Sam: Thanks for the link to the source

Jon: I didn't include an example in my original post because the call is 
for obtaining an authorization token from a private server which made it 
awkward to share. But, thanks to your example, I pursued coming up with a 
good example and managed to get my original snippet working. I've pasted 
the  example with the test server I used below.  I found this server 
( helpful because it echos the data element that it received -- 
this enabled me to sort out my typos...

Jan Erik

#lang racket
(require net/http-client json)
(let* ((user "test_user")
        (password "test_password")
        (ht (hasheq 'client_id "test_client" 'grant_type "Bearer" 'username 
user 'password password)))
  (define-values (status headers in)
      (http-sendrecv ""
                     #:ssl? #t
                     #:version "1.1"
                     #:method "POST"
                     #:data (jsexpr->string ht)
                     #:headers (list "Content-Type: application/json")))
    (displayln status)
    (displayln headers)
    (displayln (port->string in))
    (close-input-port in))

On Friday, May 15, 2020 at 3:57:52 PM UTC-4, je back wrote:
> I'm having trouble with formatting the #:data parameter to a http-sendrecv 
> request.  If I insert the string literal after #:data "my string" it works, 
> if I bind the string to a symbol (define my-string "my string") and call 
> with #:data my-string i get an error from the severs: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad 
> Request .  Is there a way to echo or examine the request as sent? 
> Also, I can't figure out where the source code for this library is located.
> Thanks,
> Jan Erik

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