I wonder if *just solved your homework...*

(define (same-value? vec)
  (define test-val (vector-ref vec 0))
  (if (zero? test-val)
      (let ((same? (for/and ((v (in-vector vec)))
                     (eqv? test-val v))))
        (and same? test-val))))

(define (winner-by-row row-num)
  (define row (vector-ref board row-num))
  (same-value? row))

(define (winner-by-col col-num)
  (define col (for/vector ((row (in-vector board)))
                (vector-ref row col-num)))
  (same-value? col))

(define (winner-by-diag direction)
  (define diag (for/vector (((row index) (in-indexed board)))
                 (define idx (if (eqv? direction 1)
                                 (- (vector-length row) (add1 index))))
                 (vector-ref row idx)))
  (same-value? diag))

(define winner (lambda ()
                 ; return winner (1 or 2) or 0 if no winner

                  (for/or ((row (in-range 3)))
                    (winner-by-row row))
                  (for/or ((col (in-range 3)))
                    (winner-by-col col))
                  (winner-by-diag 1)
                  (winner-by-diag -1)


On Friday, May 4, 2018 at 2:12:17 AM UTC+8, ademko...@gmail.com wrote:
> hey guys, struggling with a project, have an incomplete template of a 
> noughts and crosses game but need to change the state and display the 
> winner once they have 3 in a row.
> #lang racket/gui
> ; o and x game
> ; with a GUI. Attempts to use an MVC-like approach.
> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Model: State of the game
> ; use vectors as they are mutable - we can change the state
> (define board (vector
>                (vector 0 0 0)
>                (vector 0 0 0)
>                (vector 0 0 0) ))
> ; Size of game:
> (define rows 3)
> (define cols 3)
> ; current go: either 1 or 2
> (define currentPlayer 1)
> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; functions to modify state
> (define updateState (lambda (rowNum colNum val)
>                       ; update the state 
>                       (vector-set! (vector-ref board rowNum) colNum val)
>                       ))
> (define switchPlayer (lambda () (set! currentPlayer (- 3 currentPlayer))))
> (define winner (lambda ()
>                  ; return winner (1 or 2) or 0 if no winner
>                  ; row
>                  ; col
>                  ; diagonal
>                  0))
> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; View: create button matrix; 
> ; adds a button to container - callback does the actionFunc and calls 
> update to refresh display
> ; updateFunc added to the updator set
> (define addButton (lambda (container actionFunc updateFunc rowNum colNum)
>                     (let ((newBut
>                            (new button% [label ""] [parent container] 
> [callback
> (lambda (button event)
> (actionFunc)
> (update)
> )])
>                            ))
>                       (addUpdator (lambda () (updateFunc newBut)))
>                       )
>                     ))
> (define createButRow (lambda (rowContainer rowNum numberOfButtons)
>                        ; create a row of buttons
>                        (cond
>                          ((equal? numberOfButtons 0))
>                          (else  (let ((buttonIndex (+ (* cols (- rowNum 
> 1)) numberOfButtons)))
>                                   (addButton
>                                    rowContainer
>                                    (lambda () ; actionFunc: set data item 
> buttonIndex to currentPlayer; change currentPlayer
>                                      (updateState (- rowNum 1) (- 
> numberOfButtons 1) currentPlayer)
>                                      (switchPlayer)
>                                      )
>                                    (lambda (button) (updateButton button 
> (- rowNum 1) (- numberOfButtons 1) )) ; updateFunc
>                                    rowNum numberOfButtons)
>                                   )
>                                 (createButRow rowContainer rowNum (- 
> numberOfButtons 1)))
>                          )))
> (define createButtonRows (lambda (vContainer rowCount colCount)
>                            ; create a rowCount rows of buttons
>                            (cond
>                              ((equal? rowCount 0) )
>                              (else  
>                               (createButRow 
>                                (new horizontal-panel% [parent vContainer]
>                                     [alignment '(center center)])  
> rowCount colCount)
>                               (createButtonRows vContainer (- rowCount 1) 
> colCount) 
>                               )
>                              )
>                            )
>   )
> (define createBoard (lambda (container rowCount colCount) 
>                       (createButtonRows 
>                        (new vertical-panel% [parent container]
>                             [alignment '(center center)])
>                        rowCount colCount)
>                       )
>   )
> ; add a message box at the bottom: this will be updated by do show whose 
> turn it is
> (define addMessageArea (lambda (container)
>                          (let  ((messageBox (new message% [label ""] 
> [parent container] [ auto-resize #t])))
>                            (addUpdator (lambda ()
>                                          (let ((w (winner)))
>                                            (cond
>                                              ((equal? w 0) (send 
> messageBox set-label (format "Player ~a to play" currentPlayer)))
>                                              (#t (send messageBox 
> set-label (format "Winner is ~a" w)))
>                                              )
>                                            ))
>                                        ))))
> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; update a button - change label and disable
> (define updateButton (lambda (but rowNum colNum)
>                        (let* ((val (vector-ref (vector-ref board  rowNum) 
> colNum))
>                               (str (cond
>                                      ((= val 1) "X")
>                                      ((= val 2) "O")
>                                      (#t "")
>                                      )))
>                          (send but set-label str)
>                          (cond ((> val 0) (send but enable #f))) ; disable 
> if already played in that cell
>                          )
>                        )
>   )
> ; list of functions to update display
> (define updators (list))
> ; run all update functions
> (define update (lambda ()
>                  (for-each (lambda (func) (func))  updators)
>                  ))
> (define addUpdator (lambda (fun)
>                      (set! updators (cons fun updators))))
> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; initialisation - create the view
> (define myFrame (new frame%
>                      [label "O and X game"]
>                      [width 200] [height 200]))
> (createBoard myFrame rows cols)
> (addMessageArea myFrame)
> (send myFrame show #t)
> (update)

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