On Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 1:50:23 PM UTC+8, travis....@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to better understand recursion. I decided to rewrite the 
> logmodr function from this blog post 
> <http://www.seascapemodels.org/rstats/2017/02/26/speeding-up-sims.html> as 
> a recursive function. I was easily able to write the recursive functions if 
> all but one of the arguments were set to default values. But I was 
> completely stumped by how to handle the situation without using default 
> argument values. After a considerable amount of flailing about, I finally 
> realized that I could accomplish this task by passing the arguments as a 
> struct (see code below). I find the struct approach relatively intuitive 
> but it strikes me as quite verbose. Are there other (better?) ways to 
> handle this task?

The trick is to use nested functions, like so:

(define (project-pop-1 y r k thetasd t)

  (define (logmod y)
    (define theta (flvector-ref (flnormal-sample 0.0 thetasd 1) 0))
    (* y (- r (* r (/ y k))) (exp theta)))
  (define (loop y i)
    (if (= i t)
        (list y)
        (cons y (loop (logmod y) (add1 i)))))

  (loop y 1))

(project-pop-1 1.0 1.8 20.0 0.1 25)

Also, multiplication accepts any number of arguments, instead of (* a (* b 
c)) when you can write (* a b c)

Also, if you want to use structures, you can use `struct-copy` and 
`match-define` and the code looks much nicer.  Your implementation of 
logmod can be written as:

(define (logmod-1 args-struct)
  (match-define (args y r k thetasd) args-struct)
  (define theta (flvector-ref (flnormal-sample 0.0 thetasd 1) 0))
  (define new-y (* y (- r (* r (/ y k))) (exp theta)))
  (struct-copy args args-struct [y new-y]))


> Thanks,
> Travis
> #lang racket
> (require math)
> (struct args (y r k thetasd) #:transparent) ; only 'y' changes in 
> project-pop function below
> (define (logmod args-struct)
>   (define theta (flvector-ref (flnormal-sample 0.0 (args-thetasd 
> args-struct) 1) 0))
>   (args (* (args-y args-struct) (* (- (args-r args-struct) (* (args-r 
> args-struct) (/ (args-y args-struct) (args-k args-struct)))) (exp theta)))
>         (args-r args-struct)
>         (args-k args-struct)
>         (args-thetasd args-struct)))
> (define (project-pop args-struct t [i 1])
>   (define y (args-y args-struct))
>   (if (= i t)
>       (list y)
>       (cons y (project-pop (logmod args-struct) t (+ i 1)))))
> (project-pop (args 1.0 1.8 20.0 0.1) 25)

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