If it wasn't abundantly clear yet, I'm a Racket noob, so when I had this
kind of thing in my code:

(define x 'a)
(case x
  (('a) return-something)
  (('b) return-something-else)
  (('c) return-yet-another-thing))

  I was baffled to find out that the case form always returned void (thanks
I made this mistake a few times in the past: quoting symbols in case forms.
I'm human, humans make errors, and I make a LOT of errors.
  I wrote the case form out of habit. I quoted symbols out of habit. I
didn't test the proc in the REPL, because well, I was quite sure how case
worked. The same habit pushed me to write a test. But I thought... bah this
is just too simple, why bother? Yet I should have, because it would have
instantly showed me that my expectations were off.

(module+ test
  (require rackunit))
(define (bad-case x)
  (case x
    (('a) return-something)
    (('b) return-something-else)
    (('c) return-yet-another-thing)))
; unit test
(module+ test
  (check-equal? (bad-case 'b) 'b))
; test fails, bad-case returns void.

Obviously the correct syntax is:

(case x
    ((a) return-something)
    ((b) return-something-else)
    ((c) return-yet-another-thing))

  That very basic mistake made me spend quite a few hours tracking where
that void was coming from. And when that void pipes through a few functions
before landing in a find-files predicate, and that the error doesn't quite
mentions which parameter it came from...

  I read somewhere, that we should use plenty of asserts in our code. I
usually have unit tests for most of my functions, except on the ones I find
trivial. Silly mistake.
  So uh.. if you're a noob like me, write lots of tests. Test your
functions in the REPL. We say 'there's no such thing as a stupid question'.
I say, there's no such thing as a stupid test. Best of all, tests are free
with Racket!


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