
the documentation at https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/fixnums.html
is misleading at best. If you - as I did - use the suggested approach of
requiring optimized (and unsafe) fx... operations from racket/unsafe/ops

(require (filtered-in
          (λ (name) (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name ""))

You end up using _all_ symbols from racket/unsafe/ops. All of them are -
of course - uncontracted. Which means that if you issue for example
vector-ref on something that is not a vector, it can crash the runtime
without any apparent reason - instead of just throwing an exception as
one would expect.

A simple documentation fix should probably go along the lines:

(require racket/require
          (λ (name)
            (and (regexp-match #rx"^unsafe-fx" name)
                 (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name "")))

Or is it just me running into corner cases with optimized Racket code?


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