On Thursday, 13 February 2020 06:05:49 UTC+1, Xu Xue wrote:
> Hi, all
> I am a senior student and plan to build a continuous integration system 
> using Racket as my graduation project.
> I'm very new to Racket web programming and CI/CD (about CI system I've 
> already found some great projects to refer to).
I always thought Racket to be a great basis for a CI system. Not only 
because ... well, Racket but because each system necessarily needs a way to 
describe pipelines and most use some sort of yaml. With Racket you could 
potentially design something much closer to what a CI description language 
needs (dreaming now about a #lang ci) while remaining tightly integrated 
with the remainder of the system. Also, the fact that racket supports so 
many platforms would provide an advantage over designing it in other 

I am definitely not an expert in web programming in Racket or in general 
but if I can provide any insights into CI, feel free to reach out. 


> I've just gone through [Web Applications in Racket] and bought [Server: 
> Racket].
> Are there any other starter resources or experiences to share about the 
> Racket web programming?
> Or maybe isn't it a good choice to dive into the web field using Racket?

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