#lang racket
#| In the docs about procedure curry I read:
" A function call (curry proc v ...) is equivalent to ((curry proc) v ...).
In other words, curry itself is curried. "
This means: |#
((curry list)) ; -> #<procedure:curried>
#| where I would prefer:
((curry list)) ; -> ()
To me the following seems inconsistent : |#
(for/list ((n (in-range 0 3)))
 ((apply curry list (build-list n identity)) 'rest))
 (0 rest)
 (0 1 rest))
where I would prefer:
 (0 rest)
 (0 1 rest))
QUESTION: What is the deeper thought underlying the self currying of
procedure curry?
Do you have examples where the self currying of procedure curry makes sense?
Procedure curry does not produce a procedure if the maximum number of
arguments is already present.
To me it seems more logical curry always returning a procedure. For example:
(curry cons 1 2) ; -> (1 . 2), where I would prefer #<procedure:curried>.
#| Ignoring keyword arguments
and simplifying by omitting additional checks on arities,
I would define procedure kurry as follows: |#
(define (kurry proc . args) ; -> procedure? (yes, always a procedure)
 ; proc : procedure?
 ; args : list-of any/c
 (define (rename proc) (procedure-rename proc 'curried))
 ; When kurry is called it returns a curried procedure,
 ; even when we already have enough arguments.
 ; It must not yet call procedure proc.
 ; When the kurried procedure is called and has enough arguments,
 ; it must call the proc. Otherwise it must kurry again.
 ; Therefore we need a helper.
 (define (help . args)
  (if (procedure-arity-includes? proc (length args))
      (apply proc args)
      (rename (λ more-args (apply help (append args more-args))))))
 ; Now return the curried proc:
 (rename (λ more-args (apply help (append args more-args)))))
((kurry list)) ; -> ()
(for/list ((n (in-range 0 3)))
 ((apply kurry list (build-list n identity)) 'rest))
; -> ((rest) (0 rest) (0 1 rest))
(kurry cons 1 2 3) ; -> #<procedure:curried>
((kurry cons 1 2)) ; -> (1 . 2)
((kurry cons 1) 2) ; -> (1 . 2)
((kurry cons) 1 2) ; -> (1 . 2)
(((kurry cons) 1) 2) ; -> (1 . 2)
#| For procedures with an arity-at-least in their arity,
it may be useful to specify a depth of currying: |#
(define (kurryn n proc . args)
 (if (zero? n) (apply proc args)
   (λ more-args (apply kurryn (sub1 n) proc (append args more-args)))
(kurryn 0 list 1) ; -> (1)
(kurryn 1 list 1) ; -> #<procedure:curried>
((kurryn 1 list 1) 2) ; -> (1 2)
((kurryn 2 list 1) 2) ; -> #<procedure:curried>
(((kurryn 2 list 1) 2) 3) ; -> (1 2 3)
; whereas, of course:
(((curry list 1) 2) 3)
; and
(((kurry list 1) 2) 3)
#| ->
application: not a procedure;
 expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
  given: (1 2)
Is is obvious that applying the idea of currying to
procedures of arity 0 or procedures with an arity-at-least
requires some choices.
In lambda calculus we don't have this problem.
Thanks, Jos |#

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