I've recently added another library to Rebellion, this one for reducers 
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/rebellion/Reducers.html>. A *reducer* is a 
way to combine a series of values:

> (require rebellion/streaming/reducer)
> (reduce into-sum 1 2 3 4 5)

You can reduce any sequence using `reduce-all`:

> (reduce-all into-product (in-range 1 20))

You can make a reducer from any fold:

> (define into-reversed-list (make-fold-reducer (lambda (lst v) (cons v 
lst)) '()))
> (reduce-all into-reversed-list (in-range 1 10)
'(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)

You can use `for/reducer` and `for*/reducer` to fold over any `for`-loop 
using a reducer:

> (for/reducer into-reversed-list
               ([n (in-range 2 20)]
                #:when (prime? n))
'(19 17 13 11 7 5 3 2)

And you can implement your own `for/...` macros using a reducer:

> (define-syntaxes (for/reversed-list for*/reversed-list)
    (make-reducer-based-for-comprehensions #'into-reversed-list))
> (for/reversed-list ([n (in-range 2 20)]
                      #:when (prime? n))
'(19 17 13 11 7 5 3 2)

Folds are only the most basic type of reducer: not all reducers are as 
simple as a plain fold. Reducers can use hidden mutable state to make 
reduction performant, and reducers can short-circuit and return a result 
without iterating through the entire sequence. See the 
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/rebellion/Reducers.html> documentation for 
more details, as well as instructions on how to make your own reducers. To 
use, install Rebellion with `raco pkg install rebellion` and import the 
reducers library with `(require rebellion/streaming/reducer)`.

This library is currently in an *experimental alpha* state. I might break 
your code. Warn me before seriously depending on this, *especially* if you 
won't be using it in an open-source package in the package catalog (where 
the package build server can alert me if I break you).

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