On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 10:09:02 PM UTC+8, Prokop Hapala wrote:
> Hi, 
> I recently found Racket when I was searching some tutorials about Lisp and 
> Metaprogramming. I really like that the community around DrRacket seems to 
> be very much interested in education, making talks and tutorials even for 
> childerens. The doc pages https://docs.racket-lang.org/ seems to be best 
> what I found up to now in Lisp-world.
> What I'm missing however is some example codes which I can just simply 
> download, load in DrRacket, run, and see what it does (without copying it 
> step by step from doc-pages). This is my favourite way of learning - 
> reverse-engineering finished cool demos. I don't like reading tutorials 
> step-by-step. I like just browsing over code examples and see what is 
> interesting.   
> I was searching for some time to find some links e.g. to 
> github-repositories with example codes for Racket, but I did not found 
> almost anything usefull (easily accessible, easy to make i run).
> Maybe you know processing (https://processing.org/), it is in some 
> aspects similar to DrRacket
>    - It tries to bring programming to non-programmers (e.g. arts, 
>    humanities)
>    - It has own minimalistic IDE to make it easier for people
> but unlike DrRacket it has huge amount of example codes packed within the 
> standard instalation, (see attached picture). I think it would be great 
> addition to DrRacket, exactly in direction of what you try to achieve.
> [image: Screenshot_2019-09-09_15-55-18.png]
> Other great thing which help me learn to program are 
> https://www.shadertoy.com/
> https://www.openprocessing.org/
> ... it would be greate if something similar would be there for Racket, 
> Lisp, Haskell or any of these kind of languages

Most of the tutorials I wrote on GUI various topics have a link to a Github 
Gist which has the full code which you can download and run in DrRacket 
directly.  The link is usually provided at the end of each blog post -- 
some posts also require additional data files, and links to those files are 
provided too.

Here is a link to those blog posts, but not all of them are tutorials, 
though: https://alex-hhh.github.io/tags/racket.html

> ( I come from graphics/physics background (imperative languages 
> C/C++,GLSL,OpenCL ...  , high-performace), I have no previous experience 
> with any Lisp-family language nor other functional language  )

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