I thought about hacking on /rackunit/ a bit and if it pans out maybe send 
my changes upstream. Typically I would clone a repo and then do raco pkg 
install in its folder so that I have it linked and code that may require it 
picks up latest changes. Very convenient workflow. Except /rackunit/ is 
special (no surprise there) it comes pre-installed and in the installation 
scope and basically other things depend on it, so don't touch it says 
/raco/. Here's what I tried next:

cd to rackunit parent dir and

raco pkg update -i --force --type dir ./rackunit/

but I don't see the "Linking directory ..." message there. Is it copying 
stuff? See, not only do I want my changes picked up automatically by other 
code, I also want to be able to jump to definition and arrive at that local 
repo. And its a good litmus test for whether I'm actually linking or moving 
stuff to collects somewhere.

Trying nuclear (but, really, I have no clue what I'm doing here):

~/Code/rackunit $ raco pkg remove --force rackunit
> ~/Code/rackunit $ raco pkg install --force
> Linking current directory as a package
> raco setup: version:

Looks good. Also I think I installed it as in -user scope. Except, nope. 
Jump to definition still takes me to some share 

Same goes for changing code in locally cloned repo. Changes aren't picked 
up. Is /rackunit/ special somehow? Or is there some weird PATH that's 
shadowing linked /rackunit/? Should I nuke dirs that mention /rackunit/ 
inside racket-


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