I believe the message means that the width you specify is greater than the max 
value you also specify.  That is, you probably call it as (set-column-width i 
715 0 596), which could happen if 'perc' is greater than 100.  

You can verify that by printing out all the values and checking them.


On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 1:59:39 AM UTC+8, erich wrote:
> I'm trying to get a list-box% subclass to work with min-widths and
> percentage values, but I'm unable to figure out the correct total width
> to calculate the actual widths.
> Inside the listbox, I store the percentages in percentages and the
> minimum-widths in minimum-widths:
> (define/override (on-size width height)
>       (set-column-dimensions))
> (define (set-column-dimensions)
>   (let-values (((w h) (get-client-size)))
>     (for ([min-width (in-list minimum-widths)]
>           [perc (in-list percentages)]
>           [i (in-naturals)])
>       (let ((perc-width (truncate (* w (/ perc 100)))))
>         (set-column-width i (if (< perc-width min-width)
>                               min-width
>                               perc-width)
>                           min-width
>                           w)))))
> But with this code I get errors like "set-column-width in list-box%:
> given size is greater than maximum size given: 715 maximum: 596"
> Question 1: get-client-size does not seem to return the maximum width of
> all columns, probably because of the scrollbar. How do I get the
> maximum width of all columns?
> Question 2: Is on-size the right place to set the actual width
> computed from the percentages?
> Another problem is a bit more tricky. I believe I should calculate any
> remaining percentage widths on the basis of the maximum total column
> width minus the actual widths already fixed, since min-width is used
> whenever perc-width is too small. I'll save that for later, though, and
> would be happy if somebody could help me with calculating perc-width
> correctly first.
> Best,
> Erich

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