[racket-users] Semantic overhaul of Scribble with RDFa

2020-04-29 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I currently deal with semantic data on a daily basis and a year ago I 
started to work on a project in Racket that involved building RDF toolset 
that I was hoping to open source and use it for implementing the proposal 
outlined in the issue I've just started.
Unfortunately lack of existing toolset and hard interop with Java, forced 
me to abandon the idea of developing the project in Racket and instead 
forced me to switch to Java and Javascript (where the toolset is mostly 

For these and financial reasons I had to put off (abandon?) building the 
prototype for the solution I believe could solve some issues currently 
being discussed like allowing to reference source location of the code in 
scribble, improve "querability", SEO.

But since some discussion started to float around I decided to outline the 
solution I had in mind for long term Scribble direction. If you have any 
technical details regarding the proposal I suggest github issue here:


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[racket-users] Re: Suggestions for "The Racket Guide"

2020-04-08 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I forgot the dependecy used:

On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 7:24:20 PM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
> Found in an old file of mine:
>   'use strict';
>   var codeblock = document.getElementsByTagName('blockquote');
>   for (var i = 0;i<codeblock.length; i++) {
> var isCode = codeblock[i].className.indexOf('SCodeFlow');
> if ( isCode === 0 ) {
>var button = document.createElement('button');
> button.className = 'copy-button';
> button.textContent = 'Copy';
> codeblock[i].appendChild(button);
> }
>   }
>   var copyCode = new Clipboard('.copy-button', {
> target: function(trigger) {
> return trigger.previousElementSibling;
> }
>   });
> .SCodeFlow { position:relative; }
>   .copy-button {
> opacity: 0.2;
> -moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ff;
> -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ff;
> box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #ff;
> background-color:transparent;
> -moz-border-radius:6px;
> -webkit-border-radius:6px;
> border-radius:6px;
> border:1px solid #dcdcdc;
> display:inline-block;
> cursor:pointer;
> color:#66;
> font-family:Miso;
> font-size:20px;
> font-weight:bold;
> padding:4px 18px;
> text-decoration:none;
> text-shadow:0px 1px 0px #ff;
> position:absolute;
> top:0;
> right:0;
>   }
>   /*.SCodeFlow:hover > .copy-button:hover {  */
>   .copy-button:hover {
> opacity: 0.7;
> -moz-transition-property: opacity;
> -webkit-transition-property: opacity;
> transition-property: opacity;
> -moz-transition-duration: 0.15s;
> -webkit-transition-duration: 0.15s;
> transition-duration: 0.15s;
> /*background-color:transparent;*/
>   }
>   /*
>   .copy-button:active {
> position:relative;
> top:1px;
>   }
>   */
> On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 6:54:37 PM UTC+2, Stephen De Gabrielle 
> wrote:
>> That’s a good suggestion! Do you know the relevant JavaScript we can try 
>> it out with. Might be an easy PR. 

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[racket-users] Re: Suggestions for "The Racket Guide"

2020-04-08 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Found in an old file of mine:

  'use strict';
  var codeblock = document.getElementsByTagName('blockquote');
  for (var i = 0;i .copy-button:hover {  */
  .copy-button:hover {
opacity: 0.7;
-moz-transition-property: opacity;
-webkit-transition-property: opacity;
transition-property: opacity;
-moz-transition-duration: 0.15s;
-webkit-transition-duration: 0.15s;
transition-duration: 0.15s;
  .copy-button:active {

On Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 6:54:37 PM UTC+2, Stephen De Gabrielle wrote:
> That’s a good suggestion! Do you know the relevant JavaScript we can try 
> it out with. Might be an easy PR. 

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[racket-users] Re: The case, and a proposal, for elegant syntax in #lang racket2

2019-07-14 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Not willing to enter the discussion I feel incompetent about, just for a 
sake of completeness I will mention another previous attempt that wasn't 
mentioned before (alternative to sweet/wisp):

On Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 7:44:30 PM UTC+2, cwebber wrote:
> The context of this email is the proposal by Matthew Flatt that we move 
> to an easier-to-accept surface syntax for #lang racket2. 
> Matthew Flatt has heard more than enough from me of concern about this 
> proposal.  But I should indicate that I'm highly sympathetic to the 
> goal.  I would like to lay out the following observations: 
>  - The challenge with s-expressions is largely in anxiety with something 
>that looks extremely alien.  I suspect there's more fear from 
>instructors than students in encountering a lisp syntax; my 
>experience is that introducing someone who doesn't know differently 
>to a parenthetical syntax isn't scary for them, and they tend to like 
>it.  But people who have *started out* with experience in a non-lispy 
>language tend to find it scary. 
>  - Nonetheless, assumptions that various math operators should be infix 
>is understandable because that's what people see today. 
>  - I am indeed very for growth in the community, though my main interest 
>in growth is in seeing a wider diversity of participants than just 
>raw numbers.  Obviously other peoples' mileage may vary. 
>  - We are at serious risk in this pivot of losing some key things: 
>- Many communities I have been in that have undertaken such a large 
>  pivot to increase popularity expend enormous energy in the move to 
>  the new thing, and in that process, the project actually collapses. 
>  What I'm trying to say is that a pivot is a gamble; we should 
>  calculate our odds carefully.  (Indeed, the first thing I thought 
>  when I heard that this might happen was, did I make a mistake in 
>  shifting my work to Racket?  It is unlikely I would have come to 
>  Racket if there wasn't an equivalent amount of elegance.) 
>- I'm not sure if I could have understood Racket Week with a syntax 
>  that didn't have the elegance of s-expressions.  This is not to say 
>  that *no* syntax can have that level of elegance where things can 
>  be so clear, however. 
> IIRC Matthew's proposal for "#lang racket2" was something like the 
> following: 
>  a) function(args ...) should work. 
>  b) infix is necessary for math, such as 3 + 4 
>  c) parentheses should be possible for grouping 
> The weird thing about the last one being that this is already kind of 
> true in s-expressions, but by ~default this also results in application. 
> Let me add one more suggested design goal: 
>  - the new syntax should must not be significantly less elegant than 
> Is there a way to achieve this?  I actually think the best path forward 
> is to have a surface syntax that actually maps completely to 
> s-expressions, which is in fact universal that it can work with *any* 
> s-expression syntax. 
> I would suggest starting with Wisp as the basis for examining this: 
>   https://dustycloud.org/blog/wisp-lisp-alternative/ 
>   https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-119/srfi-119.html 
> Sweet-expressions may also be an alternative to explore.  However, I 
> think Wisp is a more elegant base; it can transform *any* wisp code into 
> s-exp code.  Not discussed in my blogpost about Wisp is that it also 
> supports infix via {3 + 4}.  So ok, now we have that.  And we can still 
> group: 
>   {3 + {8 + 4}} 
> So that's points b) and c), but we don't have a) yet.  Could we add it? 
> I think we can extend wisp with one thing and get everything we want: if 
> you have func(arg1 arg2 arg3) where the parenthesis comes *immediately* 
> after the symbol, that is rewritten to (func arg1 arg2 arg3).  I will 
> call this version ~Wisp. 
> With all this, observe the following code rewritten from Scheme to ~Wisp: 
>   (define (rgb-maker mk) 
> (lambda (sz) 
>   (vc-append (colorize (mk sz) "red") 
>  (colorize (mk sz) "green") 
>  (colorize (mk sz) "blue" 
>   define rgb-maker(mk) 
> lambda(sz) 
>   vc-append(colorize(mk(sz) "red") 
> colorize(mk(sz) "green") 
> colorize(mk(sz) "blue")) 
> Here is another chunk of code, taken from HTdP2: 
>   (and (or (= (string-length "hello world") 
>   (string->number "11")) 
>(string=? "hello world" "good morning")) 
>(>= (+ (string-length "hello world") 60) 80)) 
> To: 
>   and(or({string-length("hello world") = string->number("11")} 
>  string=?("hello world" "good morning")) 
>   {{(string-length "hello world") + 60} >= 80}) 
> And in fact the latter can transform itself *directly* into the former. 
> And the former technically is also still valid Wisp: 

Re: [racket-users] performance, json

2019-02-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak

There is http://docs.racket-lang.org/tjson/index.html available (haven't 
checked how similar the code is though)

On Friday, February 22, 2019 at 7:36:23 PM UTC+1, johnbclements wrote:
> … and my guess is that the JS performance would be similar, if the json 
> reader in JS was written in JS. I think there are probably a lot of 
> provably-unneeded checks, and you could probably get rid of the 
> byte-at-a-time reading. 
> It would be interesting to see how much faster (if at all) it is to run 
> the TR version of this code. 
> John 

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[racket-users] Re: i18n / translations

2019-02-09 Thread Greg Trzeciak
look into: https://github.com/racket/string-constants
for the way DrRacket gets translations/internationalization

On Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 2:56:59 PM UTC+1, cwebber wrote:
> How are people currently translating their programs? 
> I expected to see a gettext library or something, but haven't. 
> I see that DrRacket is translated, but I did a few simple greps through 
> the DrRacket repo and couldn't figure out how. 
> Am I missing something?  Or is this tooling that needs to be written? 
>  - cwebb 

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[racket-users] Re: Mono, racketscript, ffi, databases and pointer swizzling

2019-02-06 Thread Greg Trzeciak

On Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 9:30:43 AM UTC+1, amz3 wrote

> I tried to engage with racket community about what was missing in racket 
> to build "industry grade web application". I got only silence in reply :(
> AFAIK one missing piece is something like Python Celery. That can be 
> replaced with a crontab.
> See my notes regarding background tasks 
> (also known as asynchronous task) 
> dubbed Dynamic Task Scheduling in academia but that is more like research 
> than industry standard. 

It may be just my impression but I feel nowadays there is more people 
interested in non-academic use of Racket then even 2 years ago, so I 
wouldn't be discouraged.

>> Whichever way you go, having Datomic/Datascript alternative in the Racket 
>> world sounds exciting. 
> By the way, I made a prototype that covers different niche but is 
> relatable, see this document 
> . 

Yes, I have seen your project, as I am looking for some time-travelling 
triple store and source control is very close to my desired triple store. 
BTW, have you seen this (python) project by AKSW:

> Regarding browser side, I made progress with chibi scheme WASM build, it 
> might be of interest, even if it doesn't support XHR for the time being: [
> demo ] [source 
> ].
> Have a nice day!

Thank you! Will look at it. 
BTW have you seen this project: https://github.com/google/schism 

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[racket-users] Re: Some concern about ChezScheme...

2019-02-05 Thread Greg Trzeciak

On Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 2:01:20 PM UTC+1, Paulo Matos wrote:
> So I am a bit concerned about this. I somehow get the feeling that 
> what's going to happen is that Chez is going to slowly degenerate to a 
> Racket sub-project, and nobody is going to really use Chez directly. 
... and the two became one...  and from that day they were called RaChez 
[read: ruckus]

I could not resist the pun but hope you will get more meaningful response 
then mine. 
Although if someone is looking for racket2 alternative name, #lang ruckus 
seems fitting (given circumstances).

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Tensorflow bindings?

2019-02-04 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Please do (rdf and tensorflow)! It seems we are duplicating our efforts at 
the moment I have also been working on RDF4J (and other RDF tools) recently!


On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 6:57:40 PM UTC+1, m.douglas.williams wrote:
> Also, I hadn't known about the wiki you linked to. I can add my inference 
> engine and interface to an RDF graph database (Eclipse rdf4j) interface 
> there.
> On Mon, Feb 4, 2019, 9:49 AM Greg Trzeciak   wrote:
>> Wasn't it a rhetorical question? :)
>> Although I don't have use for TensorFlow at the moment - I would love to 
>> have the FFI bindings ready for when I will finally need it.
>> The AI story in Racket at the moment is not as good is it could be: 
>> https://github.com/racket/racket/wiki/AI
>> On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 5:07:58 PM UTC+1, Matt Jadud wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> https://www.tensorflow.org/install/lang_c
>>> Would there be interest/value in having FFI bindings for TensorFlow? If 
>>> I poke it with a stick, are there others who would be willing to contribute 
>>> to the development of a package that provided those bindings?
>>> I'm getting to the point with a project where I'm going to have to bail 
>>> out of Racket in order to do some machine learn-y stats work, and I'd 
>>> rather not have to switch languages just to do the analysis.
>>> Cheers,
>>> M
>> -- 
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[racket-users] Re: Tensorflow bindings?

2019-02-04 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Wasn't it a rhetorical question? :)

Although I don't have use for TensorFlow at the moment - I would love to 
have the FFI bindings ready for when I will finally need it.
The AI story in Racket at the moment is not as good is it could 
be: https://github.com/racket/racket/wiki/AI

On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 5:07:58 PM UTC+1, Matt Jadud wrote:
> Hi all,
> https://www.tensorflow.org/install/lang_c
> Would there be interest/value in having FFI bindings for TensorFlow? If I 
> poke it with a stick, are there others who would be willing to contribute 
> to the development of a package that provided those bindings?
> I'm getting to the point with a project where I'm going to have to bail 
> out of Racket in order to do some machine learn-y stats work, and I'd 
> rather not have to switch languages just to do the analysis.
> Cheers,
> M

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[racket-users] Re: How To Design Classes text not available?

2019-02-02 Thread Greg Trzeciak


On Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 9:26:15 PM UTC+1, Justin Zamora wrote:
> I tried to download the draft of "How to Design Classes" from 
> http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/htdc.html and got a "Failed to 
> load PDF document" error. Is this text still available? 
> Justin 

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Racket News - Issue 1

2019-02-01 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Even better - add new label: "submission"
Then the link can automatically add it:

On Friday, February 1, 2019 at 3:16:27 PM UTC+1, Paulo Matos wrote:
> On 01/02/2019 15:00, Greg Trzeciak wrote: 
> > But issues may work - you could simply have a button with following url: 
> > 
> https://github.com/racket-news/racket-news.github.io-src/issues/new?title=[submission]=foo
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fracket-news%2Fracket-news.github.io-src%2Fissues%2Fnew%3Ftitle%3D%5Bsubmission%5D%26body%3Dfoo=D=1=AFQjCNFKo0MbQbtgB6XjpKsYOvkUClVoSg>
> > 

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Racket News - Issue 1

2019-02-01 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I personally think PR maybe too much (unless someone creates entire news - 
also good as an option). Especially if you only wanted to post a link to a 
new blog post.

But issues may work - you could simply have a button with following url:

That would be the simplest solution requiring least effort.

On Friday, February 1, 2019 at 2:36:48 PM UTC+1, Paulo Matos wrote:
> On 01/02/2019 14:28, Greg Trzeciak wrote: 
> > Nicely done! 
> > 
> > Is my understanding correct and this will also be a newsletter (as in 
> > subscribe and receive by email)? 
> > 
> Yes, still something I have to sort out. Lets say this is a pilot 
> /episode/ to understand the community's reception. 
> On that, is mailchimp the way to go these days or there's something else 
> out there I should be looking at? 
> > An idea - include a form like "Submit a news" where readers can quickly 
> > share their finding, e.g. blog posts, new package (their own or someone 
> > else's they like) - this could send an email, create a gist or a github 
> > issue. 
> > 
> That's interesting. Initially I thought people could do that by 
> submitting a PR or if they don't want to create a PR, they could submit 
> an issue. Do you think forwarding people to the submit issue form would 
> put people away from contributing? 
> -- 
> Paulo Matos 

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[racket-users] Re: Racket News - Issue 1

2019-02-01 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Nicely done!

Is my understanding correct and this will also be a newsletter (as in 
subscribe and receive by email)?

An idea - include a form like "Submit a news" where readers can quickly 
share their finding, e.g. blog posts, new package (their own or someone 
else's they like) - this could send an email, create a gist or a github 


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[racket-users] Re: Spritely awarded Samsung Stack Zero grant

2019-01-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak

Congratulations to you, federation and to Racket =)


On Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 11:46:49 PM UTC+1, cwebber wrote:
> I've mentioned that my goal has been to advance the 
> federated/decentralized social web in Racket on here before.  Here's 
> some news: 
> https://samsungnext.com/whats-next/category/podcasts/decentralization-samsung-next-stack-zero-grant-recipients/
> I'm being funded for the next two years to work on this stuff!  And I'm 
> planning on doing it all in Racket. 
> In fact, I'm at a hackathon right now kicking it off, and I'm on the 
> verge of releasing the first major demo. 
> Anyway, there's been some conversation about 
> wouldn't-it-be-nice-if-more-people-were-paid-to-do-web-dev-in-racket 
> so... here's one case! :) 
> I hope I can use this to help raise the profile of how great Racket 
> is for this kind of work! 
>  - Chris 

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Re: [racket-users] Quickscript error on first startup of Racket 7.2

2019-01-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak
As long as the user-scripts won't be lost (i.e. the scripts will be copied 
over) it sounds OK.

On Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 10:42:08 PM UTC+1, Robby Findler wrote:
> Probably it is best if quickscript (either silently or after asking) 
> copied scripts from a version-specific directory to a new 
> (version-specific) one, much like how the pkg system works. 
> Robby 
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 3:38 PM Greg Trzeciak  > wrote: 
> > 
> > I had quickscript already installed when upgrading Racket. 
> > 
> > On DrRacket startup I got the following error: 
> > 
> > Error in script file "run-in-interactions.rkt": read-compiled-linklet: 
> version mismatch 
> >   expected: "7.2" 
> >   found: "" 
> >   in: 
> C:\Users\Myself\AppData\Roaming\Racket\quickscript\user-scripts\compiled\run-in-interactions_rkt.zo
> > 
> > After closing the message box DrRacket is opening with no problems 
> > 
> > Deleting compiled folder removes the error on the next start up (and so 
> would probably running "Compile Scripts and  reload" from Script menu). 
> > But since quickscript is now part of DrRacket - the error may reappear 
> in the next upgrades since it looks like user-scripts is not recompiled 
> during upgrade. 
> > 
> > G. 
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Racket Users" group. 
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[racket-users] Quickscript error on first startup of Racket 7.2

2019-01-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I had quickscript already installed when upgrading Racket.

On DrRacket startup I got the following error:

Error in script file "run-in-interactions.rkt": read-compiled-linklet: 
version mismatch
  expected: "7.2"
  found: ""

After closing the message box DrRacket is opening with no problems

Deleting compiled folder removes the error on the next start up (and so 
would probably running "Compile Scripts and  reload" from Script menu). 
But since quickscript is now part of DrRacket - the error may reappear in 
the next upgrades since it looks like user-scripts is not recompiled during 


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[racket-users] Re: New syntax highlighting extension for VS Code

2019-01-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Thank you!

On Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 9:57:46 PM UTC+1, Evžen Wybitul wrote:
> Hey,
> I've just uploaded a v0.1.0 of my syntax highlighting extension for 
> Racket, dubbed *Magic Racket* (I got inspired by the extension Magic 
> Python). It's originally built for VSCode, but it'll be fairly easy to port 
> it to other modern editors (Atom, Sublime Text) as well. 
> Repo link: repo 
> Marketplace link: marketplace 
> The main highlights (pardon the pun):
>- Nearly complete support for all of Racket's syntax, including byte 
>strings, here strings, hex numbers... Basically, if it's in the docs, it's 
>getting highlighted (with a few notable exceptions, see repo for further 
>- No useless snippets, and the scoping is as detailed as I was able to 
>make it.
> There is a comparison of Magic Racket and the currently most popular 
> syntax highlighting package on the repo. Check it out, and let me know what 
> do you think! And of course, open issues if you find some mistake.
> Now, have a beautiful day!

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Re: [racket-users] Scribble: ugly spacing due to missing SIntrapara

2019-01-14 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Use @linebreak[]

On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 10:08:49 PM UTC+1, spdegabrielle wrote:
> is there a way I can force a couple of  in scribble? (as a temporary 
> measure - I'm not keen to change the scribble/manual, scribble/doc or the 
> CSS stylesheets etc.)
> Stephen

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Re: [racket-users] Re: FYI Racket & DrRacket tagged projects on GitHub

2019-01-12 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I don't think I mentioned newsletter before but I did raise the issue of 
missing date-added in packages before - my expertise is in data 
usefulness/usability so it really hurts my feelings ;)

I agree about hidden gems I stumble upon by pure chance. 
>From time to time I try to search pkgs site for new tag - but this is 
tedious and because of date-added problem it also includes updated packages 
(and that includes the "subpackages" like *-doc, *-test, *-lib) which 
muddies the water even further.
I can't help much with packages as a concept (because I don't fully 
understand all the implications of package management) but I can help with 
what we can do with the information extracted.

As to the newsletter - I remember Julia lang listing new packages on their 
website with a chart showing how many were added each month - now they are 
doing it in the form of newsletter - here is the content of the most recent 
one: https://juliacomputing.com/blog/2019/01/04/january-newsletter.html

Some ideas:
1. Add "date-added" to meta data on packages
2. Sort out the subpackages issue (at least for display on website and 
making it identifiable in the meta data)
3. Automatically post info to Racket Users Group when a new package (not 
subpackages though) with description, docs and tests implemented is added.
4. Add "intro-post.scrbl" for authors to introduce their packages. This 
after approval could be posted as a blog post and a blog post automatically 
advertised on twitter. This could help authors advertise their packages and 
encourage to bring more goodies.
5. Simple version of #4: use readme.md as a content for blog post if 
6. Provide statistics on new and updated packages.
7. Make it easy/clear on how to contribute to racket blog (how to post) and 
that it is welcomed.
8. Racket outreach - invite racket users to write a blog posts, recent 
example: I would like to hear from guys from https://fractalide.com/ on 
their use of racket.
9. Take the burden for the marketing of racket from the core Racket team - 
their contribution is much more valuable in other areas. How? I have no 
idea :) But maybe by things like #7 it will be easier to get other people 
on board.

That's all for now.


On Saturday, January 12, 2019 at 11:10:42 AM UTC+1, Paulo Matos wrote:
> On 11/01/2019 17:23, Greg Trzeciak wrote: 
> > What would be really neat if https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/ would 
> include 
> > date-added to all the packages. This way one could create automatic list 
> > of newly added packages and let's say distribute it in the newsletter 
> Which newsletter are you referring to here? 
> I had been thinking of getting a Racket Newsletter out of the ground but 
> haven't come around to it yet. Have you discussed previously something 
> in this direction? If so, I would like to help. 
> If not, maybe we can open a discussion around this theme. Do people find 
> it interesting/useful? One of the things that made me think about this 
> was that regularly I find little library gems in the Racket world that I 
> wouldn't find otherwise so maybe a newsletter that highlights one of 
> these one every two weeks or so would be great. Another thing it would 
> be useful for is to highlight recent Racket developments, new libraries, 
> libraries requiring a maintainer, etc. 
> -- 
> Paulo Matos 

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[racket-users] Re: FYI Racket & DrRacket tagged projects on GitHub

2019-01-11 Thread Greg Trzeciak
For untagged repositories you can search github with:

or if you want to be more precise and only show recent ones:
language:racket pushed:>2019-01-01 

What would be really neat if https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/ would include 
date-added to all the packages. This way one could create automatic list of 
newly added packages and let's say distribute it in the newsletter
At the moment there is "last updated" field that is changed every time an 
update has been made - which is not the same as new packages. pkgs are 
losing very valuable information with this set up.

On Friday, January 11, 2019 at 3:18:40 PM UTC+1, spdegabrielle wrote:
> FYI 
> Racket & DrRacket tagged projects on GitHub can be found at 
> https://github.com/topics/racket 
> https://github.com/topics/drracket 
> A great way to discover Racket activity that you wouldn’t otherwise see.
> Kind regards
> Stephen
> -- 

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[racket-users] Re: project idea: drracket notebook mode

2019-01-09 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I believe 'hydrogen' like interface is probably closest to what you are 
looking for: 

For a poor man's implementation - you can already send selected 
s-expression to interaction 
Now to make it display the result below the selection...

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[racket-users] Re: Blockly-Like Interface in DrRacket

2018-04-27 Thread Greg Trzeciak
At first I wondered on the purpose of the racket-bricks (since there is 
scratch already) but when you mentioned the transition from block based 
coding it made a perfect sense!
BTW - have you considered 
using https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/scratchy with your B-expressions?


On Friday, April 27, 2018 at 9:03:45 PM UTC+2, Stephen Foster wrote:
> Actually, I figured it out myself.  For the curious:
> What I ended up doing was implementing a custom language "#lang 
> racket-bricks".  I used syntax/module-reader's #:wrapper1 to intercept the 
> code prior to execution.  It scrapes out all of the brick-snip%s and 
> replaces them with their associated S-expressions.
> From the user's perspective, both B-expressions and S-expressions can 
> share variable bindings.  Also, one can nest B-expressions inside 
> S-expressions.
> I'm planning to use this at ThoughtSTEM to help transition novices 
> smoothly from block-based coding to traditional coding.
> On Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 2:33:35 PM UTC-7, Stephen Foster wrote:
>> I finally had some time to revisit this.  I'm hoping someone can help me 
>> out a bit more.
>> I made a basic renderer that takes arbitrary S-expressions and renders 
>> them as bricks.  I've made an interface for editing the bricks (and thus 
>> editing the S-expressions underneath).
>> What I would like to do now is seamlessly integrate these 
>> brick-expressions (B-expressions?) into arbitrary Racket files using some 
>> kind of custom snip%.
>> Here's a not-working prototype of what it should look like:
>> Notice that line #9 has the B-expression.  Line #7 has a comment showing 
>> the equivalent S-expression.  Also notice that the B-expression contains a 
>> reference to the constant defined in an S-expression on line #5.  And vice 
>> versa, notice that the S-expression on line #11 references the constant 
>> defined in the B-expression.  This two-way interoperability between 
>> B-expressions and S-expressions within the same file is something I think 
>> would be pedagogically valuable.
>> I'd love to implement this, but I'm looking for suggestions.
>> Let's just suppose I've implemented a special b-expression-snip% class.  
>> (I haven't, but I think I could).
>> How might I go about getting the above to work.  Here are some random, 
>> vague, probably-misguided musings about implementations -- meant to 
>> stimulate discussion:
>>- Get DrRacket to render the b-expression-snip% as an image but 
>>otherwise treat it as a normal S-expression, just as if it had been 
>> written 
>>as such.
>>- Get the b-expression-snip%'s associated S-expression to be "evaled" 
>>in the context of the module -- without having to wrap the snip in a 
>> helper 
>>S-expression, e.g. (my-eval ...).
>>- Get the b-expression-snip%'s presence to somehow "inject" its 
>>S-expression into the module/file/etc.
>>- Implement some kind of special *#lang racket-with-bricks* that 
>>intercepts the code before execution and swaps all B-expressions for 
>> their 
>>associated S-expressions.
>> Any ideas, pointers, references, etc. would all be appreciated.  Thanks 
>> in advance!
>> On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 8:30:16 PM UTC-8, Stephen Foster wrote:
>>> If I wanted to build a drag-and-drop, visual programming interface for 
>>> programming in DrRacket, is there any prior work I can build on?  Ideally, 
>>> I'd like to implement this as a DrRacket "snip", so that my students can 
>>> make programs that are partially text-based and partially visual.  Any 
>>> suggestions?  Has anyone done something in the ballpark?  

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Re: [racket-users] raco pkg downloads source code with a future timestamp

2018-03-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I confirm with the new snapshot build ( 
packages download and compile correctly and seconds->date & 
file-or-directory-modify-seconds work as expected now.

Thank you for fixing the problem so quickly!


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Re: [racket-users] Re: compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Continuation to this thread was happening 
at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/xZCTFCBvzs0

The problem has been resolved by fixing how timestamps are read from 

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Re: [racket-users] raco pkg downloads source code with a future timestamp

2018-03-29 Thread Greg Trzeciak
The time set by it is correct (current)

On Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 1:55:19 PM UTC+2, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> How about a direct use of `file-or-directory-modify-seconds`? Does 
>  (file-or-directory-modify-seconds "test-file" (current-seconds)) 
> on an existing "test-file" set the timestamp on "test-file" to the 
> current time? 

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Re: [racket-users] raco pkg downloads source code with a future timestamp

2018-03-29 Thread Greg Trzeciak
You are right - sample cached file I tried has a timestamp of 12:50 while 
unpacked files frome cached are all with timestamp 13:50

On Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 1:29:11 PM UTC+2, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Thu, 29 Mar 2018 04:09:00 -0700 (PDT), Greg Trzeciak wrote: 
> > Here are some tests and observations 
> > * The problem doesn't appear outside of raco pkg (ie: git clone uses 
> > correct dates, writing files from racket - also correct) 
> > * cache file for downloaded content is correctly timestamped 
> > * package folders are correctly timestamped 
> > * files inside of those folders have timestamp +1h or sometimes +2h into 
> > the future 
> Thanks for working to narrow this down! 
> It sounds like the problem might be related to the ".tgz" unpacker. If 
> you use `file/untgz` to unpack the cache file for download content, 
> does that produce the wrong timestamp on unpacked files? 

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[racket-users] raco pkg downloads source code with a future timestamp

2018-03-29 Thread Greg Trzeciak
This is a continuation of the previous 
thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/kYk-x5Zn5EE 
the title of this one is more appropriate to the problem.

On my Windows 10 machine all packages are downloaded and the files are 
timestamped +1h or +2h into the future (in 
 "...\Roaming\Racket\6.12\pkgs"). This makes it impossible to compile newly 
downloaded packages. As a current hack I run individually "raco setup" 
after few hours have passed on new package and its downloaded dependencies.

Here are some tests and observations
* The problem doesn't appear outside of raco pkg (ie: git clone uses 
correct dates, writing files from racket - also correct)
* cache file for downloaded content is correctly timestamped
* package folders are correctly timestamped
* files inside of those folders have timestamp +1h or sometimes +2h into 
the future
* "racket -l- net/git-checkout --git github.com me/my-repo e:\test1" 
downloads the files with correct timestamp

Feedback and help from anyone knowing a bit more on inner working of raco 
pkg is welcome.


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Re: [racket-users] Re: compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-28 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Before I disappear for today - some additional observations + current hack 
if anyone has the same problem:
* folders have correct timestamps
* dependencies downloaded in the same run can have their timestamp even +2h 
into the future.
* install directly from git has the same problem -> "raco pkg install 
https://github.com/some-user/new-package.git; has timestamp +1h or +2h into 
the future
* current workaround (so that I can use Racket at all) is:
  - "raco pkg install new-package" -> edit all downloaded files to save 
with current timestamp OR simply wait 2h (possibly longer) -> run "raco 
setup new-package"


On Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 12:59:12 AM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
> Thanks Philip for these ideas, I won't be able to test all the suggestions 
> today (due to time zone ;) but here is what I got so far:
> * My timezone is for Warsaw, Poland
> * When I create a file it is added with a correct timestamp but "raco pkg" 
> downloads it and saves with + 1 hour timestamp. When running raco make on 
> these files it brings the compile-zo error but when I wait 1 hour it 
> compiles them just fine.
> So it seems the problem is not during compilation (that was my first 
> thought) but with "raco pkg" which saves the files from git repos with a 
> future date! 
> Now the question is why, how and what to do to fix it?
> Thanks for getting me a bit closer to the answer!

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Re: [racket-users] Re: compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-28 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Thanks Philip for these ideas, I won't be able to test all the suggestions 
today (due to time zone ;) but here is what I got so far:
* My timezone is for Warsaw, Poland
* When I create a file it is added with a correct timestamp but "raco pkg" 
downloads it and saves with + 1 hour timestamp. When running raco make on 
these files it brings the compile-zo error but when I wait 1 hour it 
compiles them just fine.

So it seems the problem is not during compilation (that was my first 
thought) but with "raco pkg" which saves the files from git repos with a 
future date! 
Now the question is why, how and what to do to fix it?

Thanks for getting me a bit closer to the answer!

On Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 12:18:51 AM UTC+2, Philip McGrath wrote:
> I don't really know, but a few thoughts:
>- I'm very suspicious about the daylight savings time possibility. 
>Would you be comfortable sharing your specific timezone?
>- It might be helpful to see the results of 
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Filesystem.html#(def._((quote._~23~25kernel)._file-or-directory-modify-seconds))>
>for the source and .zo files.
>- Have you checked what your OS thinks about these modification times 
>compared to your system time? When you create other files, does it mark 
>them with the correct creation time?
>- What happens if you try to compile a module outside of a 
>package/collection, perhaps via raco make or the compiler/compiler 
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/raco/API_for_Raw_Compilation.html?q=compile-zo> 
>- You could see if manually setting the source file's modification 
>time to something, say, a day in the past could trick it into working.
> -Philip
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 4:30 PM, Greg Trzeciak <gtrz...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
>> I was too quick with the success update - although I was able to install 
>> some packages that were failing before, the problem is not resolved for 
>> other packages - I have just tested "syndicate" package - exactly the same 
>> error.
>> In the offline conversation with Kieran Hardy we briefly discussed some 
>> edge-case possibility: I can't be certain it is the case but I don't recall 
>> having the problem before the Weekend and it was the Weekend with a Summer 
>> time switch in my time zone -> UTC+1 + 1 (Daylight Saving Time).
>> From the time of the fresh install I only managed to install 2 packages 
>> that previously failed: pop-pl and pollen-count and test them + install 
>> syndicate that failed, no other Racket activity today.
>> Any ideas?
>> G.
>> On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 1:03:29 PM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
>>> Quick update - doing a fresh install of Racket solved the problem on my 
>>> machine, an interesting case nevertheless.
>>> On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 1:07:14 AM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
>>>> Forgot to mention - my setup is: Racket 6.12 on Windows 10... could be 
>>>> some recent Windows update?
>>> -- 
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[racket-users] Re: compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-28 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I was too quick with the success update - although I was able to install 
some packages that were failing before, the problem is not resolved for 
other packages - I have just tested "syndicate" package - exactly the same 

In the offline conversation with Kieran Hardy we briefly discussed some 
edge-case possibility: I can't be certain it is the case but I don't recall 
having the problem before the Weekend and it was the Weekend with a Summer 
time switch in my time zone -> UTC+1 + 1 (Daylight Saving Time).

>From the time of the fresh install I only managed to install 2 packages 
that previously failed: pop-pl and pollen-count and test them + install 
syndicate that failed, no other Racket activity today.

Any ideas?


On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 1:03:29 PM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
> Quick update - doing a fresh install of Racket solved the problem on my 
> machine, an interesting case nevertheless.
> On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 1:07:14 AM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
>> Forgot to mention - my setup is: Racket 6.12 on Windows 10... could be 
>> some recent Windows update?

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[racket-users] Re: compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-28 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Quick update - doing a fresh install of Racket solved the problem on my 
machine, an interesting case nevertheless.

On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 1:07:14 AM UTC+2, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
> Forgot to mention - my setup is: Racket 6.12 on Windows 10... could be 
> some recent Windows update?

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[racket-users] Re: compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-27 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Forgot to mention - my setup is: Racket 6.12 on Windows 10... could be some 
recent Windows update?

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[racket-users] compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file ... is before source-file date ... which appears to be in the future

2018-03-27 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I started receiving weird errors while installing packages (any package I 
tested so far)

The error below was returned while installing package - my local time was 
around 0:44 at the time:

> compile-zo: date for newly created .zo file 
@ 2018-3-28 1:44:0) is before source-file date 
(C:\Users\Grzegorz\AppData\Roaming\Racket\6.12\pkgs\pollen-count\info.rkt @ 
2018-3-28 2:43:58), which appears to be in the future

I am just running "raco setup" and it looks like one pure mess with these 
errors and their consequences.

Any ideas what could have caused it? I will probably have to do a fresh 
install of Racket unless there is another way.


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[racket-users] Re: error with pdf-read / libpoppler on Windows

2018-03-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
hmm... I've tried to see what dependencies would dumpbin show on my machine 
for libpoppler and it fails with "e:\libpoppler-glib-8.dll : warning 
LNK4048: Invalid format file; ignored" so it may be that something is wrong 
with a binary on Windows 10.
Still my previous advice (ignore anything below top level tree) still stands

On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 6:16:02 PM UTC+1, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
> That's why I actually prefer dumpbin (see the other thread) from depedency 
> walker - simpler without so many confusing details. 
> But since you probably don't have VS here is my advice: collapse entire 
> result tree from dependency walker - leave only top level libraries to see 
> which ones are missing and ignore the details like API-MS...
> On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 5:39:42 PM UTC+1, Joel Dueck wrote:
>> On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 9:16:55 AM UTC-5, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
>>> So it's clear it's not the path issue, see neighbouring thread on 
>>> another possibility - some dependency of libpoppler is missing on Windows
>>  Ok, I tried Dependency Walker on libpoppler-glib-8.dll, and got all 
>> kinds of missing dependencies.
>> Mostly of the form API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROFILE-L1-1-0.DLL
>> I wonder if this is a Windows 10 problem. I probably need to look at 
>> rolling my own flaky PDF functions after all.

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[racket-users] Re: error with pdf-read / libpoppler on Windows

2018-03-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
That's why I actually prefer dumpbin (see the other thread) from depedency 
walker - simpler without so many confusing details. 
But since you probably don't have VS here is my advice: collapse entire 
result tree from dependency walker - leave only top level libraries to see 
which ones are missing and ignore the details like API-MS...

On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 5:39:42 PM UTC+1, Joel Dueck wrote:
> On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 9:16:55 AM UTC-5, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
>> So it's clear it's not the path issue, see neighbouring thread on another 
>> possibility - some dependency of libpoppler is missing on Windows
>  Ok, I tried Dependency Walker on libpoppler-glib-8.dll, and got all kinds 
> of missing dependencies.
> Mostly of the form API-MS-WIN-CORE-PROFILE-L1-1-0.DLL
> I wonder if this is a Windows 10 problem. I probably need to look at 
> rolling my own flaky PDF functions after all.

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Re: [racket-users] Windows Foreign Libraries

2018-03-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Another option to check for dependencies (if you have Visual Studio 
installed - VS community edition is free but BULKY) is to run dumpbin from 
console, or better yet VS code since dumpbin is in VS/bin folder.
It is less overwhelming but will check only for one level deep 
dependencies, ie you may need to check for dependencies of dependencies 

Here is an example dump:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0>dumpbin /dependents 
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.00.24215.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file e:\RacketProjects\libxslt-ffi\lib\64bit\libxslt-1.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:



1000 .CRT
1000 .bss
1000 .data
7000 .debug_abbrev
1000 .debug_aranges
8000 .debug_frame
   71000 .debug_info
C000 .debug_line
   44000 .debug_loc
5000 .debug_ranges
4000 .debug_str
2000 .edata
3000 .idata
2000 .pdata
A000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
   27000 .text
1000 .tls
2000 .xdata

On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 2:52:28 PM UTC+1, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
> Second, your dll may refuse to load because some of its dependencies 
> are missing. You may use the freeware Dependency Walker (depends.exe) 
> to find out what is missing. 
> Regards, 
> Dmitry 

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[racket-users] Re: error with pdf-read / libpoppler on Windows

2018-03-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
BTW, you can use forward slashes on windows for the path 
"C:/Users/Joel...", I've found it more digestible than "\\"

On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 3:05:07 PM UTC+1, Joel Dueck wrote:
> ; (B) tried absolute path: 
>(define-ffi-definer define-poppler (ffi-lib 
> "C:\\Users\\Joel\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket\\6.12\\lib\\libpoppler-glib-8"))

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[racket-users] Re: error with pdf-read / libpoppler on Windows

2018-03-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
So it's clear it's not the path issue, see neighbouring thread on another 
possibility - some dependency of libpoppler is missing on Windows

On Friday, March 23, 2018 at 3:05:07 PM UTC+1, Joel Dueck wrote:
> On Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 6:14:59 PM UTC-5, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
>> Last few times I had this error it was one of the following:
>> 1. Incorrect version (32 vs 64bit)
>> 2. Problem with Path.
>> For 2. have you tried setting it up with absolute path to eliminate Path 
>> as a problem?
>  The poppler package installed is poppler-win32-x86-64 which matches the 
> 64-bitness of my Racket.
> Not sure precisely which mechanism you had in mind for trying number 2. 
> But I tried editing ffi.rkt in the pdf-read package as follows:
> ; original: (define-ffi-definer define-poppler (ffi-lib "libpoppler-glib"))
> ; (A) tried adding version: 
> ;  (define-ffi-definer define-poppler (ffi-lib "libpoppler-glib" "8"))
> ; (B) tried absolute path: 
>(define-ffi-definer define-poppler (ffi-lib 
> "C:\\Users\\Joel\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket\\6.12\\lib\\libpoppler-glib-8"))
> Both edits return basically the same error as before:
> (A)  ffi-lib: couldn't open "libpoppler-glib-8.dll" (The specified module 
> could not be found.; errid=126)
> (B)  ffi-lib: couldn't open 
> "C:\\Users\\Joel\\AppData\\Roaming\\Racket\\6.12\\lib\\libpoppler-glib-8.dll" 
> (The specified module could not be found.; errid=126)
> For testing I did:
> #lang racket
> (require ffi/unsafe setup/dirs); pdf-read)
> (define paths (get-lib-search-dirs))
> (define (poppler? path)
>   (string-contains? (path->string path) "poppler-glib"))
> (flatten (for/list ([p paths])
>(find-files poppler? p)))
> Produces:
> '(#<path:C:\Users\Joel\AppData\Roaming\Racket\6.12\lib\libpoppler-glib-8.dll>)
> So it should be able to find the dll at least. Perhaps it's just not able 
> to load it for some other reason.

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[racket-users] Re: error with pdf-read / libpoppler on Windows

2018-03-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Last few times I had this error it was one of the following:
1. Incorrect version (32 vs 64bit)
2. Problem with Path.

For 2. have you tried setting it up with absolute path to eliminate Path as 
a problem?


On Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 10:54:59 PM UTC+1, Joel Dueck wrote:
> Trying to test a new package of mine on Windows. 
> On a fresh install of 6.12 on Windows (Win10 if it matters), I installed 
> package `pdf-read`, as well as `racket-poppler`. 
> Running this program in DrRacket:
> #lang racket
> (require pdf-read)
> Results in the error:
> ffi-lib: couldn't open "libpoppler-glib.dll" (The specified module 
> could not be found.; errid=126)
> Note, I *do* have a `libpoppler-glib-8.dll` (note added `-8`) in these 
> folders:
> * C:\Users\Joel\AppData\Roaming\Racket\6.12\lib
> * 
> C:\Users\Joel\AppData\Roaming\Racket\6.12\pkgs\poppler-win32-x86-64\racket-poppler
> Did I miss a step? Is it a problem in either pdf-read or racket-poppler?
> Also: is it a problem that pdf-read does not list racket-poppler among its 
> dependencies?

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[racket-users] Re: How often does the package server check for updates?

2018-03-07 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Have you considered using pkgs package 
instead: https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/html-parsing

On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 5:36:37 PM UTC+1, David K. Storrs wrote:
> My 'handy' module was failing to build with the following message:
> /home/racket/build-pkgs/user/.racket/6.12/pkgs/handy/web.rkt:4:9: require: 
> PLaneT could not download the package "neil/html-parsing:3": tcp-connect: 
> connection failed;
> This is obviously not a specific problem with the code, but it made me 
> check on the neil/html-parsing module and I noticed that the require line 
> listed in the docs is now:
>  (planet neil/html-parsing:1:2/html-parsing)
> As opposed to:
>  (planet neil/html-parsing:3:0) 
> I'm not sure where I got the 3:0 version but I've had this code for a year 
> or two now and it's worked.  Still, I've updated that in my code and pushed 
> it but I wasn't sure how soon the package server would see it?  (I'm 
> assuming that the TCP issue is temporary so just need to make sure my code 
> will be sound when it comes back.)

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[racket-users] Re: Need help with parallelizing a procedure

2017-08-19 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Saturday, August 19, 2017 at 12:16:53 PM UTC+2, Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote:
> Is there some easy to understand introduction to continuations in Racket? 
> (not a super clever and scientific Friedman paper, which I'd probably need 1 
> year to actually understand :D)

Try with Beautiful Racket short introduction first:

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[racket-users] Re: Does anyone have experience with GObject Introspection?

2017-08-07 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, August 7, 2017 at 8:07:02 PM UTC+2, David K. Storrs wrote:
> We're trying to work with the gir module and GOI in general and finding it 
> pretty heavy going.  Can anyone recommend a really good tutorial on GOI in 
> general and ideally on using it from Racket?  Also, can anyone explain how to 
> generate a typelib file?  For the life of me I cannot figure that one out.

Have you seen https://github.com/mwunsch/overscan ?
One of it's module provides dynamic Racket bindings to GObject Introspection.

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[racket-users] Re: Mono, racketscript, ffi, databases and pointer swizzling

2017-08-01 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 11:01:33 PM UTC+2, amz3 wrote:
> By the way, do you recommend binding wiredtiger using typed racket?
> [3] they are other solution in racket.
> [4] http://hyperdev.fr/projects/wiredtiger/
> That said, I am not sure it can scale as much as I want/need given racket 
> thread model [5]. I will experiment.
> [5] http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/eval-model.html#(part._thread-model)
> Anyway, I stumbled upon rscheme persistence [6] and though that it could 
> change my approach of disk persistence. Also someone on the IRC channel told 
> me about GemTalk Systems which apparently achieve transparent persistence and 
> distribution. Are you aware of such work in racket? Can you recommend 
> something to read regarding the subject? Is pointer swizzling a good start?
> [6] http://www.rscheme.org/rs/a/2005/persistence/
> amz3

Since I am not the right person to answer the questions you've asked at the end 
of your detailed post let me at least help you bumping the thread.

I want to give you also words of encouragement for your planned efforts as 
racket (and my humble self) will definitely benefit from more industry targeted 

Regarding Datomic - isn't it more Datascript 
(https://github.com/tonsky/datascript) that you are trying to achieve?
Whichever way you go, having Datomic/Datascript alternative in the Racket world 
sounds exciting. 

Looking forward to reading further updates on your work (frontend & backend)!


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[racket-users] Re: Scheme and Javascript

2017-07-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, July 31, 2017 at 3:48:07 PM UTC+2, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> As I heard it, the people who made Javascript originally wanted to use 
> Scheme, and were starting to set that up when management decided tht 
> it had to look like C.  They ended up with Javascript, which does have 
> lists and closures and the like.  It's kind of a Lisp with C-ish 
> syntax.
> -- hendrik

I've recently discovered a video recording from that meeting with management:

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Re: [racket-users] Error when running raco pkg install

2017-07-17 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 7:05:34 PM UTC+2, Sam Waxman wrote:
> Thanks, good to know! Is there a way to run raco as an administrator or give 
> it the privileges to make the symbolic links, or can this package just not 
> ever be installed on Windows?

Just open cmd.exe with administrative priviledge (right click -> Run as 
Administrator) and then run your raco command, you should be fine.

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[racket-users] Re: Any work on demo.racket-lang.org?

2017-04-24 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Hi Tim

Regarding the Rosetta Code scraper - I have 90% of the task completed - I will 
post my code on github sometime tomorrow. It still needs some work to have it 
published - the number of code samples is huge so is the variety of issues 
encountered - one I haven't resolved is around MathML conversion into scribble 
doc. I will post more with a link to github repo. 

I don't know what's the story behind scheme cookbook as there was once a 
website you can get from the web archive: 



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Re: [racket-users] Programming paradigms supported by Racket (according to wikipedia)

2017-02-12 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 10:35:45 PM UTC+1, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Thanks. I assume you have seen my old web page with Don Q as my image :-) 

Believe it or not... I haven't which makes the analogy even more fitting =)

To make sure I didn't simply have it in my subconsciousness I even checked 
wayback machine:

That was the last time you used it - at that time I didn't even know of 
existence of Racket!

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Re: [racket-users] Programming paradigms supported by Racket (according to wikipedia)

2017-02-12 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 3:30:42 PM UTC+1, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Racket should be removed from the list. 
> http://cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/sk-teach-pl-post-linnaean/
>  Programming language ‘‘paradigms’’ are a moribund and tedious legacy of a 
> bygone age. 
>  Modern language designers pay them no respect, so why do our courses 
> slavishly adhere 
>  to them? This paper argues that we should abandon this method of teaching 
> languages, 
>  offers an alternative, reconciles an important split in programming language 
> education, 
>  and describes a textbook that explores these matters.
>  (Shriram’s dissertation on linguistic reuse inspired Racket’s modular system 
> of languages.)
> If you have time to edit the wikipage, please do so. Thanks — Matthias

As a person not invested in PL research and teaching let me state a layman's 
Whether we like it or not open access to wikipedia makes it an excellent tool 
for promotion - and that's how I see all the "supported paradigms" - just a 
marketing gimmick indicating language versatility. 
Thank you for the article linked - the arguments make perfect sense, but I am a 
bit doubtful if the battle can be won.
Saying this, I like idealist (most of the time anyway) so if there will be no 
serious objections in the next few days - I will be your Sancho Panza and 
remove it as requested ;)


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[racket-users] Programming paradigms supported by Racket (according to wikipedia)

2017-02-11 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I have stumbled upon the following wiki page:

Supported paradigms:
Language: Racket
Num­ber of Para­digms: 6
Con­cur­rent: No
Con­straints: No
Data­flow: No
De­clar­at­ive: No
Dis­trib­uted: No
Func­tion­al: Yes
Meta­pro­gram­ming: Yes
Gen­er­ic: No
Im­per­at­ive: Yes
Lo­gic: Yes
Re­flec­tion: Yes
Ob­ject-ori­ented: Yes
Pipe­lines: No
Visu­al: No
Rule-based: No
Oth­er para­digms: No (not listed paradigms can be mentioned here)

According to the same page eg. Julia supports 17 paradigms.

Not being an expert in Racket I can see the article sells Racket short. How 
really this table should look like in regards to Racket?


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[racket-users] Broken links to local docs if linked package installed from secondary drive

2017-02-10 Thread Greg Trzeciak
[Tried only on Windows]

When you install any local package (as linked folder) from any drive other than 
system drive (in my case system: C: and package folder on E:) local 
documentation seems to be installing fine and new package is searchable on 
local documentation but all the links to exact pages will be incorrect.

The links from main local Help Desk will have the following form:

instead of the correct:

Once package is moved to C: drive and installed from there all links are correct

I wanted to raise it on github but didn't figure out where



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Re: [racket-users] Re: Package layout in docs

2017-01-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 7:29:44 PM UTC+1, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> I think it would be nice to change the frontend to collapse them
> together in some meaningful way to help read the catalog.
> Jay

That would solve the issue.

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[racket-users] Re: Package layout in docs

2017-01-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Speaking of packages - there seems to be a trend recently in racket packages to 
create separate packages for main, lib, doc, test, etc. This causes an 
artificial inflation in available packages and IMHO may cause some confusion 
for newcomers as instead of finding eg. "PackageX" we now get the following 

Most likely the only package out of these installed by anyone other than the 
package author will be "PackageX"

Other than package creator's convenience - is their any rationale for this 
trend I don't see? 



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Re: [racket-users] Arrays performance in untyped Racket

2017-01-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, January 30, 2017 at 2:20:36 PM UTC+1, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> We have reduced this overhead somewhat, but it's still likely to be
> prohibitive in many cases.
> I think that "We are working on it" may need to be interpreted on an
> academic time scale in this case.
> Sam

Ok, thank you for the update and realistic assessment. Nevertheless add my vote 
to the people expressing interest in it.

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[racket-users] Arrays performance in untyped Racket

2017-01-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I need to use Arrays/Matrix from untyped Racket but then I noticed the 
following in the docs (https://docs.racket-lang.org/math/array.html):

"Performance Warning: Indexing the elements of arrays created in untyped Racket 
is currently 25-50 times slower than doing the same in Typed Racket, due to the 
overhead of checking higher-order contracts. We are working on it."

Has there been any progress in this area and what are the chances that the 
overhead may fall to more reasonable in this area in the near future?

Thank you

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Re: [racket-users] Racket v6.8

2017-01-26 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 2:03:46 PM UTC+1, gustavo wrote:
> Is it possible to offer to run the migrate process automatically
> during the setup? I guess most users (i.e. me) expect and want it.
> It would be also useful to check that the user had at least installed
> one package in the previous version. For multiuser installations,
> perhaps also offer to migrate the packages when DrRacket starts for
> the first time.
> Gustavo


>From UX perspective that would be a great improvement. As an example:
I personally prefer Solarized theme for my work in DrRacket and I got it from a 
downloaded package, but whenever I update Racket after copying packages from 
previous version I still need to reapply the settings. If there would be an 
option in the installer to "keep the packages" all the preferences for DrRacket 
could be kept as well making the process seamless for the end user.

Question: do round number updates (eg. upcoming 7.0) have any significance in 
Racket release cycle (eg. some major/breaking changes, etc.) or is it just 
business as usual?

As an aside - great job with such regular updates! It is quite a novel 

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[racket-users] Re: [ANN] Simple, Deterministic Dictionaries (ddict)

2017-01-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 2:18:53 PM UTC+1, Andrew Kent wrote:

> ddict seeks to mimic Racket's `hash` API as much as possible and is hopefully 
> a a convenient "drop in" replacement for `hash` when you'd like deterministic 
> iteration order.

Thank you, just when I need it!
One minor issue regarding the API - I understand you wanted to mimic hash api 
but I personally wonder if moving away from keywordless api for both hash and 
ddict wouldn't be a better idea.

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Re: [racket-users] Request for Information about Racket and .NET interop support

2017-01-16 Thread Greg Trzeciak
At one point I was looking for Racket on .NET and the closest I could find was 
the following:
(it looks like its original name was IronRacket) and a scheme:

I have only just recovered them from my saved bookmarks and have no idea on 
their status/completeness/usefullness.


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Re: [racket-users] New website design feedback

2017-01-02 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, January 2, 2017 at 5:50:22 PM UTC+1, Matthew Butterick wrote:

> They're just little SVG doodles made with `racket/draw`. I like to use 
> complex numbers to draw things because they're already two-dimensional. A 
> couple doodles have random elements so they change slightly when the page is 
> rebuilt. 
> https://github.com/racket/racket-lang-org/blob/master/www/index-illos.rkt

Thank you for the link!

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Re: [racket-users] New website design feedback

2017-01-02 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, January 2, 2017 at 12:14:15 PM UTC+1, spdegabrielle wrote:
> I'm guessing the 2htdp/image library was used to generate the nice 
> backgrounds as per the #lang racket Sierpinski example. You could also use 
> the racket/draw library.

The reason I asked is because I've noticed some differences between images in 
between version of the new website so I thought that maybe some generative art 
package was used and I wondered what it could be.

Also the resizing seems to be fixed now - or maybe it was never broken and I 
had old images cached causing the distortion. The new buttons (with blue 
Download) work perfectly fine.

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[racket-users] New website design feedback

2016-12-23 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Firstly - congratulations to Matthew Butterick on beautiful design!

Now to the feedback:
1. There is one thing that frustrates me most when I stumble upon new 
website/package/repository for the first time and I have no previous knowledge 
of its content. It is due to the amount of time it takes me to get an answer to 
a simple question: "What am I looking at?". If I can get the answer quicker 
using google search or wikipedia than the website itself is probably missing 
With current design I get the answer as to what it includes (eg. batteries, it 
can run cross-platform) before I can conclude that Racket is probably a 
programming language (and some more cool stuff) although this is never stated 
just inferred. Calling Racket a programming language maybe sells it short but 
at least gives the answer to the question "What am I looking at". Placing 
something like the old "Programming-language Programming Language" somewhere 
near the top may solve the issue.
2. Greyed out code snippets - I am not a fan of too much greyed out text or 
code. It causes unnecessary eye strain. If this has to stay maybe make it not 
AS GREY as it is right now.
3. I understand other pages like documentation (or rather its out of place top 
black Racket bar) and Packages will also have a look overhaul. If that's the 
case than one word: great! Especially that the old Packages (pkgs...) looks now 
terribly outdated
4. [NON-DESIGN] Racket Manifesto link (under "The Best of Scheme/Lisp) gives 
404 error page. I think these most important documents should be placed on 
Racket server to avoid this in the future.

These are just my personal views - feel free to adapt/ignore.


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[racket-users] Re: XML Modification

2016-12-14 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 12:04:23 AM UTC+1, Lehi Toskin wrote:
> I have some XML - rather, XMP data from an image - that I'd like to mess 
> around with. I've investigated the xml library and found that I can turn the 
> XML into an XEXPR so I can play around with it like that and even search 
> through it with se-path*/list, but how would I go from there to replacing 
> parts of the XEXPR? By my reckoning, I'd need to scan through the list and 
> locate the data I want and then do something like list-set, but searching 
> through an XEXPR that can have many nested sublists sounds like a nightmare 
> to program for.
> I suppose I could take a look at the XML string and do a regexp-match or 
> something similar, but that seems inelegant and almost brute-force-y.

With pure XML you could use XSLT, so with SXML/xexpr you could do the same 
using SXSLT:

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[racket-users] Re: Request for comments: An embedded DSL for CSS in Racket

2016-10-27 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Have you looked into Clojure's Garden for a possible inspiration:

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[racket-users] Re: Realm of Racket chapter 5 easy question variable update question

2016-10-01 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Saturday, October 1, 2016 at 11:35:52 AM UTC+2, Angus wrote:
> 2. I don't really understand what is happening with the big-bang on-tick. 
> My background is imperative languages, eg C, C++, Java, python, etc.  Not 
> sure if that helps.

Coming from OOP background following tutorial may be helpful. It explains a bit 
of magic behind big-bang (with classes):

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[racket-users] Re: Racket apps on Android

2016-09-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Great to see this - thanks Jay and Byron for sharing your work!

How deep do the dependencies on OSX go?


On Friday, September 30, 2016 at 2:05:29 AM UTC+2, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> The build system that Byron Davies and I implemented for deploying 
> full-screen OpenGL Android apps is available here:
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-android
> I assume that there will be some weird platform dependencies that I have no 
> explained well enough. If you are interested in using this, it would be very 
> nice to make it easier to use.
> Jay

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Re: [racket-users] How to parse a html file into a sexpr?

2016-09-27 Thread Greg Trzeciak
This is more up to date version of the html-parsing package:

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 9:26:32 PM UTC+2, David K. Storrs wrote:
> Yep!
> The function is:  html->xexp and it's in (require  (planet 
> neil/html-parsing:3:0))

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Re: [racket-users] udelim package -- more parens than you can shake a stick at

2016-09-26 Thread Greg Trzeciak
IMHO the "text expression" does precisely the same as current use of scribble 
-> pigeonholing the syntax for one use: in the case of scribble it is 
"documentation" in the case of text - "text processing".

I actually find "at-exp" to be quite fitting but would keep using this form 
everywhere instead of "@-exp". Instead of deriving the name from the "@" 
symbol, explain it as deriving from "at" preposition. Why?
- You can place the expression "AT ANY PLACE inside your text or code"
- Expression is identified by the selected identifier "AT THE FRONT of the 
expression" -> default @
- With at-exp the function is "AT THE FRONT followed by brackets/braces"
Ok maybe stretching it a bit but each to their own.

Some alternatives:
- M-expression (sic!) it even has plenty of similarities with meta-expression 
and in a way it is a meta syntax for s-expression
- F-expression - fore-expression -> function before brackets
- P-expression - pre(peri)-expression -> function before brackets



On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 3:40:13 PM UTC+2, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> T as in "text":
> @-form => T-form
> @-expression = > T-expression (or t-exp in shorthand)

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Re: [racket-users] Correcting documentation à la Beautiful Racket

2016-09-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Agree that adding more dependencies may be problematic. 
One solution would be instead of sending emails, to make this a true github 
issue creation method which can be done with a simple prepopulated HTML link, 
eg. (here title:"foo" and body:"bar"):

This has the added benefit of issue tracking.
Assuming the scribble doc would store its github repository this would make it 
a convenient method to raise the issue regarding documentation encouraging 
people to do it. 

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 2:33:05 AM UTC+2, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> I get meaningful messages frequently. To be fair, as a work in progress, 
> Beautiful Racket is wrong a lot more often than the Racket docs. Also, BR has 
> no corresponding mailing list or GitHub issues, as Racket does (and most 
> add-on Racket packages also do). Also, the comment form relies on being able 
> to send email, which requires cooperation with an SMTP server, which would 
> create a new network dependency that docs don't currently have (meaning, you 
> can install them on your local machine or use them offline and they work the 
> same way).

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[racket-users] Re: Correcting documentation à la Beautiful Racket

2016-09-21 Thread Greg Trzeciak
> I'm curious as to what is the experience of Matthew with this kind of 
> interaction with users, how often he received meaningful messages through 
> this interface?

Matthew, my apologies for writing a question to you in third person.

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[racket-users] Correcting documentation à la Beautiful Racket

2016-09-21 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I have found some dead links in the documentation I wanted to raise as an issue 
or if I wouldn't find right repository post it to this mail group when I 
realised how many times in the past I didn't do anything about the noticed 

On the other hand I already shared my suggestion with Matthew Butterick twice 
on his http://beautifulracket.com/ which made me realise how superior the kind 
of direct interface as in the attached image is. You simply click on the 
paragraph add suggestion/question/correction and click send.

This made me question if something similar couldn't be adapted to the 
documentation of Racket - with maybe small change - you would have to click on 
the flag next to the paragraph as opposed to the paragraph directly in order to 
open the correction box.

I'm curious as to what is the experience of Matthew with this kind of 
interaction with users, how often he received meaningful messages through this 

As to the dead links - they are both Jay's articles on:
dead links:
correct links:



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[racket-users] Re: (sixth RacketCon) General Q

2016-09-16 Thread Greg Trzeciak
As unfortunately I won't be attending RacketCon I would like to know if there 
is any live streaming planned for the event?
Also if it is possible I would like to ask related questions to be addressed on 
Q (if streamed/recorded). 

What are future plans toward portability of Racket (ie:Racket on 
Android/JS/JVM/CLR(DLR) etc.)? and if there is any ongoing work in this 
direction? What are the main obstacles before it is possible? What's the 
feasibility of full portability? What's the expected priority and timeline of 
such plans?

Thank you


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Re: [racket-users] Re: Racket -> HTML+JavaScript using Urlang and Ractive

2016-03-20 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 10:54:50 PM UTC+1, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> 2016-03-16 22:50 GMT+01:00 Greg Trzeciak <gtrz...@gmail.com>:
> "Urlang is a Racket flavoured S-expression syntax for Javascript"
> Can I steal that for a tag-line?

Feel free!

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Re: [racket-users] Re: Racket -> HTML+JavaScript using Urlang and Ractive

2016-03-19 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 10:32:22 PM UTC+1, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> 2016-03-16 22:18 GMT+01:00 Greg Trzeciak <gtrz...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks Dan, seems to be exactly what I need (especially the combination with 
> ractive.js! BTW you couldn't find js framework with name more fitting to work 
> with racket ;)
> I am only curious what racket subset does urlang include or rather what won't 
> work in urlang.
> Hi Greg,
> Think of Urlang as JavaScript with s-expression syntax.
> The core urlang language includes constructs that mirror JavaScript almost 
> one-to-one.
> So Urlang is not "Racket to JavaScript compiler".

Got it. In other words:

"Urlang is a Racket flavoured S-expression syntax for Javascript"

Thank you for your explanation - still seems like a good fit for one of my 
projects (as I needed something more lightweight than Whalesong) so I will try 
it out shortly.


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[racket-users] Re: Generic dipatch and multi-methods options in DrRacket

2016-02-19 Thread Greg Trzeciak
> Are there arguments against using multi-methods or other ways of building 
> generic (and extensible) dispatch?

Just recently I have read blog post by Alexis King regarding safe multi-methods 
proof of concept that addresses "spooky action at a distance":

One could also try pattern matching to get multiple dispatch like here:

I personally like to structure my code utilizing multi-methods so am looking 
forward to the development in this area. I know too little of Racket to advise, 
but definitely like the direction Alexis' proof of concept is going into.


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[racket-users] Re: Standardizing the threading macro and organizing packages

2016-01-31 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 5:09:20 AM UTC+2, Alexis King wrote:
> While in St. Louis, I had a brief conversation with Jay, Alex, and Jack about 
> how we all happen to have our own implementation of Clojure’s threading 
> macro. That macro is called -> in Clojure, but I believe Greg’s rackjure 
> library set the Racket standard of calling it ~>, since the arrow is already 
> used by contracts and types (and the FFI, too, for that matter). I have no 
> idea how many implementations of this macro exist in the wild, but 5 is 
> already far too many.

With Refinements being currently added 
1. Is the argument of using ~> no longer valid since refinements also use it.
2. Is adding refinements going to cause some conflicts with the existing 
threading implementations? 


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Re: [racket-users] html parsing library does not handle 'article' tags -- any solutions?

2016-01-07 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 9:42:30 PM UTC+1, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> (A long, long time ago, Racket had its own Web browser, for viewing its 
> documentation, and it had at least one funny HTML extension.)

That's interesting - what happened to the Web browser - was it implemented in 
Racket? Could it work today - as a learning exercise?



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Re: [racket-users] html parsing library does not handle 'article' tags -- any solutions?

2016-01-07 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Great, thanks - didn't expect it to be still there after reading Neil's post!

On Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 9:52:01 PM UTC+1, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> It's probably on your computer:
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/browser/index.html?q=browser#%28mod-path._browser%29

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Re: [racket-users] Racket in a web page (via Whalesong)

2015-12-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Is there any update on

> The problem is that the functions  expand  and  compile  are implemented in 
> C. 
> This means that it is not possible to run the bytecode-to-JavaScript compiler 
> on neither the expander 
> nor the expanded-code-to-bytecode. Two essential components are therefore 
> missing before
> it is possible to bootstrap Racket in Whalesong.
> The expander was recently reimplemented. Maybe there is hope for an expander 
> written in Racket
> at some point.


Is there any update on the progress of rewriting compiler and expander in 
Racket. From this RacketCon2014 video: https://youtu.be/Uw8m4QF4k1E?t=22m55s
my understanding is that it is an ogoing process that is currently happening.

I didn't find any more recent examples of roadmap and milestones for Racket and 
would gladly satisfy my curiosity.

Also, what other work (assuming compiler and expander done) would be required 
in order to bring Whalesong on par with ClojureScript?


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Re: [racket-users] Racket in a web page (via Whalesong)

2015-12-30 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Thanks Jens,

I am actually more interested with long term viability of Whalesong than being 
able to run it right now, hence my questions related to bootstrapped version 
(and compiler + expander in Racket). My current understanding is that outside 
of narrow use Whalesong is too risky a bet at least until it becomes 
selfhosted. Please correct me if I am wrong but I am not a compiler person 
rather someone deciding on the future direction of his projects impressed with 
Racket but unsure on the direction and priorities for future Racket.  
I am also writing this post to show there is an interest in Javascript Racket 
(and ClojureScript competitor).

Best wishes


On Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 6:48:29 PM UTC+1, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> As far as I know no one is working on updating Whalesong to the latest 
> version of Racket.
> However it is easy to download an older version of Racket where Whalesong 
> works fine.
> FWIW there are two aspects that needs work:
>   - handle (maybe just ignore) the (small) recent changes in the bytecode
>   - figure out how to adapt Whalesong to the new macro expander

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Re: [racket-users] Time Series in Racket

2015-12-29 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Thanks Ben,

I've stumbled upon time-ticks but initially discarded it as in the project I 
had in mind the data points need to be uniformly spaced not the time ticks 
(measurement is made based on other triggers irrelevant of discrete time - 
believe it or not it has its uses :) ) and time is used for ordering and for x 
But your examples and pointing to time-ticks showed me some work with 
time-series which is good point to start with, so thank you. 
I will play with it but I think it is doable what I have in mind - plot seems 
to be quite mature. 


On Monday, December 28, 2015 at 7:16:17 PM UTC+1, Ben Greenman wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 5:29 AM, Greg Trzeciak <gtrz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Re: 3 Is there any example of plotting with x axis being the time+date 
> available?
> There's a small example in the docs for the 'plot' package:
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/plot/ticks_and_transforms.html#%28def._%28%28lib._plot%2Fmain..rkt%29._ticks-scale%29%29
> Documentation on time ticks is here:
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/plot/ticks_and_transforms.html#%28part._.Time_.Ticks%29
> And here's a smaller example:
> #lang racket/base
> (require plot)
> (define (earnings ms)
>  (let ([d (seconds->date ms)])
>    (expt (date-minute d) 2)))
> (define (hour->date h)
>   (date 0 0 h 1 1 2015 0 0 #f 0))
> (parameterize ([plot-x-ticks (time-ticks #:number 6 #:formats '("~Mm"))])
>   (plot
>     (function earnings #:label "$$$")
>     #:x-min (datetime->real (hour->date 2))
>     #:x-max (datetime->real (hour->date 3

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[racket-users] Time Series in Racket

2015-12-28 Thread Greg Trzeciak
I am trying to do some work with time series but not being able to find any 
mention of time series in documentation nor pkgs+github I need to ask.

What is the Racket way of dealing with time series data? What data structure is 
the best suited to this task? Is there any equivalent to data frames (R)?

Here is simple use case:
1. Download financial data from Yahoo Finance.
2. Apply some transformation (eg. calculate moving average)
3. Plot both original data and transformation using plot package.

Re: 3 Is there any example of plotting with x axis being the time+date 



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Re: [racket-users] DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 3:32:20 PM UTC+1, Robby Findler wrote:
> Hi Greg: just in case it wasn't obvious, Jay also needed to upgrade
> his Racket to a version that's newer than 6.3. You can find our
> snapshot builds here if you want to try that:
>   http://pre.racket-lang.org/installers/
> Robby

Thanks Robby - it wasn't obvious to me and updating to newest snapshot 
resolved the issue.

Thanks Jay for fixing it!
Just in case you still need here is the output of the shaders tests:

Compiling shaders from pict3d/private/engine/draw/draw-passes
Compiling (program-code "fullscreen-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_position, ...
Compiling (program-code "fullscreen-depth-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_posi...
Compiling (program-code "fullscreen-alpha-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_posi...
Compiling (program-code "blend-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_position, 0, 1)...
Compiling (program-code "bloom-extract-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_positio...
Compiling (program-code "bloom-combine-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_positio...
Compiling (program-code "blur-vert-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_position, 0...
Compiling (program-code "blur-horz-program" (vertex-code 
"fullscreen-vertex" '() '() '() '() (list (attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_position") 
(attribute "" 'vec2 "vert_texcoord")) #0=(list (attribute "smooth" 'vec2 
"frag_texcoord")) "gl_Position = vec4(vert_position, 0...
Compiling shaders from pict3d/private/gui/shape/light-grid
Compiling (program-code "light-grid-program" (vertex-code 
"light-grid-vertex" '() '() (list (standard-uniform "" 'mat4 "unproj" 'unproj) 
(standard-uniform "" 'int "width" 'width) (standard-uniform "" 'int "height" 
'height)) '() (list (attribute "" 'float/byte "ve...
Compiling shaders from pict3d/private/gui/shape/point-light-shell
Compiling (program-code "point-light-shell-program" (vertex-code 
"point-light-shell-vertex" (list (partial-code "output-impostor-vertex" (list 
#1=(partial-code "rect" '() '("struct rect {\n  vec3 mins;\n  vec3 maxs;\n  
float is_degenerate;\n};") '() '() '() '()) ...
Compiling shaders from pict3d/private/shape/directional-light
Compiling (program-code "directional-light-program" (vertex-code 
"directional-light-vertex" '() '() (list (standard-uniform "" 'mat4 "unproj" 
'unproj)) '() (list (attribute "" 'float/byte "vert_id")) #0=(list (attribute 
"smooth" 'vec3 "frag_dir")) "// output the ...
Compiling shaders from pict3d/private/shape/cylinder
Compiling (program-code "cylinder-mat-program-30" (vertex-code 
"cylinder-mat-vertex-30" (list (partial-code "output-unit-cube-vertex" '() 
'("void output_unit_cube_vertex2(mat4 trans, mat4 proj, int vertex_id) {\n  
vec4 p = vec4(mix(-1.0, +1.0, float(vertex_id & 1...
Compiling (program-code "cylinder-opaq-program-30" (vertex-code 
"cylinder-draw-vertex-30" (list (partial-code "output-unit-cube-vertex" '() 
'("void output_unit_cube_vertex2(mat4 trans, mat4 proj, int vertex_id) {\n  
vec4 p = vec4(mix(-1.0, +1.0, float(vertex_id &...
Compiling (program-code "cylinder-tran-program-30" (vertex-code 
"cylinder-draw-vertex-30" (list (partial-code "output-unit-cube-vertex" '() 
'("void output_unit_cube_vertex2(mat4 trans, mat4 proj, int vertex_id) {\n  
vec4 p = vec4(mix(-1.0, +1.0, float(vertex_id &...
Compiling shaders from pict3d/private/shape/disk
Compiling (program-code "disk-mat-program-30" (vertex-code 
"disk-mat-vertex-30" (list (partial-code "output-unit-quad-vertex" '() '("void 
output_unit_quad_vertex2(mat4 trans, mat4 proj, int vertex_id) {\n  vec4 p = 

Re: [racket-users] DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 5:00:05 PM UTC+1, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Can you update and check if you still get the same error? If you do,
> or if you get a different one, can you send me the output of
> racket -l pict3d/tests/shaders
> Thanks!
> Jay


I tried running shaders tests but everytime I try I get: "Racket stopped 
working". I tried running some other tests in this catalog: spaceship and 
snowman with the same command and got the same error.
Running it from DrRacket crashes GUI.

As a side note during update of pict3d (or rather at the end of update) 
DrRacket crashed again ("Racket GUI stopped working").


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Re: [racket-users] DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 1:06:55 PM UTC+1, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> Greg - What version of Racket are you running?
> Matthew - Do you know how to get logs from Windows crashes?
> Jay

Racket version is 6.3
My windows event log says that the module causing error in relation to Racket 
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (version: 10.0.10586.20)

full log:
- http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event;>
  C:\Program Files\Racket\DrRacket.exe 

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Re: [racket-users] DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-22 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 2:44:54 PM UTC+1, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> I tried on Windows 10 with 6.2.1 and can confirm that just installing
> pict3d cases a bunch of segfaults.
> If I try with the current snapshot build, I can successfully install
> and run pict3d using an Nvidia GPU.
> Jay

I am currently trying to eliminate possible causes on my end (drivers, memory, 
etc.) so will let you know. 
So far I can say that my Nvidia drivers are definitely up to date.


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Re: [racket-users] DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-20 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Thanks guys for such a quick response on Sunday!
To clarify - the mix problem was definitely the case the first time I tried and 
I was under the impression it was the original - Neil's repo installed from the 
The updated repo (Jay's) simply crashes GUI whenever code is executed so it may 
or may not be related to the original error.


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[racket-users] DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-20 Thread Greg Trzeciak
Having problems in identifying right pict3d github repository to raise the 
issue (due to some maintenance mentioned in Racket Developers) let me raise it 
here first.

I have first installed pict3d about 10 hours ago - no issues during 
installation so I attempted simple code

#lang racket
(require pict3d)
(sphere origin 1/2)

This raised some GL error (about conflicting mix functions if I remember 
correctly  )
Few hours later I updated the package - during update my DrRacket crashed (it 
happened before while updating some other package) but the package seems to be 
installed fine, and tried the same code again. Now DrRacket crashes every time 
I run this code ("Racket GUI application stopped working").

Additionally using DrRacket's Package Manager I can't remove the package - 
Clicking "Remove" prints the following in Output:
application: procedure does not expect an argument with given keyword
  procedure: pkg-remove
  given keyword: #:scope
   #:scope 'user


PS. I am running DrRacket on Windows 10

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[racket-users] Re: DrRacket crashes on simple pict3d script

2015-12-20 Thread Greg Trzeciak
On Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 9:20:05 PM UTC+1, Greg Trzeciak wrote:
> Having problems in identifying right pict3d github repository to raise the 
> issue (due to some maintenance mentioned in Racket Developers) let me raise 
> it here first.

The repo currently used in pkgs seems to be: 

but since it is a fork it doesn't allow raising issues - ("Issues" checkbox 
needs to be checked in the Settings on github first)

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[racket-users] Re: [racket] How to call a Julia function from DrRacket?

2015-05-01 Thread Greg Trzeciak
It's an old thread but just in case someone is looking for the answer Julia has 
(now?) C API:

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 1:58:29 AM UTC+1, E Comer wrote:
 Hi Racket developers, programmers and users:
 Is there a way to call a Julia function from DrRacket? [I'm trying to 
 integrate the number crunching capabilities of Julia with the nice graphics 
 of the Plot module in Racket, to study some properties of particular 
 dynamical systems]
 Thank you very much for your

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