Hi folks,
Here is a by-no-means definitive, and yet hopefully useful library for
working with generators:


In writing this library, I thought about the cases in which one might use a
generator vs a stream in practice. Since Racket provides such great
interfaces for working with streams, why not just always use them, and
maybe convert generators into streams using utilities like in-producer
It somehow felt wrong to do that, so I did some digging to see what people
might have said on the subject. I found a paper
<https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/1317216.1317219> about it, but it
didn't really get into this particular point.

In the end I seemed to converge on that while streams are great for lazy
semantics in general, generators are a more natural fit when, in addition
to requiring lazy semantics:
1. We are working with state and side effects (although of course there's
nothing except good sense preventing us from writing streams that deal in
side effects), or
2. In cases where function semantics are more natural, rather than sequence
semantics, and finally, and probably the most important
3. When we need constant memory guarantees, for instance, while processing
large datasets for some "big data" style task. For this last point, since
streams memoize return values
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/srfi/srfi-std/srfi-41/srfi-41.html>, their
memory requirements should grow linearly, is that right?

Anyway, whatever the reason one might use them, it just felt like working
with generators could be a little more convenient, hence this library.
There are 2 main caveats with using these utilities: (1) they don't support
coroutines, i.e. cases where you need to send data to an "online"
generator, vs just consuming from it (does anyone know if there is a way to
do generator delegation in Racket, like in python
<https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.3.html#pep-380>?), and (2) the
provided "constructors" aren't lazy, so they are best used to manipulate
existing generators rather than truly construct generators from scratch for
production usecases (not sure this pattern of usage would ever really come
up, but just for symmetry with e.g. streams).

Finally, for reference, quickcheck
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/quickcheck/index.html> and rackcheck
<https://docs.racket-lang.org/rackcheck/index.html> also seem to provide
some useful generator-related utilities (not sure if they are limited to
testing usecases).


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