#lang racket 


*require net/smtp)(smtp-send-message  "s...@server.de"                      
"recei...@mailadress.de"                                     "NEW MESSAGE 
SMTP !"                                    "HI , THIS IS THE MESSAGE !"    
                                 [#:port-no 25                              
        #:auth-user  "sen...@mailadress.de"                                 
                      #:auth-passwd  "123456"                              
        #:tcp-connect                                      #:tls-encode     
                                                      25])           Hi ,i 
want to run this code. This is the result :  Something i have made wrong ?$ 
racket sendmail_1.rktsendmail_1.rkt:11:35: #%datum: keyword used as an 
expression  in: #:port-no  context...:  

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