Re: [racket-users] Making a snip% select itself in a text%

2017-03-02 Thread Matthew Flatt
At Thu, 2 Mar 2017 11:12:16 +, Erich Rast wrote:
> Hi! I have a simple non-editable and non-resizable snip% class that in
> its draw function distinguishes whether it's selected or not. It works
> fine when I select it in a text% with the mouse.
> Now I want to select it in the text% when the user left-clicks on it,
> so I've overridden on-event and tried this:
> (define/public (select-this-snip)
>   (define editor (send (get-admin) get-editor))
>   (define pos (send editor get-snip-position this))
>   (send editor set-position pos (+ pos 1)))
> It *does* select the snip in the sense that a selection background is
> drawn (which is visible on the edges, since the snip itself uses a
> rounded rectangle), but the snip itself is not drawn as highlighted,
> even though I check whether draw-caret is a pair in the draw method. It
> is correctly drawn when I select it manually with the mouse, though.


  (send editor set-caret-owner #f)

to send keyboard focus back to the editor.

When you click a snip that has 'handles-events, then keyboard focus is
moved to the snip instead of to the enclosing editor.

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[racket-users] Making a snip% select itself in a text%

2017-03-02 Thread Erich Rast
Hi! I have a simple non-editable and non-resizable snip% class that in
its draw function distinguishes whether it's selected or not. It works
fine when I select it in a text% with the mouse.

Now I want to select it in the text% when the user left-clicks on it,
so I've overridden on-event and tried this:

(define/public (select-this-snip)
  (define editor (send (get-admin) get-editor))
  (define pos (send editor get-snip-position this))
  (send editor set-position pos (+ pos 1)))

It *does* select the snip in the sense that a selection background is
drawn (which is visible on the edges, since the snip itself uses a
rounded rectangle), but the snip itself is not drawn as highlighted,
even though I check whether draw-caret is a pair in the draw method. It
is correctly drawn when I select it manually with the mouse, though.

I've tried resize and various other refresh methods in editor and
snip-admin with and without wrapping it into queue-callback, but none of
them worked so far. Should I redraw it manually by calling draw



(define attachment-snip%
  (class snip%
(inherit set-snipclass set-style get-style set-flags get-admin)
(init-field attachment)
(init-field (click-callback #f))

(define/public (get-display-name)
  (string-append " "  (send attachment get-name) " "))
(define/override (get-extent dc x y [w #f] [h #f]
 [descent #f] [space #f]
 [lspace #f] [rspace #f])
  (let-values ([(tw th tdist tvspace)
(send dc get-text-extent
  (send (get-style) get-font)
(when h (set-box! h (max 22 (+ th 4
(when w (set-box! w (+ tw 22)))
(when descent (set-box! descent tdist))
(when space (set-box! space tvspace))
(when lspace (set-box! lspace 5))
(when rspace (set-box! rspace 5

(define (get-pict)
  (case (send attachment get-type)
(("file") icons:snip-file-pict)
(("image-file") icons:snip-image-pict)
(("link") icons:snip-link-pict)
(("url") icons:snip-url-pict)
 (log-warning "attachment-snips:attachment-snip%:get-pict
unknown attachment type ~s" (send attachment get-type))

(define (get-init-style)
  (case (send attachment get-type)
(("file") file-style)
(("image-file") image-style)
(("link") link-style)
(("url") url-style)
 (log-warning "attachment-snips:attachment-snip%:get-style
unknown attachment type ~s" (send attachment get-type))

(define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy
 (define-values (tw th tdist tvspace) 
(send dc get-text-extent (get-display-name)
 (send (get-style) get-font) #t 0))
  (define w (+ tw 22))
  (define h (max 22 (+ th 4)))
  (define background-color
(if (pair? draw-caret)
(scale-color 0.8 (send (get-style) get-background))
(send (get-style) get-background)))
  (define background
 w h
 #:color background-color
 #:border-color (scale-color 0.8 background-color)
 #:draw-border? #t))
  (define c-new (send (get-style) get-background))
  (define old-pen (send dc get-pen))
  (send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
  (draw-pict background dc x y)
  (draw-pict (scale-to-fit (get-pict)
 dc (+ x 4) (+ y 4))
  (send dc set-pen old-pen)
  (when (and (pair? draw-caret) (get-highlight-text-color))
(send dc set-text-foreground (get-highlight-text-color)))
  (send dc set-text-background background-color)
  (send dc draw-text (get-display-name) (+ x 20) (+ y 4) #t))

(define/override (adjust-cursor dc x y editorx editory evt)

(define/public (select-this-snip)
  (define editor (send (get-admin) get-editor))
  (define pos (send editor get-snip-position this))
  (send editor set-position pos (+ pos 1)))
(define/override (on-event dc x y editorx editory evt)
  (case (send evt get-event-type)
((left-down) (select-this-snip)(displayln "left"))
((right-down) (displayln "right"))
((middle-down) (displayln "middle"

(define/override (copy)
  (make-object attachment-snip% attachment))

(define/override (get-text offset num [flattened? #f])
  (send attachment get-name))

(define/override (write f)
  (send f put (send attachment get-id)))

(set-snipclass attachment-snip-class)
(set-style (get-init-style))
(set-flags '(handles-events handles-all-mouse-events