 1 add2) ; ok
(~> 1 ((lambda (x) (+ x 2)) _)) ; ng -> ok
(~> 1 ((curry + 2) _)) ; ng -> ok

(define adder%
  (class object%
(init-field x)
(define/public (incr) (lambda (y) (+ x y)

(define adder (new adder% [x 2]))
(send adder incr) ; ok
(~> 1 ((send adder incr) _)) ; ng -> ok

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[racket-users] Implementation of threading macros

2018-03-31 Thread
Hi, everyone.

I think that racket threading macros can mix with expressions(lambda, 
curry, class, ...), but not in fact.

#lang racket
(require threading)

(define (add2 x) (+ x 2))
(~> 1 add2) ; ok
(~> 1 (lambda (x) (+ x 2))) ; ng
(~> 1 (curry + 2)) ; ng

(define adder%
  (class object%
(init-field x)
(define/public (incr) (lambda (y) (+ x y)

(define adder (new adder% [x 2]))
(send adder incr) ; ok
(~> 1 (send adder incr)) ; ng


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[racket-users] Re: Understanding 'curry'

2018-03-31 Thread
I'm sorry for my mistake.

[Wrong] Thread Macro
[Right] Threading Macro

Threading macros are provided by Racket Package System
and its documentation is included in Racket Document.

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[racket-users] Re: Understanding 'curry'

2018-03-31 Thread
It's very very easy. The "curry" is from functional languages(Haskell, 
OCaml, F#, ...).

The concept of curry is powerful when the following function form:
(function-name option-argument input-argument)

For example, we think about 2htdp/image.

#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)

  "left" "top"
  (circle 30 "solid" "green yellow")
  0 0
"left" "bottom"
(circle 30 "solid" "khaki")
10 0
  "right" "top"
  (circle 30 "solid" "orchid")
  0 10
"right" "bottom"
(circle 30 "solid" "cornflowerblue")
-10 -10
(star-polygon 20 20 3 "solid" "navy")

In Lisp Programming, it prefer to indent radically. Therefore, we introduce 
the "thread macro".

; thread macro (function)
(define (~> init . procs)
  (foldl (lambda (proc arg) (proc arg))

(~> (star-polygon 20 20 3 "solid" "navy")
(lambda (image)
  (overlay/align/offset "right" "bottom"
(circle 30 "solid" "cornflowerblue")
-10 -10
(lambda (image)
  (overlay/align/offset "right" "top"
(circle 30 "solid" "orchid")
0 10
(lambda (image)
  (overlay/align/offset "left" "bottom"
(circle 30 "solid" "khaki")
10 0
(lambda (image)
  (overlay/align/offset "left" "top"
(circle 30 "solid" "green yellow")
0 0

For more simple discription, we use curry instead of lambda.

(~> (star-polygon 20 20 3 "solid" "navy")
(curry overlay/align/offset "right" "bottom"
(circle 30 "solid" "cornflowerblue")
-10 -10)
(curry overlay/align/offset "right" "top"
(circle 30 "solid" "orchid")
0 10)
(curry overlay/align/offset "left" "bottom"
(circle 30 "solid" "khaki")
10 0)
(curry overlay/align/offset "left" "top"
(circle 30 "solid" "green yellow")
0 0))


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[racket-users] Re: Embedding image files in a executable file

2018-03-28 Thread
It fails the following case, too:

#lang racket
(require 2htdp/universe)
(define foo-image [ [Insert] - [Insert Image...] in DrRacket ])
  (big-bang 0
(on-draw (lambda (s) foo-image

The file "foo.rkt" is runnable.
But, the compiled executable "foo.exe" displays the following error message:

write: cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code
  value: (object:image-snip% ...)

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[racket-users] Embedding image files in a executable file

2018-03-28 Thread
Hi, everyone.

I'm making a simple game. I want to embed some image files in ONLY-ONE 
executable file.
I need it for a simple distribution.

Do you think that it displays the error message "no image files" when you 
execute the application?

For example,

#lang racket
(provide foo-image)
(define foo-image [ [Insert] - [Insert Image...] in DrRacket ])

#lang racket
(require "image.rkt")

The error message like the follows occurs when I run tmp.rkt:

write: cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code
value: (object:image-snip% ...)

Haruo Wakakusa

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[racket-users] Behavior of image-color? function

2018-03-27 Thread
Hi, everyone.

I'm using 2htdp/image and I wonder the color description.

DrRacket version 6.12

> (require 2htdp/image)
> (image-color? "red") ; will #t
> (image-color? 1) ; will #f
> (image-color? (color 0 0 0 0)) ; will #t
> (image-color? "pale") ; I don't know about this.
> (image-color? "racket") ; will #f
> (image-color? "#00") ; I don't know about this.

And, look at the uploaded picture.
Please match the behavior between the rectangle and image-color? functions.

Haruo Wakakusa

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