The gen:stream documentation has this example:

(define-struct list-stream (v)
    #:methods gen:stream
    [(define (stream-empty? stream)
       (empty? (list-stream-v stream)))
     (define (stream-first stream)
       (first (list-stream-v stream)))
     (define (stream-rest stream)
       (rest (list-stream-v stream)))])

I believe this example is broken in a sneaky way; the “stream-rest” operation 
returns a simple list rather than a list-stream. This happens to “work” wrt 
things like stream-rest and stream-first because lists are also streams. I 
claim that this should instead read:

(define-struct list-stream (v)
    #:methods gen:stream
    [(define (stream-empty? stream)
       (empty? (list-stream-v stream)))
     (define (stream-first stream)
       (first (list-stream-v stream)))
     (define (stream-rest stream)
       (list-stream (rest (list-stream-v stream))))])

Can someone confirm that this is just a typo?


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