with-cache is a small package for saving the results of an expression to
the filesystem

#lang racket/base
(require pict with-cache)

(define (get-fish)
  (with-cache (cachefile "stdfish.rktd")
    (λ () (standard-fish 100 50))))

(get-fish) ;; Builds a fish
(get-fish) ;; Reads a fish from "./compiled/with-cache/stdfish.rktd"

Run the above with `racket -W info@with-cache file.rkt` to see when cache
files get written and read.

By default, cached data is serialized, written in fasl format, and
invalidated if read by a different version of the with-cache library. You
can override all these options; the docs should explain how.

Docs (latest update is yet to sync on the package server):


I started writing this code while working on a Scribble document with lots
of picts in it. (Most of the picts were made by plot. Tweaking plot
parameters led to the *current-cache-keys* parameter.)
William Bowman encouraged me to put an early version of this code on the
package server.
Leif Andersen pointed out LOTS of places where the original code needed to

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