Hi folks,
Hope everyone's having a relaxing start to the holiday season. I've written
a package dealing with generic relations and types, just announcing it here
in case anyone finds it useful.


The package provides generic versions of order relations like < and =, and
algebraic operators like +, so that they work on any type that exhibits a
structure appropriate for the operation. I think of this as a complement to
something like data/collection, which when used together make the
experience of writing Racket type-agnostic for the most common cases. Here
are some examples:

> (< 1 2 3)

> (< "apple" "banana" "cherry")

> (= "apple" "APPLE")

> (= #:key string-upcase "apple" "APPLE")

> (.. "hi" " " "there")

"hi there"
> (+ #(1 2 3) #(1 2 3) #(1 2 3))

'#(3 6 9)
> (->list (stream 1 2 3))

'(1 2 3)
> (= #:key (.. even? ->number) "12" "20")

> (min #:key length "apple" "pear" "strawberry")


The #:key argument is worth noting as it allows you to provide a definition
of equivalence, i.e. supporting arbitrary equivalence classes on the input
type. This inclusion was inspired by a recent discussion on this list
(cc @George
Neuner <gneun...@comcast.net> ). I also included the /= relation for good
measure :)

Performance wise I haven't really looked into optimizing it since it mostly
dispatches to built-in interfaces, but from profiling at an arm's length
using this package <https://docs.racket-lang.org/profile/index.html> just
to give an idea, it looks like the interfaces range about 1-4x slower than
built-in type-specific relations.

Some next steps or pipe dreams could be:
- supporting "ring" style distributive operators like the usual * for
generalized multiplication.
- looking into multi-dispatch, like what @Alexis talks about here
to make the implementation cleaner. This is probably a necessary
prerequisite to...
- ... adding more algebraic datatypes as templates for generic interfaces
(like the monoid or "composition-like" and group or "addition-like"
interfaces already present)
- ... which could be useful in supporting linear algebra types and
operations like the matrix operations in the math package
- more explicit treatment of order structures like lattices, supremums,
infimums in the order relations so that you could do something like (sup
<args>) and it would return a result using a standard supremum-finding
algorithm across any types for which an order relation has been defined,
for example (sup canid felid) ; => carnivora

This is my first Racket package, so feedback of any kind would be much
appreciated. Thanks!


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